He's still going to be President, right?
Russian Involvement?
i don't see why not
Well this came out, and I'm legitimately concerned it will backfire big big time. It's 10 days until the faithless electors come out, and this is going to be influential.
I'm fucking scared. I don't want a 3rd term of Obama and Martial Law. I have a fucking Master's to get
I'm starting to think that something will happen to stop him from becoming president, and he knows about it.
Why else would he be skipping security briefings?
Wait, seriously? Link?
4 of them?
fuck you buddy don't tell me what threads to reply to
especially when you reply to the same ones that you tell me not to
>Wisconsin recount ended with more trump votes
>no Pennsylvanian recount
>no Michigan recount
FUcking kill yourself concern shill and accept trump as your president
But this is the CIA and it's legitimate. I knew the recounts wouldn't end well.
Bump. Still need answers
It bugged me that Trump was fighting the recounts. Why not let his victory be confirmed and complete, with someone else footing the bill for verification.
Just keep praying Sup Forums and we'll make it through this just fine.
>Russian propoganda helps Trump get elected
>Western propoganda fails to get Hillary elected
They're just butthurt Russians are better at it than they are.
>washington post
Top kek, but seriously if the electors flipped on Trump and picked Hillary the country would plunge into civil war and then Russia would actually physically get involved, i don't see how that would benefit them.
>I don't want a 3rd term of Obama and Martial Law.
I kind of doubt it. Doing a 3rd term or a martial law will just ruin any pretense of legitimacy. Civil wars might not happen, but riots to the scale that can disrupt the nation's function is guaranteed.
It's better for (((them))) to smear Trump again and again to ensure they get a bargaining chip against him with the unpopularity that he will get from these accusations. The end goal was not to end him, but to make him beg for (((them))) to stop and come to a deal.
Hillary supporters might be all hope and asking for "le madam president meme" to become a reality, but puppets have no mind of their own and is only alive by the strings of their masters.
I might be OK with that.
But fuck I don't want divide and conquer to happen. I'm not mentally ready for it like a lot of people here are.
He has a time machine
He doesn't need security briefings filled with lies
The hilarious thing is that the aftermath of a Trump presidency will flow back to Russia. It'll be the Kaiserreich releasing the dissidents all over again. Putin? All the oligarchs? They're fucking dead already and they don't even know it. The blood is going to flow in rivers. Estates are going to be smashes. Bloodlines severed. All those riches will be burned to ash or looted.
There will be nothing left once this boulder is knocked loose. And it's all their fault. Mark my words. You're all in for one hell of a ride.
Of course he is.
Tell me more.
I don't know anymore.
We got you senpai. Putin is speaking with Trump RIGHT NOW about how to proceed. We didn't spend all this oil money and man hours rigging your election for nothing.
>civil war
Probably the least likely consequence of any of this. Grateful, honestly. I have never experienced war but I hear it is pretty fucking awful
When you have volatile populations in play, all it takes is a small push to turn that into a revolution. It's easy to mock looters or petty gang groups that seem to have nothing really tangible in terms of purpose, but if you give them purpose, they can turn the world on its head.
Trump's going after shit like minimum wage and healthcare and social security. So the popular support is going to go to shit. And people already largely hate him, those around him, and all they stand for. So the powder keg is primed for a spark. A spark, some clever directioning, and someone has a fucking revolution rising up. And so long as they keep it going? It's not going to die down. If you the fire, the shit that normally seems to die down after a few weeks will turn into an inferno. And so long as you drill home the point and give them an objective, they'll go like wildebeest. They'll stampede. They'll flatten. That's the danger relating to a populist uprising. That's the shit that's happened with mobs in the past.
Now imagine all of this manifesting into some international revolution. That's how these things happen.
Constitutional crisis in the US? Might be fun to watch
Here's your answer, OP.
Source please. And don't nuke the Northwest. Nuke Commiefornia, particularly San Francisco while you're at it.
Russia doesn't have a volatile population. It's lazy, stretched thin over half across the world and predominantly female.
Is this the happening? Do I need to go buy a gun?
