Richard Spencer talks to Al Jazeera
hm no replys..
well here's one
thanks for posting this :)
Bumpidy bump bump for a non-shitposting leaf
Your welcome.
Awesome post man - and awesome mini-speech. He does wield the truth skillfully. Go Spencer go! Don't get assassinated plz.
... holy fuck - he's got it man - straight for the windpipe!
Hello I am from TRS :)
Mjam mjam milkies from your dickie spency :)
Please visit our forums and DICK MILKY Podcasts dailyDICKMILK
Natt, what takes you to Germany?
Are you alright?
I like to suckle Spenny's dick to make it milky milky for me an my TRS milky buddies :)
Mmmmmmm mjam mjam dick milk from spenny
Dicky dicky milk, love it, me and my Bois from TRS
We love to lap dicky milk from Spenny :)
Mmmhnhhm dicky milk from spenny :) we love it me and my baby boy dicky milkers from TRS :)
Who the fuck are you people?
He's dumb lol and gets owned. And see alot of exposure which means hes a plant
Come on you too like dicky milk from spenny's little milky dick :)
Dicky milk from spenny!
Mjam mjam alt right dicky milk!
he did well
must be hard to justify your nazi memes on TV
>a plant
You wish schlomo
Kek what the fuck are you on about lad.
hhhhhmmm i love TRS memes like I love Spenny's milk from his milky dick!!
Like my buddies from TRS
WE love dicky milk
>He's dumb lol and gets owned.
When did he get owned?
This was easily his best interview yet
It feels like he is finding his stride
It obvious he is well spoken when you listen to his podcasts, glad it it coming across on TV now too
And it looks like he has dropped a couple of lbs, that jawline is more apparent
A German lefty is triggered.
wtf nigger
I don't know whether he gets owned but I own his dicky milk! :)
Hhhhhhhm Little spenny dicky milk we love it at TRS ( gay dicky milk drinkers !
>This was easily his best interview yet
I agree he obviously worked on his speeches and on how to project his views. he improved a lot quickly
Take this and shut up.
lel fucking Richard "CIA Meme man" Spencer
Not drinking the koolaid bud
BUT he didn't get his dicky out :(
I would LOVE to see his milky dick get milked right on stage :)
Visit for more sticky milky topics ;)
Imagine if you were a leftist how terrified you would be when the new face of white nationalism is educated, articulate, and good looking
Before they only had to deal with inbred tattooed weirdos spouting white supreemacist platitudes
Richard's the man. Can't get enough of this guy.
This guy is still cringe. hes also an idiot. he gets sup on stage, says hail trump! hail victory. and revealed himself letting people know about 4 chan. we have enough normies and le redditors here we dont need someone publicly advertising the alt right or 4 chan or any bull shit like that
>muh secret board culture
It doesn't matter now, the election is over and we won
Now the ideological battle begins
You are a fucking tool but hey what more can I expect from a fucking Australian retard who keep there daughters and wives locked up in basement.
>He's dumb lol and gets owned.
In this interview? Which question?
Fucking kikes man.
Educated and milked by us dicky milkers!
What a great gay dicky dude!
WE love his dicky milk at TRS
I actually can't imagine being so terrified and angry that my brain melts to the point where I start posting like the red Kraut ITT.
Nah he's right. The guy is semi-autistic and I think he is alt-right for the lulz
The one about his little dicky ;)
He knows he doesn't have a big dicky but we don't care.
He got enough dicky milk for all of us at TRS ( :)
At first I thought it was some coded cry for help, then I realized that leftism has created its own language
Who are we talking about here? Spencer? Or are we talking about Turdou who is actually an autistic cuck who is playing president for the lulz?
A fucking leaf.
From a certain point of view I guess you are talking about both
>dork of the year
He got owned by that fuckin colored. Didnt have an answer for much of what the uppity nigger tossed at him. Then theres another one where he conceits to some spergy blm slut who wont stfu
Where the fuck does Rich Spencers money come from?
what in the fuck is this? lol talk about mental illness. Are you guys having problems with trying to dismantle Spencer lol. You won't turn us against each other kike.
mostly i'm talking about how your country is dog shit and you deserve to be hung up from a tree?
shut up Marmoud
A stupid worthless fucking leaf
He loves to get milked by boys :)
RICHY Spencer milk milked by boys right in our boys' mouths, he loves it :)
Probably family $ and investments
He grew up in a posh area of Dallas
It was inevitable that our cultural backlash against the left would normalize Sup Forums's spectrum of discussion. You've been craving to red pill the normies and now you're surprised of the massive immigration to get our knowledge advantage.
