>hey guys I'm basically a Zionist puppet that lied to my supporters to get into office
>enjoy the next 4 years :)
Hey guys I'm basically a Zionist puppet that lied to my supporters to get into office
Isn't CTR disbanfed yet?
No CTR here my friend. Just an ex-supporter who realized who are actually running this ((((country))))
Nice proxy liberal kike, it's so easy to spot you shitskins trying to fit in here.
Lmao image saved
He's not lying tho.
Yes good goy, defend master trump so that he can keep his (((masters))) in power. Very good work
Where did Trump ever say he was against Jews? People here full well knew it, we hate globalist jews. I seriously couldn't give a shit about israeli kikes, when have they done anything meaningful ever? All they do is send missles into mudslime homes.
Good to see a beaner come to this (((Sup Forums)))) posters defense.
Wow. You are so right.
I should have voted for Clinton. She wasn't a globalist puppet like Trump is.
Or maybe shill for (((Jill))).
Or even (((Sanders))).
Fuck off. If I've learned anything, its that you cannot make stormfags happy. Literally everything is either a kike, a kike puppet, or controlled opposition. Kikes are a problem but stormfags offer no solution aside from wildly unrealistic scenarios where the entire country goes full GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW completely overnight.
Got you in to a few wars to protect them and their interests, just a few hundred thousand dead, nothing to worry about goyim. Don't forget to keep aborting your kids. Oh and the obvious, need a few billion in aid.
When did we lose hundreds of thousands of people? Only niggers and stupid whores get abortions. We give plenty of countries shitloads of money for no good reason.
We wouldn't be pissed off if he didn't totally lie to us. Look at what he said about Goldman Sachs before the election. And now that he's elected he just added Sachs into his administration. He said he was anti establishment and then brought the establishment into his administration after election. He didn't drain the swamp, he's filling it up.
Great that there was another thread just like this with proxy posts as first replies too. It's always so obvious when you CTR retards organize these things.
>elects a person who was a goldman sachs worker for a year or two decades ago
>gosh we should have just elected Hillary :^)
>"I am going to appoint only the best. I will find the most crooked killers in business and have them steal money FOR US for a change instead of stealing FROM US."
As long as they make America money I don't give a fuck who they are or where they come from. Do you want the best the business world has to offer or not?
man that sucks that he is going to be the president no matter how much you cry.
He isnt even in office yet
Stop shitposting so quickly juden
>I'm basically a Zionist puppet that lied to my supporters to get into office
as opposed to...
>>elects a person who was a goldman sachs worker for a year or two decades ago
>>gosh we should have just elected Hillary :^)
The Republicans had 14 people to choose from.
I can't wait to see his final form
I am seriously curious, how are you guys reacting to these goldman sachs appointments?
You're still not getting the point. I don't care that he's in office of course I'd much rather have him than Hillary but he conned his supporters. He's back peddling like a mofo. He was always preaching about anti-establishment throughout his campaign and as soon as he gets into office he does the opposite.
Trumps appointments have done nothing to drain any swamps. He is legitimizing swamps. We were all lied to.
Did it ever occur to you that he was the most qualified? That maybe having actual insider knowledge helps in decision making?
Oh yeah right of course he should have just hired Bubba working the assembly line at a factory and show us how truly anti-establishment he is.
Hey, Schlomo, how is the pay for shilling now that you can't win the election? Did Soros kick in another million so you nerd virgins are in work for another season?
Be seeing you 'round!
I hope Sup Forums is going to wake up and realize they were once again played like a fiddle, the rich setting the poor against the poor
You're the first to be hung, you are advocating the selling of our democracy to the powerful for bullshit ideology that benefits no one but your shallow ego. We know and we watch.
I thought Israel was pro Hillary.
I heard lots of Jews I the states got sad Trump won
>Promises to hire only the finest minds on business
>Hires the finest minds in business
>"He's totally backpedaling guys."
He promised to rid washington of corruption but he also promised to not be a massive dumbass and hire retards like politicians have been doing for the last forty years.
If a guy from Goldmans Ballsacks is the best qualified for the job, he should get the job.
Pic related and the only candidate who didnt go to aipac? Bernie?
