What is the white people equivalent of "we wuz kingz n sheit" ?
What is the white people equivalent of "we wuz kingz n sheit" ?
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why would whites need to make up for a lack of history and culture?
i take it back, i guess "we wuz jesus n sheit"
we wuz inventorz n sheit
Um... our version is that we were actually kings, like of empires.
None because white people were actually kings
I would compare them to black israelites
We wuz Naitve Americans / Solutreans
soooooooo instead of "we wuz kangz" it would be "we were kings"
White Jesus
White America
>German heritage
Muh Aryan race
we wuz whitey, when they're actually dagoes, krauts, and other subhumans
Stormfags, I guess.
I love seeing youtube commenters with names like "Augustus Larptavius" paired with a roman sculpture profile-pics posting huge essays under videos. That shit is seriously fucking gay.
We had an empire n sheitz
"We were Kings and Princes of large empires."
The closest we've got is "we wuz romans".
Thing is though, that was actually true. Unlike the west African dindus who accredit themselves with the accomplishments of Egyptians, white people from Britbongistan could reasonably assume that some tiny part of their DNA could trace back to a Roman, considering how far the Roman Empire stretched during the heights of it's power.
It's all nigger logic, one way or the other. Your grandfather could've been an emperor, but that wouldn't make you any less of a fat autistic weeaboo.
Muh white race
we wuz atlanteans and pleiadians and shieet, fella
>germanic edition
we wuz caesars, we wuz hoplites
Go read descriptions of Roman emperors. They were all white.
Nothing, because we were actually kings.
We wuz Aryan and shit
We wux Pharaohs and shit
Ghenghis khan was a blue eyed German and shit
What is a true white persons ethnicity?
muh white race stormfags are the closest I can think of
Too bad we were inventors and shit. Way to not understand the meme.
I guess.
Your ID matches the page color perfectly btw
Yeah I know, I'm talking about the faggot ass armchair philosophers that engage in said behavior. Check Molymeme's comment-section sometime. Then again, they're pretty much everywhere.
>muh mayflower
Like its so outlandish that some small amount of people were able to cross the atlantic ice bridge.
celtic, ya cunt
why even ask such an obvious question
"We used to own niggers who thought they could be kings of a shithole country thats more of a shithole now the blacks actually own it"
t. Zimbabwe
By that logic North Africans and Middle Easterns could claim to be Romans as well as Greeks, More so than Britobongs anyway.
food hippies suck.
Anything Varg Vikernes tries to assert as "truth."
Obviously I did not know that is why I asked
What comes to mind to me is "we wuz nazis n sheit"
For me it is:
"My ancestors are Vikings. Bring out your bitches and riches and die"
I don't doubt it. Rome was fucking huge before it started reeling back.
In any case, it's more sensible than dindus calling themselves Egyptians, which really runs the message of their stupidity home.
Looking at Varg is almost like looking in a mirror, is this a bad thing or a good thing ?
I also looked like the young Varg when I was younger.
I don't know what to make of this, am confuse, what do ?
I don't get why people use the arguments of "well people from today are brown from there!" To prove their point of wanting to "brownwash" ancient empires. Look it up, north of Rome was colder back then, Rome was basically just warm weather, same with Egypt and north Africa. The temperature was much more cool around those areas.
That's not to say those empire didn't have blacks or browned people in them, but the majority were described as having fair eyes and hair.
We wuz Jews n shit; Jesus was an Aryan.
Majority of Egyptians were described having fair eyes and hair? Are you another Trump Uni alumni?
We doth were Saxons and Vikings and cow dung.
"western civilisation was built on judeo-christian values"
what are """"judeo-christian values"""" ?
>we wuz Chinks and shieet
>we wuz Babylon and shiiet
>we wuz Indians and shieeeet
>we wuz the original homo sapiens and shiiiiiiiet
weebs who think the Ainu are white
We, quite literally, were kings
Wheres your proof that they were dark haired and eyed? Any ptolemic Egyptians were light eyed and haired. Look up Cleopatra. King Tut is suggest to have Western European DNA. There are pictures of Eygpyians attacking and killing blacks.
Saw that was a gif hoped it would do something.
Some user please take that image of Jesus without a watermark and make it dissolve into the cackling merchant. Ill suck yo dick.
Ptolomaic Egyptians were Greek m8, of course they were fucking white
Yes and back then Egypt was cooler so of course they were fucking white. Esepcially more true for people 5,000 years ago compared to 2,000.
