So what happened here? obviously more then just was shown.
So what happened here? obviously more then just was shown
love when she says
>You're getting a fuck you
Alpha as fuck
She's high as fuck on MDMA, that's all.
waifu claimed
hands off
anyone get info on her? I d love to write her
she high as shit on that crystal
Na dude look at her skin and teeth
MDMA doesn't make you act like that, you inbred dog.
Plus she has a trump shirt and sweatshirt. If she was into drugs she wouldn't have spent that $100 on trump gear
did he really travel the world feeding kids?
this too.
Look at the dark/purple under her eyes, plus the extreme whiteness of her eyes and saucer pupils.
Meth doesn't actually destroy your teeth unless you're smoking it everyday and not brushing, it also doesn't damage your skin unless you abuse it for years.
Most of those meth mug shots are BS shot of hookers on the streets with poor hygiene.
Bigotry, married to an immigrant, make sure you get that on camera riiiiiiiiight?
But no you don't get that interview, you just get that on- on camera, right? That's what the media wants to portray him as, right?
Why don't you get on camera- why don't you get it on camera instead of editing, instead of editing, instead of editing, his one million dollar a month anonymous feed the children donations, why don't you get that on camera? Why don't you get on camera that he recruited immigrants to help him build towers so he could put them up? Oh you don't- you don't get that on camera, right? This is what you get on camera. THIS is what you get on camera, right? And you edit it accordingly, you wait until you bait him, and then you edit it, right? You don't include the fact that we have an awesome, an AWESOME president now, who took a step down for unappreciative motherfuckers, okay, unappreciative, okay.
None of ya damn- oh you'll edit it, you'll EDIT IT and portray something totally different to what it really is, right, so you're not getting my name, you're getting a FUCK YOU, because you don't give it- you don't give it as it really is. You don't give it or portray it as it really is, a GOOD man, with a GOOD AWESOME heart, that travelled the WOOOOORLD... FEEDING THE KIDS
You fucking motherfucker
>only poor people do drugs
She was wrong about one thing. It's not only trump who is a good man with a good awesome heart. It was is along. We all are good men with good awesome hearts.
God bless Candice and her passion for putting the MSM in its rightful place - the trash can!
imagine if most white women were that passionate and outspoken
I read that in her voice
Check 'em
I've already posted. Multiple times. I was walking by there that night. I'm directly walking behind her at 0.55. And yes, there was a lot more going on that night.
You should have took pics and vids
She's not for you to claim.
who fucking cares.
i'm not going to be the one who takes that factoid away from her.
It was real in my mind.
I greentexted the story multiple times so I'm not going to explain it again. I'm sure if you look up the archives you will find it.
the tldr is that after that argument, they had to have edited out the next 3 minutes. Candice walked to the end of the block, looped back around, and got in a fight with the protesting corral (again this was across the street from Trump tower). A retard anti-trump cuck tried to jump over the barricade at her after she threw her coffee and called them a slur (I thought I heard coons). Guy knocked over barricade and was led away b police. She was escorted out of the crowd for antagonizing. The longer story is funnier, but Im too tired right now and I've typed it out before.
Sounds pretty lucid, maybe jacked up on adrenaline since she's confronting a journalist on live television and telling him off...
lmao shes even more alpha then the video depicted. From what you saw did you think she was on drugs?
>imagine if most white women were that passionate and outspoken
And intellegent and insightful.
>live in CA
>listen to morons all day parrot taking points from CNN and MSNBC
that must be hell.
Additionally, people clash everyday in NYC. Honestly, this was very amusing, but not that unusual. I see this shit on the subway at least once a week.
yea but isn't it usually crack head niggers?
She had all the makings of a meth head (pacing back and forth, tote bag with all her belongings, muttering to herself).
Additionally, on a sidenote, she was much more attractive in person than the video makes her look. The lighting destroyed her skin tone.
nice trips
White and black crackheads/heroin addicts/ meth heads are pretty ubiquitous. I.e. they are all trash and easy to spot a mile away. More minorities, but not as many more as you may think.
Just a tweaking crackhead tweaker. I try not to be judgmental, but that's exactly a sign of a druggie. Sorry, if you don't go out and interact with real people.
I can imagine she looks cute in the vid id imagine even hotter in person
id lick her ass
You obviously aint done drugs. Piss off faggot. She was on aderreall for days or meth for 24+hours and drunk. Maybe coke tossed in. Eh on crack. I got too much experience on this shit.
i bet she's fucking wild in bed
who wouldnt
exactly, they wouldn't listen to the leaf tho
Do it for Candice you cuck I want to know the story. Was this in NYC? Are there really women who aren't worthless CA wannabe trash and minorities?
I bet she will fuck you up.
You motherfucker
Check 'em
so hot
shes so based
Apparently she doesn't know what bigotry means. You can be a bigot while married to an immigrant.
fuck off outback fucker
I bet she gives enthusiastic blowjobs
Do people genuinely believe Trump is a good man and will make a good president? Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him over Hillary and most if not all candidates on both sides. But do you honestly believe he chose to run for presidency for truly altruistic reasons?
MAGA for candice