Tfw redpilled

>tfw redpilled
>tfw spic

What am I supposed to do, I know only white poeple can make a country nice and comfy, but at the same time I'm a speak my self, what am I supposed to do besides not having brown children

make you an honorary white

you know, be a doctor or something productive

Don't worry brah, soon "designer" babies will be here and you can create white children of your own someday.

Raise them to not be liberals and you'll provide this world a great service.

here comes the snowniggers

I'm hoping that happens soon, all I wanna do is kill all non whites and raise some white kids
and contribute to western society

There's nothing wrong with you, just be a great person.

What a dangerous faggot.

top kek did people really donated to some women called (((stein)))

No need to kill anyone. For every male/female there is, there is a potential white person that can come out of them in the future (when that tech is eventually released in the next 5-10 years).

Demographics will begin changing and the world will become "one" because of it.

Dont worry, theres no going back from this point

Its not 100% accurate. You need like minded people, most whites are as degenerate and useless as any nigger.

Same here, m8.
Having white kids and a large farm....


make mexico great again?

this. white master race is just a meme op you retard

"white" is just the meme word for "merit." no Sup Forumsack seriously thinks that they're superior to world renown brain surgeon ben carson just because he's black and they're white. Shit nigger, very few KLANSMAN actually have a problem with non-whites who pull their own weight in society. Just don't be a fucking useless "shitskin" (again, meme word for welfare-sucker) and nobody will have a problem with you.

When we talk about minorities being shit and useless we're making fair generalizations of those races as a whole compared to blacks. But nobody can point towards the bell curve as proof why non-whites suck and not simultaneously acknowledge that higher IQ minority INDIVIDUALS do exist as well

*as a whole compared to whites I mean, shit

Stay in Argentina.

Self-improvement, Alejandro. On a national level. Have kids and raise them not to be senseless apes

>tfw redpilled
>tfw i'm product of race mix

why is life so shit

>I know only white people can make a country nice and comfy.

Many Asian countries are comfy too (japan, Singapore) if only they had freedoms....

We only refer to whites as being better because they usually are.

But you being a red pilled brown person elevates you to the level of redpilled whites.

Fuck honorary Aryan bullshit, if you are an ubermensch then you are an ubermensch.

Niggers will nig, spics will spic but it doesn't matter if you as an individual can rise above.

The biggest blue pill Sup Forums loves to swallow is that skin color and race are the end all be all. If you are at the top of your bell curve you are better than most niggers, Muslims and whites.

Singapore isn't comfy. You literally go to jail there for having contraband chewing gum. It's a dictatorship. Also, they live atop of one another because no Lebensraum.


Hating yourself is horse shit. Live your life to fulfilment.

One in a million non-retarded spic doesn't change the fact that the average spic is still a spic.
If you want to be a true Aryan, then you need to make your OWN community great, not just suck racist's cocks on the internet.

get a brown wife, hop the southern US border, have her shit out a dozen kids and live like a king off all the welfare you get.

you'll be doing us a far by speeding up the start of the inevitable race war

Hold on to your fucking butt, faggot. If you make it through this race war shit without opening your mouth, you might just make it.

Imagine op. If you took the redpill up to the highest echelons of your society and became the Jew. Then you trickled that redpill down into the most lowly forgotten places society has to offer. So what I'm saying is make your country not shit. It's the idea not the skin color

National socialism is applicable to ALL distinct races. If you're a mixed breed, then fascism is the next best thing.

You're not special. Argies and Chileans are the most self hating spics in existence.

run for local government

spread the redpill within your sphere of influence

reject globalism on all fronts

paco, my son

will you stay in the us and continue to shit up the country

or will you go home with your new knowledge and make mexico great again?

Become a cowboy, that's a pretty respectable course.
Rough land makes for rough men.
No tougher men have ever existed on this good earth than the western cowboys. They outdid everyone from the Spartans to the Vikings.

We could go after white grills and ascend.
Just a thought.


Dear Shitskins,

Just go back to your own countries and make them great. It's that simple. Make your own countries great and be proud of your accomplishments.

However, if you insist on living in a White nation and leeching off us, then you should be ashamed and kill yourself.

>whites are now as degenerate as niggers
have they really fallen that long? i know there's plenty of people complaining about the degeneracy going on pretty much, everywhere, but is it true? the cuckoldry n shiiieet?

Race doesnt mattet, you have fallen for the ethno nationalism meme, civic nationalism is the way to go

as much as i hate to admit, this FUCKING LEAF is right, if 30 to 35% of mexicans (can't speak for the of latin americans because only they can criticize their own countrymen) aren't morons who let themselves get carried away by stupid propaganda and are incapable of changing their ways, it doens't matter how hard one tries, you will always be seen as one of them because the majority does what others find annoying (and it's even mroe painful when you too find it annoying as fuck but you can't say jackshit because the moment you do they will call you stupid ignorant or a traitorous scumbag)...damn it all to hell

You need to go back

Mestiza girls that orient towards their white genes are major QT status.

They're essentially a cruder version of a Hapa bitch.