Literally the same thing. That we built the pyramids. Richard Spencer is a we wuz kingz fag
Oh wow Greek dynasties were White, case closed. How about Greek description of what Egyptians looked like? Or the Egyptian depiction of themselves? They sure as fuck weren't White.
We wuz ViKANGZ n shiett
We WUZ first inventors
Our obsession with innovation has us blind to cultural ownership. If you have something and its shit or doesnt work to its full capability we will take the motherfucker and have it working like a well oiled machine. That means your food and your fuckin music
Snowniggers believing that they in any way were responsible for basically all civilization until the 1700s.
"Western" civilization was actually Mediterranean civilization up until the 1700s or so when Italy & Friends began to decline while industrialization in Germany, Britain, and Scandinavia skyrocketed.
Nordicists who claim mediterranean and middle-eastern civilizations. They are the same as afrocentrics.
any time a person thinks it matter what some else did and takes as their own personal achievement?
We are still leaders and other things such as that.
I cringe a bit when whites try to imply they invented Jazz… or even Rock n roll
I had one retard on here saying ancient scottish chants are the basis of Hip Hop!
>we wuz moonmen and shit"
The neolithic peoples who settled in Southern European were brown-eyed. Not light-eyed.
Control f and type brown. The near eastern farmers were brown-eyed and black haired, not fair-haired and blue-eyed.
Post greek descriptions of them then leaftard.
>What is the white people equivalent of "we wuz kingz n sheit" ?
fuck you got mine
We have actual descriptions of people saying "this emperor had blue eyes, this one had green eyes" ext ext.
Aryan reporting in. I need no ancestry to feel special. My athletic body, sharp intellect, bright blue eyes, waving blonde hair and huge cock is enough to be succesfull in every way. The fact that my grandparents were nazi scum only makes it feel better. Imagining my grandpa in the war, packing a huge nazi cock, murdering degenerates left and right. I need no kingsblood. Just nazi cock.
>someone else does something
>same colour skin
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>not white
Gotta love this jew tactic.
We Wuz Saxons N Romins N Britons N Kelts N Nurmans An Empires of all of da wurld N that, innit m8
>Jesus was an Aryan.
White people were gods.
>We wuz greek philosophers n sheit. Defended the free world against those dirty Persians.
I'm not saying they're "non-white", they just didn't look like northern europeans do today.
Accept your woggish forebears.
Canadian actually having a good post for once
americans when they say they ARE german/irish/scottish/any european country
There are plenty of people in the Levant with light features.
Claiming achievements of other culture, such as Greek for example. Same shit as kangz, annoying af.
>mfw Roman nose
>mfw actual descendent of Roman empire
>PFC's first visit to ebaums
>not allowed to leave base on weekends
>has duty on the weekend
Honestly, google "percent of Europe related to Charlemagne." The majority European people are direct decedents. William the Conquerer has millions, upon millions of decedents (off the top of my head around 50 million).
Literally Nazism
Get back to me when you have DNA evidence that Jesus was of dark phenotype.
The only true answer is "I'm part native american."
well one of your ancestors was probably raped by a roman centurion or something.
White men build China, India, Egypt, Babylonia, Persia, South/Meso American civilizations and basically every civilization ever. This, however, is known only by skinheads.
>we wuz SORRY
In America a popular one is we WUZ Indians n shieettt. We say it like Did you know im 1/64th Cherokee?!?
We wuz romanz
Isaac had two white sons, Esau (father of Edomites - jews call us Edomites) and Jacob.
Esau was described as a redneck.
Jews probably got their semitic traits later on, from Assyrians, Babylonians and Arabs.
we da Aryan massa race n shiet
I wuz
we wuz Mesopotamians, Persians, Indians n sheet is probably the best example
But It's still closer to the truth than niggers pretending they're Egyptians, Mesopetamians, Persians and Indians are all also caucasians and Persians and Indians are in the indo-European language family, and the settlers who bought the Indo-European language and culture to Persia and India did come from Eastern Europe, and Europe has been involved historically with these regions, so there's at least some truth to it. But the idea that these areas were all blonde haired blued eye pale people before they somehow all turned brownish is ludicrous. The only one of these places that might have turned "more brown" is probably Northern India as a result of the forced unification of the Indian subcontinent and as a result caucasian Northern Indians migrating south and east and the more Australoid Southern India migrating north in the now unified land mass.
An analogy to African Americans think they're descendent of ancient Egyptians is probably Europeans thinking they're descendent of ancient Chinese. It's so ridiculous and pointless (The only reason niggers pretend to be Egyptians is because they have zero history of their own, where Europeans don't need to do this) that I've only ever seen one person do it, and that's Varg (who has mental issues).