>marrying a non virgin girl
i really hope you guys dont do this.
Marrying a non virgin girl
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They don't exist anymore.
a roach speaking sense? Color me surprised
go find a 13 year old. then wait until shes 18 to marry. thats what womans want you to think dawg
But what if they're not a virgin because you fucked them?
Get this, some of them marry girls with kids.
>marrying at all
>introducing even the slight possibility of marriage by dating anyone
Come on turkish delight, dont you know how young girls here lose their virginity?
god damn it roach
They never did to begin with. Christian girls are often the most promiscuous.
My wife wasn't technically a virgin when I married her but she was a pure maiden because she'd only been fucked by her dad.
>until shes 18 to marry
Minimum age of marriage is 16. No reason to wait.
>her first sexual experience with you will be painful for her
>bloody mess in your bed
Yeah, great way to start a marriage.
Might be true. At least they are the ones who flaunt their sexuality the most.
I don't know man. Nowadays its too much pressure on women to have sex. If you get a virgin, society will get to her eventually and she'll wonder what else is out there besides you.
I'm 20
There's zero attractive virgin girls left
You dont need to get married. Just find a 13 year old or even younger.
>marrying a non virgin girl
>being a non virgin yourself
>didn't wait until marriage to have sex
>touching the opposite gender that isn't family directly on the skin
I hope you guys don't do this.
Slow and gentle.
If she truly loves you she will be okay with it.
At least that's what my animus told me.
Meant for
This. You can touch only the women who are your relative. Preferably sister.
Almost exactly what Varg said in a recent vid
It's the best way. The only way.
they don't, but i did. i was 19 when i met my first boyfriend and he was the first kiss, sex, etc. but i am also fucking awkward and never got asked out on dates
Okay. I'm 27.
Now figure out my issue.
You're a slut??
I would never do such a thing Varg, I will only procreate with a virgin Aryan of good birth and upbringing.
I'm a male. I'm 27. How's someone my age going to find a virgin? The last chance I had was with a girl who found someone else at the worst moment.
No excuse. Muhammad(pbuh) find a virgin when he was 55.
>How's someone my age going to find a virgin?
>find a man with a quality daughter aged about 13-14
>arrange with him to court her
>court her for several years
>marry her
Not very complicated
You find one of those religious nuts if there's any. If even those people are not virgin. You find someone that is socially inept. If even they are not a virgin, be a teacher and make some of the girls fall in love with you. Like one of my animu.
>women with no experience
>self esteem issues
>no idea how to satisfy
>uneducated about hygiene
>no sense of humour
>no one to compare my world class technique with
>will not rock my world
no fucking way
I mean you can easily come up with a list that begins and ends with degeneracy on the other end of the spectrum, which is equally wrong.
MODERATION is the key word here, as it is in every other part of life.
fuck off slut nobody wants you
Date someone that's 20 or younger
As a man why would you want to date anyone who's not at least 10 years younger than you anyway? What's the point? By the time you marry she'll already be past her prime.
Girls are literally semen demons that absorbs DNA from contact with sperm.
The effect is advantageous for the first dude who cum inside her. One of the buried scenario I found is that the woman developed anti-bodies to other male's sperm and block new men from impregnating her.
Leftist scientist have been trying to bury these facts for awhile.
>W-We don't know what caused this. Data about the Woman's sexual history? H-How is this relevant? Haha.
The more you dig, the more you will find.
Inshallah we shall find our 4 virgins in this life.
My wife wasn't a virgin when we married- because I took her virginity.
My parents didn't give me a sister.
No it isn't. Moderation is only okay if you're not doing heretical things. Do you think you can rob people moderately? Do you think you can moderately punch people on the street? Do you think you can moderately rape people?
This is how it would go with a virgin.
>experience sex first time together
>both are inexperience
>both get emotionally invested
>have a fulfilling marriage even until death
So, yeah, I'm not sure how you're trying to say sluts are good.
I only have gross older sisters, they're both more than 10 years older than me, it's horrible. But their daughters are hot though.
Blew my mind
I'm not married to a virgin but I did fuck a lot of women unprotected, besides the ones I blew my load in their mouth. I guess they carry my DNA now.
