Oh you fucking drumpfshits, when will you stop being such little assholes? This guy reached into her car and tried to pull off her hijab. If a Muslim or atheist reached into a white person's car and yanked off their crucifix, you would never hear the end of it. Glad the guy at least got arrested.
Brooklyn Man Who Pulled Woman’s Hijab Is Charged With a Hate Crime
>1 post by this ID
The thread just started faggot.
>you'd never hear the end of it
yes you would. the end would be the one article written about it calling the assailant a warrior of peace and the victim would never get a case
stop callling it a hijab its a fucking head scarf
and wearing a scarf on you head is fucking dumb
thats the joke, user. try to keep up
I'm sure most Sup Forumsacks would agree that this is wrong, tampering with other peoples' private property.
Wearing a cross on your neck is kinda dumb too
Listen Sup Forums we need to stop this toxic behavior. Ok?
holy fuck you are new
This is the guy who did it.
>implying im a filthy christian
lemme guess, you're 12 and still think the world is fair
>If a Muslim or atheist reached into a white person's car and yanked off their crucifix, you would never hear the end of it.
People would bitch, but it certainly wouldn't be charged as a hate crime.
In fact its already happened, except it was atheist goons doing it not muslims. no hate crime
Yes. That's his last name.
post more hijab cuties
I can't stand mudslimes but I do love a cute hijabi
not sure why, maybe I'm a sick fuck
>Michael Isakharov
russian jew
>I can't stand mudslimes but I do love a cute hijabi
>not sure why, maybe I'm a sick fuck
You disgust me.
>If a Muslim or atheist reached into a white person's car and yanked off their crucifix, you would never hear the end of it
Of course you would never hear the end of it if you never hear the beginning of it in the first place sine the media would ignore it.
heh heh merely pretending humor
I hate hate crime legislation.
If he assaulted her, charge him with assault.
What his motive was shouldn't matter. Whether he was motivated by hate or mild dislike shouldn't be the issue… it's the action that was criminal not his mental outlook.
In effect, this is merely a way to make crimes committed by whites more severely punished that others.
Whatever happened to that kid who was charged with a hate crime for wearing the gorilla suit?
Hey, Achmed, how is the goat pussy these days? Still tight?