What are Arabs in South America like?
What are Arabs in South America like?
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Faggots I imagine.
They integrate and become just like us
Well memed fellow leaf
What are japanese in South America like?
Weird dude
arabs probably
They integrate and become fellow monkeys just like us, a bit more intelligent, though
>canada not even top 10
thank god
>quality shitpost
Wtf I still hate Canada now
a lot of them are christian
I cannot believe Argentina has that many. I mean I guess they blend in amongst the sea of brownness, but still. Not like I've ever seen a hijab there.
They're all christian. Not a single mudshit on sight. I guess they want to escape from Islam, which the 1st World is full of, that's the reason they come here.
A lot of them are Christians. There's supposed to be about a million Muslims in Argentina though.
Surprisingly there are next to zero mudslimes in Brazil despite our high Arab population. They're all Christian. They integrate just fine.
Pic related, our president is a Christian Arab from Lebanon.
i didn't no brazil was a Muslim colony.
this changes things
Yeah Argentina seriously lets the continent down on that front. If it wasn't for Argentina's 1-2 million Muslims (mostly Iranian) it would be the only continent free of any significant population of them.
Read the post above you
they gave us lamb an cheese pita bread taco.
do Lebanese people count?
Why doesnt Brazil have terrorist problems? Is the shithole already destroyed or what?
They have something to fear....
Because we don't bomb or loot their families and countries
Christian converts
>Most Arab immigrants in Brazil were Christians, Muslims being a minority.
This is why
It is just that arab christians migrated to South America. What do you think there is no more Christians in Jordan athough it used to be 30% back in the 1950s?
Like your average semitic kike
they're all Copts
/thread, nothing to see here
Most arab immigrants in Brazil were christian. And those who were muslims usually converted and integrated over time. That's why we have a significant part of the population with arab ancestry, but very few muslims.
> dead link
What was intended by this statement?
>Jordanian Christians number around 250,000, all of whom are Arabic-speaking, according to a 2014 estimate by the Orthodox Church. The study excluded minority Christian groups and the thousands of western, Iraqi and Syrian Christians residing in Jordan.[201] Christians are exceptionally well integrated in the Jordanian society and enjoy a high level of freedom, though they are not free to evangelize Muslims.
No they're not. They're Levantine Christians. Copts are a specific ethnic group in Egypt.
Iran is Persian. They wouldn't even be included in OP pic
Saw three muzzies on a mall today at night, with kids, no fathers to be seen. Honestly, in Puerto Rico, there wasn't as many muslims as before. Honestly, seeing more and more muslims, feels like an invasion, they are not christian.
right, my bad, in here the few arabs we have are MARONITES, not copts
got confused for a second
They're usually Christian. The Christian pop has gone down in their homelands over the past few decades, they've all left that shithole. Also, this is counting all Middle Easterns as Arabs, which they are not. Lebanese Christians his from Muslim invaders, they're Mediterranean White (Phoenicians). Some Syrians are too, as are some coastal Egyptians. There's a massive difference between a Phoenician and an Arab, same reason there's a difference between Spanish and Latino (aka white, and non white)
Most people with arab ancestry here converted to christianism/catholicism and became fellow beans
the same goes to japs, they integrated just fine
The only exception to this are the chinese, they just keep opening more and more ching ching restaurants in my city
gusta plobal