>American intelligence agencies have concluded with “high confidence” that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald J. Trump, according to senior administration officials.
Russia "Hacked" RNC too!
Other urls found in this thread:
Hillary told me not to believe fake news
Well maybe if you don't want non-citizens voting, you should implement voter ID.
Afraid we can't do that. Voter ID laws are racist.
What are you a fucking racist?
Donald Dumbfuck is literally a Russian quisling. A Putin traitor who will somehow rule over us despite winning THREE MILLION FEWER votes.
This is non-negotiable.
This is irrefutable.
Democrats should filibuster every fucking thing this foreign stooge tries to do, no matter how insignificant. There has never, ever been a more illegitimate President.
Until President Pussygrabber is sworn in, I'm going to keep hoping for an electoral college mutiny or a CIA couple. Anytime to stop Vladimir'so cuck from taking power is absolutely worth it.
man I would of love to see the shit show going on the GOP side. This is fucking insane.
>President Pussygrabber
Chances are it looked a lot like the DNC emails. Trying to blast Trump left and right just giving him more free publicity.
all the dems had to do was pander more to the midwest white people
you know the RNC was carrying all that water for trump
With the popularity of trannies growing pussygrabbing will be the new handshake to figure out what you're talking to.
fake news
That's racist user. Most illegals can't afford fake IDs
The Russians have a stake in the US elections so why wouldn't they?
If Obama has a problem with this then maybe he should look at his own administration's behavior over the last 8 years.
> Until President Pussygrabber is sworn in, I'm going to keep hoping
I'm sure you will
This is a comment I'd expect from an Australian.
Kinda like how dogs sniff each other's asses? Works for me.
Some of us fucking do you cock sucker. My state requires ID but we cant control what the fags in California do.
So the Russians meme are getting to 'da j00s did it' level.
Democrats have no power to filibuster now. Harry Reid said it himself and it's because he enacted the nuclear option. Dems are neutered and they did it to themselves.
Are they even actually saying how they influenced the election? I mean Putin would straight up shit talk the democrats and Hillary so how is this a surprise to anyone?
-how do i print this coupon?
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-my phone refuses to voice activate
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-ammunation is having a huge sale on 7.62x39 do they take checks you think
It's safe to say it has far surpassed it
At least the ""alt right"" media has enough sense to not name the jew directly outside the comment sections
More fake news.
Why the fuck are we fighting with Drumpfcucks at all? Discussion over goddammit. Enough.
Donald Dumbfuckers should be punched in the face. End of story. No debate, no more excuses, just hit them as hard as you fucking can when they start spouting far right fake news bullshit!
They literally, literally have no problem with a Russian fucking puppet taking power for no other reason than "Muslims!!!"
They can cry, they can scream, they can bay about patriotism all they want. Doesn't change the fact that they want to bring this country down by letting Putin run the show with his goddamn hand up President Pussygrabbers ass.
Basically this
Epic turnaround, friend.
So what?
Trump isn't part of the Republican Party
>acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign
what the fuck does that even mean. just a bunch of nothing. why can't they actually give us some solid actions that russia did, instead of implying some vague manipulation?
>mfw when you punch one of us in the face and get shot
Oh yeah, because the old criminal didn't do enough to ensure that most whites wouldn't vote for her. She insulted them all election, and now it's a big mystery on how her reputation wasn't as good as it should have been. These people are retards.
Which one is it?
>trump has the nukes guys ww3 soon
>trump is a russian spy
>senior administration officials.
fucking kill yourself faggot
I would be more shocked if Russia didn't do this.
Anyone have a good link to Hillary talking about how she wants war with Russia?
>Are they even actually saying how they influenced the election?
Supposedly the email leaks which then became news stories demoralized Democrat voters into either voting for Trump or third party candidates thus influencing the election as a whole. Note how there's no denial of the contents within the released emails, just finger pointing about where they came from.
They're just parroting what Assange said. He said he had dirt both on Trump and Killary but didn't leak the Trump bits because it wasn't anything that wasn't in the msm anyways.