>great roaches think alike!
fool, you are a cockaroach. Nobody takes you seriously.
>experience sex first time together
>both are inexperience
both lack technique.
Sex is about ego and conquest
>have a fulfilling marriage even until death
and this here is an absolute nightmare, people vary greatly. Experience is necessary to figure what's right for you.
I'm not justifying sluts, I'm justifying consensual NSA sex. I mentioned moderation in my OP, and sluts are an extreme. My suggestion is to avoid extremes at both ends.
>I'm not justifying sluts, I'm justifying sluts
You're retarded.
>both lack technique
What technique? You put benis in bagina, no technique needed.
As if there'll be many virgins in their 30s. If there are there'll be an unappealing reason for it.
Why would you marry an old hag? Do you want retarded children?
Porn has clouded your mind.
Nobody takes YOU seriously, horny ape.
when will this meme die, factor out all the nigger and beaner """"""""Christians""""""""" who have never read a page of the book and Christians do a lot better than other whites and btfo minorities
>some bodily fluid
>marrying a whore
yeah guys the second one is totally worse blood is ickey and stuff :>(
>turks get mentioned in varg's video
>turks start varg shitposting on Sup Forums
stop it
Virgin girls aren't a big deal, I've deflowered some and there nothing special about it other than it sucks. An experience girl on the other hand is much more fun. If you worry about microchimerism then you must be a closeted cuck.
I won't, don't worry
it's either I wait it out until i get it or I give up and just chase skirts
>other end of the spectrum
>which is equally wrong
Centrism is a meme you filthy goddamn nigger
What technique? You mean those technique you can learn through experience with having sex with each other while continuing to increase the feeling of love between you two?
Shut up slut.
Yeah, fuck loyalty and fidelity and that bullshit.
It's not a big deal if you're a slut you fucking slut. Go to hell.
And, y'know, guys like you are the problem, raping these girls and turning them into sluts. Kill yourself, man.
should've known
So all sex stuff?
Marriage is supposed to be about love, first and foremost. Just stick with a FWB if you want that. Virgin girls objectively make the best partners, have the lowest divorce rate, and make for the happiest marriages.
I;m 18 planning to get married at 20-21 to childhood sweatheart. She doesn't have to be a virgin at the day of marriage but you have to have been her one and only sexual partner
>marrying a woman who someone else has felt the inside of her cunt and played with her tits
yeah nah
>Marriage is supposed to be about love
That's a modern conceptualization of marriage. Congratulations, you've fallen for the crap peddled by romance movies and are basically a woman.
>anime poster is a faggot
Surprise surprise
Most of that is true. But people tend to downplay science.
How is that in any way modern?
Marriages was arranged for a long time before love came around.
Marriage is for getting a cunt to put babbies in and to maintain your home. Love can develop as it will naturally. You don't marry for love, that idea is what leads to what we see today.
I want nothing more than to marry a nice girl and raise a kid with her no matter who or what she is, but I'd rather die a virgin than call anyone my wifes son. Unless they're my son as well, of course.
Stop ruining all the good ones you horny ape
gtfo you barbarian
>Being this gay
So pretty much she owns your dick, you might as well cut it and give it to her
But more concerning
>I'm 25 and have no kids and probably won't have one or two until I'm in my 30s
This is why the Mexicans are winning, isn't it? How do I convince my wife to be a good stay at home mom?
Why hasn't turkey started a nuclear war? Your people would prosper under such conditions.
well I love her very much and she's fucking beautiful as shit. Her smile can cure cancer. So yeah I'm not pushing my luck. Anyway I hope whatever cumdumpster you decide to settle down with will atleast wash the taste of other dude's dick out her mouth.
Finally ugly girls stand a chance.
What if she was a virgin when we were dating, and I took her virginity a few weeks before marriage?
What if she was a virgin when we were dating, and I took her virginity a few weeks before I married her?
as long as you're the only person to have ever fucked her, it's cool bruh, have some qt beaner children too.
Why didn't you marry her a few weeks earlier?
Everyone is flawed. Even (((virgins))) have sinful desires
if its good enough for the bible it's good enough for me