Okay commie come try and hang me.
>Leftists are so triggered that the only outlet they have is to try and project that butthurt onto the right.
You're not fooling anyone skype.
All I see here is a butthurt thread full of liberals and Muslims.
You can go fuck yourself.
The US and Israel will continue killing muslims.
Trump was always a cipher for the rich, this will be the last administration due to his fascism . Cival war is soon
i think he knows how riled are. Trump I mean.
He keeps waving his dick around, which is what we want, and with these picks I get the sense a few of them are punituve in nature.
Not quite "you made this mess clean it up", but a little bit of that. I keep seeing him drag mitt rimney out like a beated dog, to beat him again in public. every pic ive seen of their meetngs the story their postures and features tell me is hilarious.
I think he is head hunting rivals and very violently politically speakingcbringing them to heel. "Fix it or you and your organizations are dead. I can cut a better deal elsewhere"
Bend the knee.
I do hope he picks mitt because then it will be 4 years of calling the secretary of state position a do nothing job while humiliating romney at every turn, only sending him to disgusting state dinners.
muh dancing non israeli muslims that we gave candy to on camera
Actually, most of us just aren't retarded enough to keep bitching over and over like faggy losers, but when you're getting paid like you are, Schlomo, it's a living.
Keep up the good work, CTR - you're gaining so much ground, you might just influence an election by 2080 at this pace!
So what are all the libcucks crying about if he's their guy?
Better than Hillary, who was a Zionist and Jihadi puppet
Which is why he won
Wow, it's almost as if a first generation AI is gaining sentient. That kind of canned response is as robotic as it gets.
Trump appoints corporate masters to government positions
Trump appoints ceos who actively work against American people
Trump wants our taxes to support international conglomerates
I'm the commie
The fuck are you saying
Oh yeah. That's it for sure. Babby's first polemics
Damn hoping, "you made this mess clean it up" is his moitvation is quite the gamble, don't you think?
Wow what a great way of thinking.
>hey this piece of shit isn't as bad as that piece of shit lets just settle for it and be good little goys!
This is how you actually
Between the lunatics and plutocrats struggling for power in his admin, lets hope to god the plutocrats win
Your post is complaining about how CEOs and corporate people are being appointed and that's your arguement for not being a commie? Holy fuck commies are stupid.
Yes you sound exactly like a gommunist xD
The people should control the means of production! literally sums up your three lines, so just like the rest of your Bolshevik scum you will hang.
>Goldman Sachs is a banking conglomerate known for being able to jew practically anyone out of their money
>It is filled with conniving jews, capable of outjewing any and all other jews on the planet.
>Na, don't hire one of them. You should hire this literally who instead.
Kek and I thought fascists were supposed to be pragmatic.
Ok and the other one was a globalist puppet that would lie and kill and do anything to win
You are delusional if you think Sup Forums will ever be mad, they won. Now fuck off, they don't care if he "betrays" them because they will switch to "IT'S HAPPENING" threads
I hope he and all those around him are dealt with. God bless true patriots.
Yes, it's shit, but it's reality
There was zero good choices this year. Jill is a socialist Jew. The Libertarians are Zionist puppets too.
Trump is not different at all, he will backpedal on everything and you will be duped into supporting his revised positions because you've deluded yourself into thinking you're on his "team".
This has happened many times before and you pawns never learn. Elections are just an illusion of choice.
>Bernie didn't go to AIPAC because he's a literal Jew
>Both he and stein jew'd lib money like it was taking candy from a baby
nah fuck off, Sup Forums should have known that it's all controlled... it just comes down to, what method are we using? globalism or zionism?
>76% of jews voted clinton
nice try
Those are the same two things. He didn't go not because trump's family are "judeans" and they call themselves Christ(s)
>voters run things
>Direct democracy
>Tyranny of the mob
t. clueless democrat
Yes I know it's the same things, there was this Jew on here literally saying Zionism was different, and people here fell for it
What's your point?
Seriously, if everything is a sham, why do you even bother posting? To feel morally superior than the "dumb sheep" around you? Why do you even bother?