No arguments here, except for the last part of course
Why do Spencer-fags always want to split our movement? Really makes me think
what in the fuck are you talking about? The nigger who fucking was saying WE WUZ KANGZ and shit? LOL yeah he totally lost the nigger was getting extremely aggressive with his body language and white people who see that will side with Spencer just based on that
This video could be made into a good "funny" edit.
He's the Gary Johnson of the alt-right/white nationalist movement
Reminds me of this video.
Cucked country's can't be Alt Right Hans
Hhhhmmmm,I know you too would love to succle Spenny milk from Richy's dickle :)
Kek, Lugenpresse isn't necessarily a Jewish reference ... she added the anti-Semitism
Hmmmmm cucked by spenny when he bangs black boys, but Im still alowed to suckle black boy milk from his milky butthole when they are finished :)
lol wut
The fuck is wrong with you? lol
>Captain "throw a sieg heil in front of the press" Dumbfuck Controlled Opposition Kike talks to Muslim Brotherhood state media
wew lad
I don't get the shilling against this guy. He seems like a good step to get Sup Forums tier views out into mainstream. Sure the media is calling him a neo-nazi, but what do you expect?
Kind of funny to see the shock on her face when he starts dropping hate facts. That's what happens when you strangle one side(white people) with political correctness for 60 years.
It comes as a shock.
Niggers or low IQ slavs always out themselves when they think the WE WUZ KANGS tier dindu won that argument
Go away.
I have a feeling Spencer will be the end of the reaction. Every poster who thinks Spencer is a sperg is now a liberal. The splitting has begun. The subversion of this homo-kike is succeeding.
He's a masterful plant. I'm certain of it now.
A good interview. Maybe RT will give him the "Richard Spencer Shitposting Hour".
The shillings from Jews that are afraid lol.
Nah you are the only jew here friendo
r/the donald is still around and also theres a very low energy leftypol invasion atm.
On the other side, the more extreme branch of pol dislike him because he's soft on fags and stuff like that
>its a "Richard tries to give a philosophical speech about identities to a crowd of sub-90 IQ niggers" episode
Why do they keep calling him a White Nationalist when he has disavowed that term?
Hhhhhmmmm WE AT TRS LOVE DICK MILK FROM spenny we suckle his dicke 24/7 FOR his warm sticky dick milk :)
He really pushes the Overton window of my ass to be more accepting of his dick milky:)
Take off the Canadian proxy Ari.
>I have a feeling Spencer will be the end of the reaction.
Well your feelings are quite dumb, and so
>I'm certain of it now.
Who cares what they're certain of?
>On the other side, the more extreme branch of pol dislike him because he's soft on fags and stuff like that
Or because he's some random controlled advertising stunt being forced onto us by retards who should be fired from shill inc
>Keeps bumping this
>Duh he's a plant!
How dare you sir, you're a fucking leaf!
>le true natsoc man got banned from TRS for being a rightward punching infighting bitch tier fed faggot and now shitposts to cope with it
i'm sorry for your loss
I don't know what's worse, his speeches or their replies
This place used to be a haven of free association of ideas. Now it's pretty much one big holocaust denial thread.
Oh well, it was good for a time
It's not a full version, there's more footage somewhere
They show some cuts in a report about the recent protests in Texas
the_donald banned me for anti-semitism for making thread with an article from Michael Scheuer.
Even I was thinking 'damn Richard go easy on him'
This. Spencer fuck off, you autistic sperg.
nice file name faggot.
go back to 8 chan
>Now it's pretty much one big holocaust denial thread.
And you out yourself.
We won this election by not cucking to the mainstream media.
Now you're pushing that we should disavow 'extremists' that are on our side?
Why let the divide and conquer shit work now" Burn in hell kike shill