>Not living in Gainesville, Florida
Other urls found in this thread:
>living in 2016
No, seriously, this year sucks
Please just end yourself. Gators are faggots.
>living in Florida
>any year
There's a reason 99% of the clips on Cops come from Florida.
Sometimes I really wonder how many of you faggots are living around me. I see Florida mentioned all the time here. Even in /fit/ every fucking uni gym thread mentions southwest.
Kill yourself
Literally the only liveable city in FL
>That campus
>that road map
Enjoy being famous for UF and nothing else, cunt.
>Not being orlando
>not being important enough to be the site of a terrorist attack second only to Twin towers
You a bitch, nigger.
Hey, I like visiting Florida.
Excuse you, I'm UCF alumni.
Orlando is alright, I'll give you that. But, the rest of the state needs to be nuked.
You must be from an alternate time line then, my regards.
>not being from Tampa
>be alumni of UCF
>making excuses for gainesville
Not adding up.
5 min. from UCF here. I used to live in Miami for 18 years and Orlando is leagues better.
Alachua county sucks ass. You cant debate that. If UF wasnt in town, it would be more backwoods than keystone heights.
100% true, but the people on campus are still just as bad as the people off campus. My quiet town in brevard county 15 minutes away from the coast is much better in every way.
But I do
Literally lived there for a year. Seen more people hit by dumb student drivers than the rest of my life combined.
>leave Naples
>move to Gainesville for school
Can't wait to leave this hick fuck town.
>Not living in Palm Bay
fuck you at the moment
Fuck just about everything about palm bay.
City tribalism is our strength.
>Not living at jax beach
>not attending Nease highschool during the tebow years
Florida-Texas-Australia alliance when
I could walk about 2 minutes and replicate that picture with me holding a black homeless guy instead of a redfish
post ending in 904 and I will deliver
Florida is the australia of the US.
Texas are non-white.
Seriously lads this arctic front is pretty gnarly. It's like 50 - 60 outside here.
At least it kills off all the Zika bugs.
steve is that you
I lived off Archer during college. Nice town.
>mfw my toes got chilly when I went to Publix in my flip-flops today
it was fucking brutal
FSU student, moving to Jacksonville for some programming bucks soon
Hills of Florida here IE Clermont. 20 Min's North of Orlando. Can't complain. Very Pro 2nd Amendment County, low crime and decent charter schools.
Get me out of South Florida.
I loved doing touch and goes in muh Semislow (Seminole) at KGNV during flight training.
Nice, move somewhere near the junction of JTB Blvd and A1A. Basically the border of St. John's and duval counties
Thanks Ill take a look at that area
>Not living on the Space Coast.
That's the only good part of Florida.
no. the whole of the south is haunted, but florida is fucking double haunted. fuck that shit.
Maine just doesn't know the cool toes struggle. Can you imagine getting a publix sub with chilly toes year round?
Dunno how the rest of the country does it.
That cunt would have a couple bullets in the passenger door, believe.
I did the same thing, though i came back to naples and now i appreciate the town more so after being exposed to that liberal shit hole.
>live in quiet suburban town in brevard county 15 minutes away from the coast that is 90+% white
>currently stuck in shithole gainesville for one more year to finish chem eng
I feel I will be doing the same, user. Hate to admit it but found myself missing Naples and it's lack of liberal hippie bullshit.
I don't know if all of you are talking about UF, but after a few years here I've come to appreciate that it isn't all that bad. Compared to other universities, UF really isn't too crazy with its leftist propaganda on campus and as long as you major in a STEM department you usually don't even notice it. Even Turlington isn't as bad as it could be.
>mfw living in tallahaassee
STEM fields in general don't give a shit about leftist propoganda, user.
It's hard to convince perma virgins that 2 + 2 = racism.
I'm from WPB and I'm leaving this shit hole state to move out west. Fuck Florida.
I know, but I mean UF overall as a university isn't as liberal when compared to other universities. I spent a day at FIU once, now let me tell you that is a liberal hellhole. It can always get worse.
were there decent traps at least at FIU ?
You could have actually made an impact if you were on the UCF campus though.
Following the Pulse nightclub attack? That should have been gays for trump ground zero.
Yeah I'm talking about UF.
>as long as you major in a STEM department you usually don't even notice it
That's my problem.
I wear my Trump hat on UF campus every day even after he won. Majority of responses are positive, but it didn't get as much attention as I thought it would. I'll probably stop wearing it next semester after his inauguration.
Sometimes I wonder what this decade will be remembered for. Then I realize it won't be remembered at all because everyone was glued to their phone the whole time.
>not much attention
That's why being on the line is more important than being comfortable.
But hey. We all eat at publix, so it's cool.
Do you have wawa's in gainesville yet?
I see the all the time in Miami. Christ, I fucking hate cubans who can't drive for shit.
