This is creepy as Hell.
This is creepy as Hell
Christ God! Will leaves ever stop being repugnant sub humans?
wtf #ImWithHer now
>when you see it
How many things came true from last years?
what is this? Monopoly?
Tarot card's meanings are so vague that they could mean whatever you want
Hell the Death card means an end of a cycle
Which could mean an end to the globalist cycle.
>The Economist
Immediately dropped, Saged, Reported, called police, and called lawyer because I intend to press charges
What is it though? I dont even get what this thread is about
the cards have another meaning upside down
Anyone here dabbles in tarot? I'm waiting for my deck. Got The Fountain deck, pretty sick looking.
>George Clooney - Stopping Conflicts
I guess Ulysses Everett McGill is going to solve the central african republics' perpetual civil wars, everybody.
You know, if the global elites want to convince the public they aren't into Satanic rituals and the occult, posting a major cover story involving Tarot cards probably isn't the best idea.
>anything other than Rider-Waite
send it back, pleb
I don't get it
Donald is taking a royal shit on Canada
Ive got my RW, Golden Dawn, and italian renaissance recreation packs
Every damn thing is creepy.
Trips dont lie
Soros is such a fucking creep. I wish him and his cabal of blood sucking pedo freaks would just end themselves already.
No one cared about 2016 cover was sad since 2015 cover was fun for tinfoilers
spoop ebic bread
>to be continued
They knew you faggots love to find random shit in their covers, so now they did this and it will be spammed all over the internet for free.
you so clever
Nigga I have 3 astral houses and an eclipse on my Time and Eternity spots and you landed on it.
You owe me your soul.
George Clooney is about to get JUST by his lawyer wife.
Tarot is good
Is this even legal? It's clearly slander, he hasn't even done anything yet, he's not even fucking president yet.
They're just throwing a tantrum their globalist puppet Hillary wasn't elected.
I really hate to use this phrase but....
>Sadiq Khan
>Justin Trudeau
>George Clooney
These people are absolutely on the wrong side of history. And they're going to learn that the hard way I guess.
Rothschild version of meme magic.
Looks to me like the NWO elites are planning for a world war and civil collapses if I'm reading those cards right. Lots of images of shattering, splitting, collapsing.
However, all is an illusion. It's all a fake reality, of course, because the world war 3 was written in the Protocols of Zion ages ago, and the People have been purposefully manipulated and led to this point of wrack and ruin to exhaust them, and bring them into the embrace of the Lighbringer.
They make these stupid fucking "prediction" covers every year and none of them happen.
What a bunch of dramatic little faggots.
Kek wills it that we shitpost more
noice trips user. I guess someone is watching.
>the magician
shes about to shove a gavel right up inside his colon
shits going to be $$$cash$$$
oy vey delet this
People get the government they deserve.
Apparently, Canadians deserve a complete train wreck.
the tower:
religious right vs communist left while the establishment is destroyed?
Judgement: emperor trump picks the supreme court????
the world: iluminati web bullshit ruining goverments
the hermit: NEET REFERENCE HOLY SHIT BASED ECONOMIST just gave us props!!!!!
death: enviromental death because trump doesnt believe in global warming
the magician: technological advancement
wheel of fortune: EU elections that wont go anywheere
The star: impossible to know without really zooming in on the faces but it looks like a bunch of women and shitskins so ima guess its just pozd bullshit
>death: enviromental death because trump doesnt believe in global warming
India will nuke Pakistan.
>the hermit: NEET REFERENCE HOLY SHIT BASED ECONOMIST just gave us props!!!!!
stereotypical leaf hate aside it's been a pleasure serving with you.
Hermit card best card
with those digits you are not only welcome in my lands but you may also fuck my wife
Just what the fuck is this and also what am I looking for...
>the hermit: NEET REFERENCE HOLY SHIT BASED ECONOMIST just gave us props!!!!!
You're fucking delusional buddy
The only thing you can predict with those is a coincidence. If you want any accuracy at all, you need a Mantegna deck, or at least a Fibbia.
gee golly gosh i wonder what "the hermits" of "planet trump" could be referring to as the hermit guides large amounts of protesters who are against tpp (obviously trump protesters)
but im sure you can easily come up with a spoopy explanation that fits much better
Who the fuck actually reads magazines these days?
I have the Morgan-Greer deck.
You need to do some actual research on the meanings of tarot cards. Let me give you a preliminary example:
The Tower symbolizes great misfortune, such as destruction or a natural disaster.
Undderated chuckle.
I always wonder about who made that stuff. All these people trying to combine all this knowledge into something that makes sense and works together. But does really make sense? Does it really work?
I think Man confuses himself the more he approaches the Truth.
The more He tries to force it, the more he gets lost in the Details.
seriously it is.
now shop Pepe in there.
>implying this was greatly thought out researched artwork designed to conceal a deeper meaning, whilst giving off the standard, straight forward appearance of being merely a theme
back to /x/ faggot
Za warudo isn't looking so bad
Hey leave him alone. I enjoy a good tarot reading every now and again. Also, did I mention I'm gay?
The Economist is one of the most arrogant publications out thier. The irony in its name is that it has never been successful in articulating a news story from an economist's stand point. It's a sleazy BuzzFeed for administration-shut-in who think thier too clever to be called liberals. The Economist has yet to be completely honest let alone wholely correct on anything it pushes out.
yeah, you really do bro
The Tower - Something to do with the Russian Orthodoxy and the Pope meeting for first time in 1000 years
Judgement - Trump sits in judgement of the whole world or he as POTUS will be able to judge the world (and find it wanting)
The World - Scholarly pursuits being worldwide and interlinked
The Hermit - A move to a more nationalistic worldview, less globalism
Death - Nukes will be used as a fearmongering tool for the first time in 35 years, we cold war again baby
The Magician - VR and 3d printing are new avenues toward a lifestyle unseen before this time
Wheel of Fortune - EU could collapse if Trump-like politicians win the day (storm cloud over Merkel sends message of dark days ahead if she wins)
The Star - everyday gossip still rules the day, 1 star is beyonce I think (bottom left), top middle looks like a dog. Shooting star is sign of important event, moon or mars underneath. Moon is guardian of man, Mars is symbol of war.
Seems cryptic but its all stuff you can gleam from the news today.
2019, user.
We just need to hold out until 2019...
Oh please, not this again. Both Sup Forums and /x/ spend most of 2015 dissecting the cover and nothing ever came of it. Such a waste of time.
>implying tarot reading requires "great thought"
Not my problem if you're retarded, user.
The war continues