Democracy is a sham because elected leaders betray us. Fascism is a sham because chosen leaders betray us. Communism is a sham because it is impossible to implement. Anarchy is a sham because hierarchy is inevitable.
If you don't support anyone or anything, give me one reason why you haven't killed yourself?
This is what they tell themselves. The mental gymnastics are strong with these cucks
Which state has dd and is america a tyranny?
Ok so you make odd perceptions then. You'd think "no aipac despite maybe real calls to being judean" is a slight indication of "good" and then moving on?
All politicans are puppets you are fooling yourself if you think your vote has any control
>Unironically posting le silly face edits
I hope for your sake you're some shitty boomer. GO watch clickbait on facebook, you fucking roach.
>any truths I don't like to hear are CTR
grow up you child
And then say nothing of a democracy because. Democrat party. And republic party. Since this is no democracy and is only a republic the republic party and not the democrat is the natural upside side down star party
I don't even care anymore.
I voted for what I believed in.
I put my trust in him.
He spoke to me.
Hillary called me a deplorable.
The Lügenpress called me deplorable.
Who else was I going to vote for?
I voted for him because I wanted something different.
If he lies to me - oh well - what am I going to do about it?
All I care about it Pizzagate right now.
Good thing Trump isn't a politican. He's a businessman.
You sound like a salon article. Epstein lived two blocks from mar a lago. Case dropped because plaintiff didnt give her address. Would you?
Whom sold it all for naming rights. Inherited a bunch of fiat money
Refer himself as truth
>i don't like him
>please stop supporting him now
>preferably before he gets into office and actually starts implementing policy
>t-trust me they will be b-bad
damn son, is the new CTR strategy to make all trump supporters die of sodium overloads. You salty as fuck nigga.
If the voters got to run everything it would be a direct democracy which then turns into the tyranny of the mob, California, NY, Texas and florida would literally decide which direction the US would go
Sup Forums is full of Trump shills. He's just another kike puppet like the rest of them.
This has been pretty much every elected official for the past 110 years
Look at the island of Palm Beach on a map...everything is "two blocks" away from each other.
lmfao civic nationalist cuck TRIGGERED
For how much you like to call people out for being controlled opposition, it actually seems like Trump is fitting that bill quite nicely isn't he?
>won't be a wall anymore
>literally going back on half the shit he said and he hasn't even entered the white house official yet
Literally defend this Sup Forums
I feel bad for these Trump cuckolds. They are exactly the same as these "CTR shills" they cry about except they don't make any money to support themselves. They are a bunch of fatherless manlets who want to see the world burn.
'Puppet' is a bit much, but everyone here knew he was loyal to Israel.
Wotan rains on a plutocrat's parade.
CTR retards need to work on their shilling, doing it all in a row is so stupidly obvious. What's even the point anymore? You aren't convincing anyone here of anything. You just look sad.
>citation needed
The only defenses they have is
>le 4d chess
Sup Forums has taught me that americans are dumb as fuck
>"I will hire ruthless but effective killers. They are terrible people, but these guys could sell ice to Eskimos."
>Sup Forums cheers
>Trump hires vicious, skilled businessman from one of the most successful banking groups in the world
Trump hires the best in the business. If the best come from Goldman Sachs, so be it.
Fucking kek man "hurr it's so obvious ur CTR shills" fucking listen to yourself you paranoid retard
Do they actually pay posts that are just shitty insults that prove nothing?
Do you actually believe that political figures hire people to try and out shitpost you? You are mentally ill
Hillary had people on her payroll that were linked to CTR posters and people who would start fights at Trump's rallies in the leaks. So yes they actually would.
Paranoid schizophrenia is one helluva drug. Let the little guy sperg out.
8 years*
Yes there is actual proof and CTR posters are really poor at it. I'm sure you just link each other threads so you can post a one liner or shitty responses to every answer just to get paid. It's fine, whatever you basement dwelling virgins need to do but it's completely obvious and there is no point.
>No CTR here my friend
(((No CTR here)))
There we go.
>who realized who are actually running this ((((country))))
so you're either 12 or stupid as fuck for just figuring this out
By saying that I meant who was controlling trump. For a guy who preached on and on about anti establishment this was a bit of a suprise to me