>Getting out of university today
>Cunt with pound of makeup on talking on phone
>Waiting at traffic light, both of us are at the front
>She makes a right turn (while in the middle lane) and goes in the other way
Cubans are given a fast track for citizenship when they come here, and typically new arrivals apply for disability (when they're obviously not disabled) and get tons of gov't gibsmedats. Not only that, but they're the worst fucking drivers ever, as bad as a female chinese driver.
Personally, I'd love to live somewhere comfy. I've considered somewhere in the Tampa Bay area or Ormond Beach. The former due to the Florida Symphony and the latter due to comfiness.
No, they all look like bad caricatures. Tons of fags though
Kek demands it
>dem quints
nice quads
Ignore me, literally drunk as fuck and can't count.
Where can a white man live safely in Florida. I want to flee Texas. Tired of this state
FIU is a shithole and the president is a globalist Jew. In order to get a bachelor's you need to take two globalism courses (the class of courses are typically unrelated to your major). UM isn't much better, it just has 100x more Jews.
I fail to see how this is related to a chemistry degree.
Is it hot in florida?
do good men see the day?
No thanks I like my cities full of Cubans or old people
Palm Bay is a shithole only second to Port St John. Out of Brevard, I like living in Cocoa Beach alright, although I'm moving oos soon.
Just stay away from meth and don't expect to find a woman of quality ever.
Not in the winter. It's very mild. You'll need long pants and close toed shoes, but every other season, you can wear shorts.
Used to have to go to Jax on a daily basis from Georgia. I still can't believe how many cars I saw in the ditch on the 95 near the bridge. It'd rain and I'd see 6-8 a day, both ways. Fuck, it'd be dry and I'd still see cars in the ditch. I don't know what's in the water down there but goddamn, Florida drivers are second only to Californians
tell me more about the wampus cat please
Nearly every week now in Gainesville at least one homeless person asks me for money or cigarettes. Either when I go to walmart on waldo or go down town to get hot wings or beer.
Sometimes I almost want to let them have my hot wings because I know there is no way in hell they could ever handle the nuclear hot sauce. It'd make them shit out their entire insides for the next 12 hours if they ever managed to finish it.
UF requires a diversity course and an international course credit, and I can't remember if they allow overlapping for both at once. I remember I took a course on disabilities that focuses on autism. It also requires a worthless course called "The Good Life" for every major, which is about as close to indoctrination the university ever gets. The female Indian professor who leaded it gets univerally terrible reviews and is the head of the religious studies department or something.
not hot, it just gets warm and really humid, the breeze makes it bearable for most people
I recently got an email from FIU (to the entire student body) that they would serve the student no matter their legal status, be they citizens or DACA/Dreamers.
This place (Miami in general) is a leftist cesspool, and I absolutely despise it. It's also where Yeb! and Rubio reside.
Gville here. If you see an ultra swole brah at the gym its probably me
The fuck is that image supposed to explain?
>come home
>load Sup Forums
>my town has a thread
It's a comfy, foresty kind of feel.
Also, Florida related
To be fair Rubio is a UF graduate. I went to the UF Republican group a couple times in the primaries and he was their chosen candidate by a good margin when polled, but in general nobody here gives a fuck about him. To be fair again even though Alachua went 60% Hillary, the support for her here was practically nonexistent.
why are you guys shying away from the wampus cat question
>to be fair
Do you ever press post, reread, and immediately hate yourself with a passion?
The heat doesn't get too bad in most places, but the humidity transforms this place into an absolute shithole for 90% of the year.
Never heard of it. Only video of it is a coyote with mange.
Did it on purpose, hope you're triggered faggot.
Any Orlando bros wanna blow me?
I'm near ucf
>did it on purpose
You know you didn't. You don't have to lie.
Not sure, it was part of a globalism class I had to take though. Required for my bachelor's. Not sure what it means, but that SJW shit is even spilling into STEM. (Pic related, a survey at the end of the semester for one of my lab classes had this question).
Rubio is a UM graduate and he actually taught a semester or two at FIU. The only reason he does so well is because
1) Name recognition
2) He's ""Cuban""" so all the Cubans here will vote for him, just like what the blacks did for Obama.
3) Will say whatever to stay in office, even alternates between a protestant church and a catholic church (same church in Coral Gables that Yeb! attends). I'm sure he'll be hitting up synagogues too in the future.
Remember the primaries? He won only Miami-Dade, whereas Trump won the rest of the state.
>nuke Tampa
Moved to miami beach two months ago. I need a new job. I though ee was supposed to be easy to find a job
>to be fair again
>a drunk retard is trying to start shit over this
Didn't know he was a UM graduate too.
Come at me, bitch.
Prefer soflo weather and beaches but the nigger/spic infestation is intolerable
Who /Sanibel Island/ here?
Florida stands with you, straya bro
I go to MDC please fucking kill me.
It's liberal indoctrination and the people are shit