Trump curse strikes again!
>300 Million
I hate Clooney as much as anybody here, but that amount for two years of marriage is downright excessive and horrifying
I have a large image of 6mb of all those that opposed him and have either died,divorced,lost their wealth,lost their job etc. This shall now go into it.
Get fucked cuck.
how do you not just pay someone to kill her?
Crown him
>net worth of 180 million
>hur dur I want 300 million to preserve my lifestyle
Absolutely. I would strangle her myself for a LOT less than 300 mil
This fag deserves this. Look him up saying Trump won't become President, it's that California smugness and out of touch elitism that gives me joy seeing suffer.
Suffer GEORGE.
Aye! And he will be a just king!
marry a tranny, prepare your fanny
check my DIGITS and you'll know
George's wife is a tranny ho
this post is not spam
Did George "cuck" Cooney serious think this bitch would Marry a 53yrl millionaire guy out of love
He's retarded as any leftist celeb.
She's a lawyer
He's a retard
he's worth 250 million and she's worth 2
>be rich
>get married
Are these people stupid?
organize that list and post it.
thread theme
>get shit for years for not getting married
>get married
>lose half your wealth in a few years
fucking hilarious. and he didn't make an heir. lol
she's going to not even get close to a million, they were only married for 2 years
fucking lmao
>marries a shitskin lawyer
he's an idiot, he could have done way better
>marrying a lawyer
add another one to the list
Dude, she was his lawyer too, he's so fucked.
A lot of that money has to do with the court and the lawyers. It's not just going to her, it's going to the system. A system that's separate from the rest of the legal system too. That's why they fuck men over, they're literally lining their own wallets.
So in his case not only is it a woman, but it's a lawyer who knows how to work/game that system too. The fuck was he thinking?
He's a billionaire though so it probably doesn't effect him that much. But it's going to add up over the years.
KEK. I second this notion. He must wear the Crown of JUST!
Loser get
siding with the white cis male
I love how all the nasty bitter old women I knew growing up despised how he never got married. And then he does get married and he gets fucked. Well gee I wonder why men don't get married
>Captcha: CECC tawel
>marrying a shitskin who is also a top tier lawyer
What was he thinking
>marry a gold-digger
>get raped in divorce court where the parasite judges and lawyers bleed you for every shekel
Even when their husband has been voted the Sexiest Man Alive and is literally a millionaire Hollywood moviestar, a wife will find some shit reason to divorce him and demand a fabulous payout prize from the courts.
really makes you think
Where are the Sanders cuck flicks at, boys?
Comfy keks tonight. Thanks lads.
and people mocked you for not having a job or a girlfriend
Trannys can't have babies
300 million is a fuckload but in a way he deserves getting fucked over. not that much however.
but it's because he was discussing migrant politics with Merkel and helped gaining normie attention for the cause of shipping several million migrants into Germany.
if anything, that divorce incident will redpill him nicely if we get lucky.
Clooney, you're a complete faggot.
But you could be our faggot and do the right thing for once, you fucking degenerate.
He should of married Stacy Kiebler when he had the chance!
This can't be real. They were together for less than 5 years and he didn't even know her while he amassed his fortune.
>George Clooney/Net worth
>$180 million
But he could keep the nespresso machine?
I love seeing these hollywood shabbos goyim lose it all.
Why does she remind me of Huma?
He wasn't kidding when he said he didn't want to have children - in his movie "up in the air".
Serves this pretentious fucker right
He was parading his marriage around as some kind of example on how everything can work out between western countries and middle eastern immigrants
pol never die
Wow. Truly forced synaptic electrical firing between my neurons.
>marry a fucking lawyer for maximum financial rape...wtf george??
now i wish it was 700 million
jejs fuck this cuck
I always wonder why these marriages don't work out.
I mean my god, what could they possibly fight about or not agree on to the point where divorce is necessary? They live in almost comical wealth and privilege.
Too busy or something? Bad sex?
Poor bastard. He's a smug motherfucker so he could do with being taken down a peg but I thought this was him attempting make a move into politics by picking up his hottie bigwig, humanitarian lawyer wife to become a power couple and make a play for president in a few years.
Guess that's not coming.
Clooney probably cheated on her.
if TMZ doesn't have it on the front page is probably bullshit
those faggots know about this shit
How is nobody wondering why he did not get the Massey prenup?
The greed and hypergamy of the woman knows no bounds. She probably thought she could do better than him so why not divorce and get half of his fortune? There is no real reason not to.
God I fucking love it.
300 million... For fucking him.... For two years.
Breaking that down to the average amount of times married people have sex and taking even the high number (3-5 times a week)....
This bitch was a prostitute who gave up the vag to the tune of 1 million a session.
My god I can't stop laughing.
because i literally had to look up the definition of this term right now
nobody here knows or gives a shit about htis fuckbag clowns career
hes a sjw feminist """"""""""""""refugee"""""""""""""" supporter
fuck him i hope she also pegs him with the gavel
Holla we want prenup
>They live in almost comical wealth and privilege.
it's that exactly. they're so used to getting everything exactly the way they want to get it all the time that when they honeymoon period ends and they realize they're living with an actual person who may or may not agree with them they fucking lose it
She's a horse faced shitskin.
Nailed His Ass
Top Lel!
Sup Forums is full of keks today
Why do these fucking idiots get married?
They are wealthy, attractive and famous
What the fuck goes through their head
Super underrated flick, that's why.
Damn he overpayed. Average average is $200, high end is $1000. And she isn't even that hot. What a sucker.
lmfao it was only two years, too? hehahaha
legs arent bad tho
underrated post
>G. Clooney holds off on marriage year after year
>finally marries
2 years later
>kike woman steals his shekels
>fucked over like the cuck he is
>notorious bachelor
>decides to get married
>gets cucked out of 300 mil
wew lad
So you're saying I have a chance?
KEK didn't he make a movie about this exact same situation? (except his character is was smarter than he is)
Commitment for a man is like sex to a woman
Not being picky is retarded
When they look back on his reign they'll say he was a just king.
Clptoyex is a great alien name.
Clptoyex, son of Mxyzptilk
Don't look at my waifu.
Welcome to the club, Clooney. Enjoy the ride.