>applied to Yale, legacy admission
>New Haven is 40+% black
Why must I suffer like this.
>applied to Yale, legacy admission
>New Haven is 40+% black
Why must I suffer like this.
Other urls found in this thread:
Then fucking leave the university and stop being a crybaby, you racist little bitch. Go enroll at Crackertown University or some shit
What is this picture from?
have fun with sassy black political women,
>legacy Harvard applicant
You could have just said "Jew"
Shut up nigger
>work my ass off to get into an elite business school
>whites are a minority
The feels hit home my brother
This, so fucking much. Stop being a racist prick and accept that some African Americans are just as smart, if not smarter than you. Be glad that you are anonymous, otherwise we'd report your ass to Yale
Does it really matter? This is simply your typical white female encounter with niggers.
Wasn't legacy created to give spots WASP's away from jews?
Elm city represent nigga.
But for real.. Yale property is literally all white/Chinese. Don't leave the property and pull seldom see a nigger. Hell a lot of yalies don't even go downtown to church st or orange st to party.
You'll be just fine. New haven is the bomb. Send me some abates.
Maybe minorities are smarter than most whites too? I don't understand why you waste time spreading racist, stale memes on the Internet and expect entitlements, you racist loser. Go finish your bag of Doritos
Btw my dudes, I didn't get accepted to yale (((yet))). Legacy only bumps my chance from 9% to 25ish
Did I hurt your feelings, Ahmed?
Cry into a bowl of hummus as Al-Jezeera quietly plays in the background
>Whites make up 62% of America
>until recently they also held a proportionate amount of college seats
>minority affirmative action measures / quotas / bonuses encourage universities, who are a definite business, to take a less-deserving minority over a more-deserving white person
>this makes them smarter
>why must I suffer like this
Because your country is non-white, idiot
>a fucking abbo
>theres an under 2% chance any given Australian is an abbo
>46% chance any given American is Hispanic or Africa
Okay buddy
You caught me, I am Africa
>This is simply your typical white female encounter with niggers.
Not so. She is not interested in him.
Im from the greater New Haven area, just be glad its not Hartford, New Haven and the surrounding towns can be fun if you stay out of the shit areas like fairhaven. Great Pizza and pastry shops all over the place, Guilford and Madison, close by with nice beaches and uper class whites. New Haven aint that bad bud!
No, I am Africa.
>haha! I almost had to face an argument but it looks like you made a typo buddy! Checkmate!
it's getting less black too
Yale alumnus here. Just don't leave the Yale bubble and you'll be fine. It's there for a reason, and that's to keep you away from the niggers. Half of the residential colleges have moats, for fuck's sake. The only people that ever get into trouble are the Chinese grad students that live off campus and don't know what a bad neighborhood in America is like. Also, remember that any American blacks that aren't flamingly gay are there to steal your shit; don't let them in anywhere.
>Great Pizza
My friends took me there, to a place called Pepe's (the irony!). It was a life-changing meal.
And stay away from the Skull and Bones building. There's some freaking shady stuff going on behind those doors.
>less black
Lol is this a joke
Why are colleges always surrounded by niggers?
that question applies for everything in America
Yale alumn here. Don't go. Doesn't matter how nice it might sound, go somewhere else, anywhere else. The place is shit
>including undocumented immigrants
Your point? They still use American resources, they can even fucking vote.
If they have kids their they're automatically a US citizen
>Nigger detected
Ooga Booga to you too, Tyrone.
>African Americans are just as smart
Affirmative action nigger detected.
It's lights out time, inmate Breivik
"racist little bitch" "crackertown"
you really are one dumb ass negroid arent you fucking low iq subhuman calling other people racist while talking like the biggest racist in here.
smart move 70 iq negroid
its proven science negroids are not as smart as europeans, thats just a fact dont kid yourself groid
hahah how about you ask the army to see the IQ tests they take. its common knowledge that the negroid is of low IQ. this has been known for centuries, but supressed by PC culture to protect the slave negroid from further embarassement
There's a pizza joint by toads place that is shit hot awesome. Also toads has some good metal acts come through.
CT cities are a disaster
fucking democrats
It's to prepare you for DC, which is even more African.
Connecticut sucks. Nuke us.
>Maybe minorities are smarter than most whites too?
Nice try.
That graph shows that black people die sooner than white people.
PORCH Monkeys gravitate to liberal cucks who will support them because they can't support themselves. Means larger cities.
Funny we worry because Russia a D China have our large cities targeted in a nuclear war. They'd be doing us a favor.
Launch that shit!
He said "some" you dummies, which is indisputable.
Not all of our cities are filled with shit.
The coasts may be hopeless but we're not beyond help inland.
It has nothing to do with the topic, though. I mean, yeah, sure, "some" applies, but OP is complaining about the quotas, which is an entirely different matter.
So whats your comment on Hamden?
well if you drive around yale new haven is about 99% black niggers begging. the whole 40% is deceptive considering yale is 95% surrounded by niggers.
connecticuter here
I am from Danbury area. mostly spics here.
but when you get into norwalk or bridgeport or new haven? its niggers. niggers nigger niggers. what more can be asked?
its niggers unafraid of being called niggers.
therefore niggers more likely to mug, more likely to rape, more likely to call you racist.
niggers. need i say more?
well i will add more:
>J.W. Gibbs' beloved hometown is infested by niggers
When did this happen? ;_;
in my country, Muslims (60% of the country) get affirmative action. If only America was a Muslim country, you white niggers would probably get affirmative action even though you're the majority haha I feel bad for u
Been to CT a few times for various reasons, the first time I went I thought the entire state was going to be rich white people. But when I got there, it was like I was transported to a third world country. How do Americans live like that?
you're posting this wherever you get the chance huh
So you guys don't want to go to Crackertown?
They love to hate us cause they ain't us