Tomi Lahran was arrested many times for prostitution as well as shoplifting.
How did she become the voice of conservative America?
Tomi Lahran was arrested many times for prostitution as well as shoplifting.
How did she become the voice of conservative America?
She sucked enough Jewish cock
Proofs on any of that
>Tomi Lahran was arrested many times for prostitution as well as shoplifting.
prove it
yeah I hate this girl but stop posting fake stuff.
Don't ever assume that because a woman is right-leaning she can't be a whore. This is where a lot of you idiots are wrong. "Where can I find a redpilled girl??" That's only the first part. Also, proof/source?
You suck dick for gas money then walk home faggot
I'm not linking porn on a Christian board.
oh fuck, that zing
She's hot
I wanna make her simmer down
That sounds like Fake News bud
Does Tomi Lahren have Swedish heritage?
Wikipedia says Norwegian but Lahren sounds more Swedish.
I think if she does, she might as well go fuck Trevor Noah because it's in her blood.
you guys relize that some of the biggest sluts are religious women right
id let her play with cock anyday
Give me source Mikko.
As a Christian, Thank you.
>"There is an umbrella over the sex industry that makes it seem different, but is it really?" >"You clock in and go to work. Some nights it's fun, and some nights I'm sure it's not. Just like any other job."
All talk and no proof as usual. I wouldn't even care if she fucked black dudes, its her business. The thing that gets me is people trying to use that as a way to somehow discredit her (after she made the daily show and its ilk look terrible). They got humbled and taken in by her at the same time and that scared the shit out of them so they need to destroy her for some reason.
She's not
Wow, I really trust niggerspeak on Facebook.
>Something with memelaughemojis is a credible source
There should be a police record with a mugshot if it were true. All publicly attainable.
not surprised a finn doesn't have reading comprehension
don't worry pal, you might some day!
did you read the article?
Did some searching. The only evidence is from accusations and claims by far left ultra-normies, without a single shred of evidence.
Literally just an accusative tweet that got taken down and a FB post that claims "public record" shows that she was a prostitute shoplifter, without actually linking to any public records or specifying what they are.
Oh and the people spreading it are the same who spread "WE WUZ KANGS".
Stripping isn't prostitution. And still just something that could be just typed up. Where is the source you Finnish shit. Don't make me sick the Koreans on you.
They need a placeholder since Megyn went SJW
Finns are Mongoloid rape babies. No need to take their opinions seriously.
Show a public record proving your claims. Nigger speak isn't sufficient evidence.
>when you want to destroy a white women's integrity by insinuating she likes the BBC
>it only upsets negresses, reminded of their inferiority
Killing Every Kang (kek)
Here's his "source"
A desperate liberal hit piece by some obscure liberal outlet. And even if that quote is true, all that shows is that she at one point drank the liberal kool-aid and defended some BLM slut.
damn, her boyfriend is a Navy Seal. She only dates alphas.
gonna need some mug shots on this
Literally who
That source! Its undeniable! Oh wait, after ACTUALLY reading, it turns out Tomi wrote the piece about a different student in Las Vegas...
>I'd pay to see her strip and it wouldn't change my opinion of her tbqh
If it's public record, where the fuck is it?
Most Seals are beta manlets.
>She Accused Beyonce’s Fans of Believing That ‘Racism Is a One-Way Street’
ahahahaha, its true desu, they do believe that. Glad Heavy was there to clear that up.
Tomi has bisexual tendencies? Can she get any better?
Sup Forums didn't even care about her until (((they))) tried to kill her career. We really are contrarian to the core. Or we just stand up for people getting the shaft by juden unilaterally.
It's literally a whole different person with the same name. What the fuck dude? Are you that dense or are you trying to troll?
This bitch is just another cuckservative looking to whore her name as much as possible. Going on the daily nigger and then interviewing Charlamagne. Yuck
Would be smart for the left to push some false stories about the right to try and get this fake news censorship shit through the house of reps.
Be weary of the shills
>different person with the same name
>She graduated from UNLV in 2014
Take a seat
If true
Dismiss her now
T bh she is a dim bulb
Later Tommy
The fake news angle is blowing up in their faces. Any story (((they))) come up with can just as easily be decried as fake news back at them. Its a bold move, cotton, and all that.
They had to have known how much of a slippery slope it was to try and pull it. All we have to do is convince normies to use it. The population is getting woke.
Stop posting until you come back with a police report of the incident with an accompanying mugshot. You just look like a cuck without, and I thought fins were the one nation that wasn't a cuck outta you plus flag having fagets.
U fucks want legit smarter than u women?
Conservative that will ruin vile libs lives?
Laura ingraham
Judge Jeanine
No tommy
Because that's the definition for any white female conservative.
>thief and slutty
Again, she WROTE the piece. She wasn't the subject of the piece you fucking chimney puffer.
>We need to end the discrimination against sex workers!
>Slut shaming is wrong.
Also Liberals:
Also non white cons?
Aj Delgado
Katrina w
Harris Faulkner
Many others
>come back with a police report of the incident
It's easy to seal your criminal records in Nevada if you have money
And do people who resort to selling their bodies usually have that type of money?
Also if thats her, you invalidated all your claims. A girl with the middle name Augustus is based.
>white people itt
more like
>single finfuck keeps trying and failing
Isn't this "slut shaming"? So what if she was a prostitute or whatever?
It is, yes. Ironically, most conservatives excel at it, because they typically frown upon sexually liberated women, so it's odd they would give her a pass.
>the lack of reading ability
>that flag