Trump won the people. The people wanted Trump. The states wanted Trump. Take out illegal voters and dead ones and more people wanted him. Stealing the election from someone who won fair and square would rile up everyone.
Look at how badly the democrats have chimped out over Trump and saying not my president. If they ripped it away from him i doubt ANY Trump supporterd would accept the criminal Hillary as president. They might have been able to get away with it without a civil war on election day but changing the outcome via electors is someone people would not accept.
When white people don't get our way we actually revolt and have throughout all of history.
Unless Russia rigged the election process, it doesn't matter.
If Russia actually hacked the DNC and Hillary's email server, that doesn't change anything since it exposed her corruption. Imagine if Colin Powell admitting that he and the rest of the Bush administration lied about WMDs to invade Iraq actually caused Bush to lose his re-election. Would that mean he "rigged" the election because he exposed something that would have justified hanging Bush and his cronies on the gallows? Just because Russia benefits from it doesn't mean they rigged it.
fuck off god botherer
>it's legitimate
>It's lazy
Laziness isn't endemic. What would happen in America would slowly seep over. You'd have an ideological poison spreading through Russia. And then that poison would start taking effect and the government would panic. They'd try to stop it, and it'd only reinforce the message coming over. And eventually things there would reach the same boiling point.
even if it was true
>russia hacking emails is gonna stop the winner from becoming president
le shiggy
>we revolt
You mean chimpout.
>He's still going to be President, right?
Yeah, the establishment is basically desperate at this point, and trying to make a government agency that does the CTR thing, so they can use social media to propagandize people with the whole "Russian Hackers" narrative, in order to convince people to accept an overturn of the election.
no obama is staying in office
funny thing about that is some top officials scurried off to Antarctica along with a russian pope something is going on with that ice island.
if they get rid of trump, we start the civil war
its happening
Ivanons get tf in here and spill your guts.
If you think actual revolts are the same as chimpouts then i feel bad for you Tyrone.
Chimpout is nigger teir. Chimpout is a riot not a revolt. Honesty I'm feeling the coup vibe because the armed forces support trump
Your scenario is on the basis that everything is primed at the ready at this day and age, while in reality most grassroots can't into anything significant without a major and coordinated push, and it's up to the schemers to figure out.
The real question is do Trump's opponent who has power actually want to go through something that may or may not in their favor? Our society is built on the basis of mutual trust and respect of the rule, if one side is to break that rule, then the other side can respond in kind.
Trump is already the bad guy in the narrative and the fact that the absolute hate toward the other side definitely works in this election. What prevents him to just put his opponents' head on the spike just to save face? Most might even cheer for it if he plays it well.
>Russia would get physically involved
Do you even read the delusional shit you write? Jesus.
Because they waste taxpayer money
You're a dipshit nigger. If there was a civil war in the US every major country would get physically involved.
Yes - just globalists trying everything they can to mess with God Emperor.
He is getting positive energy from around the known universe - no darkness shall prevail. So it has been written.
>civil war
Top kek
>power projection
Yes. Russian assistance to Trump doesn't disqualify him from the electoral college.
Oh yes you're right civil wars have never happened. :^)
Chile just go back to being irrelevant, if a civil war happened countries would be PHYSICALLY sending arms to the side they support as well as getting involved in resistance groups.
I know your shithole country has never accomplished anything but go open a history book and get the nigger gunk out of your brain.
>never happened
>possible today
Not the same thing.
Not an argument
Right there haven't been any civil wars recently like its 2016 dude. :^)
Fake. This is a psy op to convince electors not to vote for him. Action has to be taken.
>Action has to be taken.
There is. In the form of a federal investigation on the extent of the hacking. It's due before Obama leaves office.
Anti-Trump leftist propaganda didn't help Hillary Clinton - one of the most powerful people in Washington, D.C. - win the election.
Anti-Trump leftist propaganda won't prove that Russia - a country on the brinks of being a third-world shithole - had anything to do with our election.
If anybody argues that, show them the countless instances where Obama and Hillary say that our elections, "Can't be rigged."