guys DO know that Trump winning doesn't make YOU a winner...right? guys DO know that Trump winning doesn't make YOU a winner...right?
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This is really lazy bait.
lol nice one autist but that fat fuck boogie voted Hillary. Also most men with excessive amount of testosterone voted Trump. Such as myself you dumb snowflake.
Nice try OP, this is actually what hillshills look like.
If you're an American it does. We're all winners in Trump's America.
"I'm a REAL winner, now!"
me on the left
>When you got paid to shill for Hillary on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum and got called a nerd virgin because you had nothing else to do so you get butthurt and ultimately your candidate fails but you really are a nerd virgin so you keep shilling but now you do it for free
what is this from?
"First stop, TRUMP VICTORY PARTY! Second stop, maybe FINALLY GETTING LAID!"
(spoiler alert: tragically, only the first actually happened)
isnt boogie literally unironically a morbidly obese cuck who lets niggers fuck his wife?
>all these commies butthurt about america being great again
How's the wife, Patton?
pretty sure boogie wanted hillary so he could keep taking tax payer money to fund him being a fat ass.
Didn't know Boogie was a Trump supporter. wtf i love boogie now
wew lad
Just watching at you guys squirm and cringe is a winning in my book.
The end goal is not about actually doing something significant. It's about having fun and watching the other side suffer.
Why is that man outside in his underwear laughing like a maniac?
He looks crazy
Literally scientifically proven that Hill voters are low test.
But Boogie voted for Hillary. He was crying because
Well it certainly didn't make you a winner amitrite?
How much does Comet Pizza charge for the guy on the right again?
But I bet on Trump winning.
The main motivation for my professional career is feeling the need to back up my far-right political views by being better than people. I honestly have little use for money other than having more of it than you.
read the filename
Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.
doesn't matter
still won
HAHAHA That fat fuck actually voted for Hillary.
The guy on the right is a faggot fucboi. Don't see how this proves your point OP
And losers the nation over voted Trump so he could subsidize ancient technology like coal and petroleum. Losers in both camps.
That's retarded. Having money is good, but only deeply insecure and neurotic people base their whole sense of worth on having more of it than others.
Haha look at this fat fuck who supports Trump! Look how stupid he looks! Pol btfo'd!
Oh look and it turns out precisely the opposite is true.
Kill yourself OP. People like you won't survive Trump's America and we sure as fuck won't make it easy.
we will send you to camps...... so actually yes.....
> guys DO know that Trump winning doesn't make YOU a winner...right?
It kind of does though
"We," aka Trump supporters, won the election. I do feel like I shared in the victory.
Hillary supporters are cowards.
Give them facts, they don't respond and then they block you.
wtf I hate France now
too much cheesy pizza user
Not just that. Having a hot wife, being fit and having badass hobbies feels good too. I'm doing all of those and I'm happy.
Says the person who responded to it.
the only ones who voted for hillary are scrawny numales and dumb cunts
everybody but me gotta stop being a crybaby and my response to everyone but me is SUUUUUUURe
You're a bad troll
t. gorepro
Boogie voted third party, and on top of that he's butthurt about trump winning because obamacare is essentially what enabled him to have health insurance despite being a huge fucking risk
Exactly as it should be desu
>Hillary supporters are cowards.
I was arguing with these 3 upstanding feminists on twitter months ago about trump. He won and I wonder where they are now... They--and their friends--all blocked me so..
Here's proof btw
>Both men
>Body shaming
>Not enough racial diversity
This is extremely sexist, racist and offensive I'm gonna have to ask you to remove your post before your micro-aggressions trigger more fragile people.
find a source that trump is subsidizing coal and petro pls.
Actually, that idiot voted for Jill Stein, then made a video that he was sad Hillary lost
Trudeaus law.
If you block them, you win.
>coal and petroleum
Pretty ironic considering Boogie sided with Hillary.
>Coal and petroleum
Oh jeez, some of the best paying fields and most effective energy sources why would ANYONE want to support that.
>actual hillary voters on her defeat
>total losers
No, but it does make you a loser.
wtf, i love child kidnapping and sexual slavery rings and orchestrated mainstream media cover-ups now.
Boogey voted for Hillary though, if he could find wheelchair access to get his mobility scooter into the building
thoughts on girls with buzz cuts?
Try at your own risk.
Actually yes it does.
I prefer the video where the nigger calls him out.
I can dig it
Dude on the right probably voted Trump too.
How does this fat fuck need a caretaker for 8 hours a day? He's too big to do anyhing for himself?
link plx
Your move OP
From left to right
>Ugly neckbeard
>Senile, probably has some kind of dementia
>Autistic NEET
>Looks like that European shooter dude
>Fatass neckbeard
>Jesus Christ What The Fuck
>FAS victim
>Ugly haircut
>Old fart and fatass
>If that's an Oklahoma State TShirt he obviously bought it out of spite
>Autistic and ugly
>Ugly beard
>Numale fatass
>Ronery superNEET
>Fatass ugly beard
With that haircut it's not a secret honey. Nice tits though.
Still upset a month later, holly shit these liberal tears are amazing!
No, but it does make YOU a loser, and that's good enough for me.
>average Hillary voter
Its gonna be a glorious 8 years, they dont know when to quit.
boogie is a democrat though
We ALL won the day Trump was elected.
We'll win again once he takes office.
We'll win each and every day he is in office for the 8 years afterward until one of his children takes his place when his 2 terms are complete.
The winning never stops for us, but you libtards seem intent on losing this same election over and over and over again. Why do you want that? Seriously, what is it about losing that keeps you wanting to lose over and over again by getting false hope Trump won't take office?
I'm studying the brain damaged right now, and would love to get some firsthand insight from the delusional left on this.
Link plox
>hillary voters
Ah man I need that video compilation where everyone starts laughing at trumps nomination and it goes all the way to when trump wins it was funny.
>picture of Boogie
that fat fuck was a Hillary supporter lol