Red pill me on my country and prime minister
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He sold all the gold reserves
this guy cups your balls in the club, what do you do?
Biden has Hailed Trudeau and Merkel as Last Liberal Leaders Standing. Should tell you something.
watch rebel media
*a wild staircase appears*
Faggots. Your cuntry and your PM too.
The dude was a drama teacher and a ski instructor.
Canada is a right-wing country with a friendly face. Trudeau isn't in charge of shit.
Slap him. With the back of my hand, not the palm. I dont beat faggots or women.
knock his ass out
He's the result of cuckoldry. His mom shiggydigged with Castro.
The embodiment of the regressive left.
>Is this a real statement or a parody? Because if this is a real statement from the PM of Canada it is shameful & embarrassing
It's a shithole
Trudeau says if we kill our enemies they win. King of cucks! As the chosen cuck, his dad Pierre let Castro finish inside his mamma to conceive the holy trinity of cucktianity.
k at first i thought it was a meme but i think it`s for fucking real. does anyone have a timeline on when justin was born? if pierre and margaret visited cuba 9 months before then thats gg
Sage and report
not really though m8
He won't be reelected at least.
You are ruled by the cuckspawn of a despot.
>tfw Toronto
I'm sorry. Me and my family tried.
Ugh. Never looked at Canadas shape like that. That is the ugliest country ever
It's no surprise he holds the views of both his father and his moms husband
It actually looks like it blew its own brains out
>justin was born?
December 25, 1971
who knows... snopes says false that his parents didn't meet castro till '76 but who knows ... could marge have visited with fidel in 1970 anywhere?
There is nothing to red pill on some one so blue balled
The red pill is that he's so blue pilled he's our prime minister in all but name and unknown and unseen actors are pulling his strings.
Look at pic related. Do I have to spell it out for you?
Trudeau is a cuck to the globalists just like his father. I don't see Canadians voting out our globalist sell out leaders anytime soon.
He is quite literally the worst thing to happen to Canada in my lifetime.
Wants to let in 100,000s of muslims
Wants our soldiers to be UN peacekeepers/targets in Africa
Sucks up to Muslims here
Assaulted a Female MP in the House of Commons
Job losses since he took over as PM have been terrible
He praised a dead communist dictator
Brought in a carbon tax that nobody wants
Sucked up to and has been bought by the fucking Chinese.
cuckservative wasted digits
I'm starting to believe that Leafs are in fact Kek's chosen people
the digits be speakin of truths, lads
Kek has cursed Trudeau
Trudeau has bee forever tainted by kek and will be haunted by his spirit forever
Just remember they had to walk idiot liberals through how to vote strategically to get him elected
They literally had to repeat over and over how to strategically vote. It was a fluke and its halfway over.
Those digits don't lie
Did he actually say this?
Kek confirms
Canada is fucked
Move to America. Trump will take care of you
>they had to walk idiot liberals through how to vote strategically
You're mixing up our socialists with our liberals senpai. It was the socialists that voted strategically by voting Trudeau. Everyone was determined to see Harper not get back in no matter what.
>a good leaf
Waste of a get. kys
Not really desu. Hopefully Canada hears more of this shit
Except some of it isn't true, and some of it is exaggerated.
No, lol.
Next time you receive a nonsensical response from a leaf do not get angry, do not get frustrated.
it is full leaf tier posting: it proves nothing, it doesn't argue for or against the contentions of an argument, it doesn't bring new information, it doesn't offer an opinion. It's just shit.
Pure shit. Like Canadians.
I enjoyed my time in Canada and real Canadians are a friendly and accomodating people but Leaf-Posters deserve nothing less than death.
Rake all leafs. Kill them. They are not like us and inherently beneath us. Do not validate a leaf. Do not entertain his clownery, ignore him at your least, kill him at your most.
Make no mistake, the Leaf is an impediment to your thoughts and intellectual well being. Come in contact with such vermin and you do not think, you just rage, you do not consider, you just end up frustrated.
They are not human.
Rake the leaf for he is not one of us and if he resists the rake, slit his throat for he only lives to impede your pure and independent thought and mate your women to apes.
Leafs are not us. They deserve nothing less than death.
Do not forget or ignore this.
Rake the leaf.
Someone shop a cock in his mouth because that, that is what this faggot, the PM of my country, is worthy of, at best. Myt name is Justin Trudeau and I love sucking big hairy cocks because I am a faggot. Shove some big burly balls in my mouth and let me pleasure all the faggot shitskin muslims because I am the cuckold kid. My mommy, Maggie Trudeau took Castros jism in her little baby hole and I'm the Cuckold Kid. My name is Justin Trudeau and I'm a huuuuuuge faggot. I love dicks.
He sums up everything wrong with his homeland and you call it a waste of a get? Trudeau got BTFO by those digits, nigga. I don't see your cuck ass getting any digits.
thanks boys
absolute fucking garbage post. I want you out of my country
Gavin McCuck pls go
>mfw I will get (You)s till the day I die
you dumb faggots can't help yourselves
>Job losses since he took over as PM have been terrible
T. Rigrat
based leaf
Tears of joy. Thank you Sup Forums.
He's the first PM with a six pack. He's a fucking BEAST. He will win forever because canuck ladies want his D.
He's a secret Muslim.
Leafs BTFO by the mighty australian
I beg of you lord Kek, bring the meme magick to Canada.
Does this mean Trudeau will be swallowed up by the black hole of 2016?
The Trudeaus first met Castro in 1970
>Assaulted a Female MP in the House of Commons
>pic implying you should racemix
Do you want cock down your throat user?
In 2 years it will be mandatory
If numbers check then put me in instead of him
Why does the Trudeau electoral reform "public discussion" consist of a rigid, 20 question survey with no write-ins allowed.
It fails to even mention any of the alternative forms of election systems, including those that would truly add accountability (recalls). Instead it focuses on diversity, and worse, it suggests that we should vote online.
Leafs, if we lose our paper ballots only, we're truly fucked for good.
How do we participate in the discussion Sup Forums?
>voting online
imagine what dammage Sup Forums could do then
It was pretty stupid desu
The world isn't ready for this
This took place in our House of Commons not fucking Walmart.
Justin thinks he's still in college or something?
What a moron.
Remember that time the PM manhandled a conservative MP party whip and elbowed the fuck out of a white wimmenz NDP MP? It was a good year for Canada.
Justin Trudeau
A man who has balanced canadas budget as well as added more value to the canadian currency more than any other leader in the past 5 decades
He is a leader of the progressive movement promoting equal rights as well as strengthening the canadian military, showing his expertise by pulling canadian fighter jets out of ISIS territory and instead ordering them to protect canada
For his sacred words "If you kill your enemy, they win" elaborates on the mental tactics of how he is telling ISIS that they will never kill a canadian, they must come to canada to do it.
That is torturing your enemy mentally, which is better than any form of killing will be.
Trudeau has never said the "they win" quote. It was misinformation spread by Rebel Media's own Gavin Mcbuttplug.
rather it be
>plz be my AI gf
Trudeau doesnt look hispanic at all not one single trait, fffs look at the color of his skin.
Best. Country. Evvaa