I suppose Russia can hack the opinions of the electors as well
She still lost and there's nothing you can do about it. So go back to your cry in, toss more money at Jill Stein, and if you still have time after being a massive cuck and a useless waste of human filth, kill yourself.
t. Anyone who has known you
>we lost because Russia hacked our emails
>voting was rigged because Russia hacked the polls
>notre dame is in the top 25 again because of Russia
>the cheese in my chili cheese burrito isn't melted because Russia hacked the taco bell microwave
is this meme the new THANKS OBAMA?
- john mccain love pizza parties
- Reince Priebus needs 10 tons of hot dogs
- RNC needs more balloons
but for real, remember when the RNC hated trump's guts? man that kind of squabble would be some hot shit
>senior administration officials.
Nation wide carry concealed is coming. Your faux tough guy attitude will be culled along with every other faggot liberal when you are unsure if someone has a gun or not.
Do it, I've met two liberals in my entire life that actually knew how to throw a punch.
Neither knew how to take one, though.
You retards will latch onto any bullshit spewed from MSM huh?
Keep dreaming, Trump will be president and he will disperse of these retarded shills.
>Im just disappointed that we wont be getting any right wing death squads... thats the main reason I voted for him.
> it's a Muslims did nothing wrong meme post
The most fun thing about Hillary Clinton's Cold War memetics is that Obama hasn't said diddly shit about Russian hackers for the last 8 years.
Obama and the Pentagon ALWAYS pointed the finger at China.
Claiming it was EEEEBUL RUSSIANS who did it is entirely the fake news narrative of that psychopathic warmonger, Hillary.
sounds like our government is just admitting defeat to foreign hackers and trying to deflect criticism
must still be demoralized after foreigners hacked the OPM
He said more about North Korea fucking with Sony than Russia.
Guccifer is literally Putin, didn't you know?
What the shills can't seem to comprehend: What difference - at this point, what difference does it make?
Here's the correct article OP quoted:
Does anybody actually believe this bull besides retards who worship le current year man like:
What "intelligence agencies" and "senior officials" and "findings" are being referrred to here? It's vague as fuck.
Why would anybody trust the NYT at this point?
hahahaha that was good user
>and they already forgot
Lmao i bet those dirty Russians even used facts to convince people not to vote for Killary, those bastards!
Puuuh, thank god that trump was not a rnc candidate and hated by them or else the would have information on him
Since there are many machines or ballots with no internet connection, why aren't there pictures of Slavs squatting outside the polling station ready to do sabotage?
>Does anybody actually believe this bull besides retards who worship le current year man like
The average person will believe it without question. Chances are they won't even read beyond the headlines and will only have the narrative reinforced by late night talk shows endlessly mocking Trump and the Republicans.
>muhhh cia
>implying the CIA aren't doing this to start a civil war for some rich billionaires
Come back to me when the Director of National Intelligence or the NSA says it was Russia
They'll just twist the situation. I.E, what they're doing now: the fact that it was a Russian who leaked the shit, apparently means the Russian state itself was on a mission to destabilize the American electoral process to prevent it, because it's #HerTurn, and she's America.
At least they're pushing through this fake news legislation that will be their own death knell. I wonder if they realize they've lobbied to destroy themselves?
WaPo says CIA sources, NYT says CIA and other intelligence agency sources.
So fucking credible, what ever will I do?!?!?!
This is bullshit made up by the establishment to make people think Trump is not a legitimate president that was elected organically by the people to further marginalize the libshits and low IQ'd general populous. Even if Russia did "tamper" with the election, how is that not the same thing as Clinton being lobbied by big banks and countries like Saudi Arabia?
>how is that not the same thing as Clinton being lobbied by big banks and countries like Saudi Arabia?
When their guy does it it's ok but Trump is evil so it's all bad and all his fualt.
Releasing truth isn't tampering with an election.
And if it is, then every election deserves to be tampered with.
First black President destroys the Republic
It's really this. Robert Reich is going nuts on FB right now trying to convince everyone that "Russia Hacked the Election" but unless they broke millions of voting machines, they didn't do anything except be annoying by tapping emails.
Hell, if they published emails they did us all a service.
>Recount didn't work
Now this.
Next is assassination attempt.
like id believe anything (((they))) say
Honestly it wouldn't surprise me at this point.