Muh Civic Nationalism Thread i will go first.
Muh Civic Nationalism Thread i will go first
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That is a photo of someone clearly in Africa.
Complaining about white people being outnumbered in Africa is one of the most autistic things possible.
>>I guess you don't understand the point.
4Niggers low IQ strikes again.
Your point isnt exactly clear. Perhaps you are saying Civic Nationalism doesn't work even in Africa because look at the way they treat whites?
Those vibrant children are our future. I firmly believe that they will take up the torch of Western civilization, and come to fully embrace free markets and constitutional governance. Truly, the future is bright. I teach my wife's boyfriend and his son about the Constitution every day, and I believe I am making serious inroads with the urban community. They are natural conservatives, after all.
multiculturalism will never work civic Nationalism is just a bargaining chip to sustain impending death
Stop with your fake news
Civic nationalism =/= multiculturalism
All you Spencersfags have is lies and autism
>multiculturalism is the same as civic nationalism
holy shit are you autistic?
We just don't want to live in a diverse society. While civic nationalism does not equate diversity worship, it's constitute a necessary pre-condition and is a way to sedate a part of the population.
"Oh, what really matter is what's inside and if they come here they'll change and be nationalist just like you. Civic nationalist!"
But then of course they don't because it's a fact of history that they're different from you, have a different background, aren't part of your group, and then they fear and hate you.
Civic nationalism includes strict immigration control, moron. There'd never be major demographic change because there wouldn't be mass amounts of immigration like we're seeing now. And even the ones coming here in wouldnt be illegal criminal border hoppers coming here to ficki ficki because there'd be actual border security & vetting.
Idiots like you can't see the forest for the trees.
yall ready for this
Civic Nationalism is Liberal Nationalism.
>Idiots like you can't see the forest for the trees.
Nice projection. Civic nationalism is what you've been having for the past 50 years with exactly the results you have now, which are irreversible. The underlying logic of civic nationalism is such that there's no real basis to oppose immigration except on some kind of logistic ground like "we don't have enough housing" or something of the sort.
The basic premise of civic nationalism is that anybody who believes in a certain set of principle can somehow be part of the nation, which means that in theory the only thing which ends up modulating the flow of immigration is how quick you think people will integrate. But, of course, since the nation isn't actually based around a proposition, since there's a lot of internal variety within the country which doesn't get people to lose their citizenship (under the civic nationalism ethos, a person who DOESN'T believe in national set of proposition should theoretically not be considered a citizen anymore) there's no real criteria to determine who's a nationalist and who isn't. On top of that, since beliefs are seen as private and 100% malleable, there's this idea that everybody can in theory change their mind and thus become the perfect little nationalist.
There's no underlying rational to stop immigration under this view, and that's because civic nationalist ignore history in a broad sense. They don't understand that there are irreducible differences between human beings, that a Latino will never be like a person of European descent even if the Latino were to be a constitutional lawyers.
Since today, in America, you can have communist, Islamists theocrat, libertarian, monarchist and Dewey liberal as citizens, it's fairly clear that there's no proposition to speak of for the civic nationalism. It's just an incoherent mess of bullshit based on the enlightenment idea that all humans are the same, that is a-historical beings guided by reason. It's all a lie.
Theoretically if this was a civic nationalist black country, then OP's photo would make sense. That being said, that deters white people from really wanting to go over there through all the effort that a civic nationalist nation would impose. Same would happen with blacks.
Civic Nationalism is Liberal Nationalism.
s strict immigration control.
Neanderthal IQ
nice strawman, civic nationalism is just nationalism that isn't based off of race
The cultural marxist experiment known as civic nationalism or "America" is doomed to fail and cause immense suffering and damage to human civilization because of it's abject denial of human nature and the human condition it's only a matter of when that happens
Cool story bro.
I see the nu right is already triggered by this thread.
Civic nationalism is not what we have today, we have corporate globalism and value diversity over our nation's core values.
Immigration hurts the members of a nation state and in a more nativist society they have every right as a civic nationalist to oppose it.
Fuck (((Civic Nationalists)))
That's nice in the abstract but in practice it falls apart because (1) it denies the fatalistic nature of history (it's an objective fact you can't change) (2) denies the degree to which cultural baggage isn't a choice and (3) there's no way to concretely apply or determine the alleged proposition that's supposed to turn you into a nationalist.
No even adherence to the constitution seems to be enough since one may very well wish to change the constitution and yet still call himself a nationalist.
The more coherent position is to assume that a nation give rise to a constitution in order to express a sort of collective will (no matter how this is to be construed) and not that a constitution defines a nation.
What does white nationalism hope to accomplish in the US?
I am baffled by such a concept existing in a country that is 50% nonwhite.
If there are white nationalists in the US who do not support one form or another of outright disintegration of the country I have no idea what the fuck they're doing.
Fuck off kike
It baffles me that it baffles you. It truly does. I get dizzy with confusion whenever I see civic nationalists make historically preposterous claims that the racial demography of our land is irreversible, when our own history is nothing more than a catalogue of how we systematically reversed the racial demography of the land that we colonized.
We did it already, is my point. We merely need to do it again. And it's THAT which you can't stomach. Your civic nationalism is based on fear and misplaced empathy derived from Jewish brainwashing. And deep down you know it.
Explain to me how a "reversal" in demographic change as you put it, would play out.
There are like 6000 nonwhite children being born in the US everyday.
How do you not see that this, whether you like it or not, is the future of America?
is this star wars eps one when anakin was in that underwater nigger village
I can't predict the future anymore than the English settlers who formed small colonies on the east coast could predict that their children and grandchildren would move west and claim the continent for themselves. What I know is that the people that settled this land had similar racial views to mine, and they did not view other races as members of their peoplehood, and they acted accordingly. The rest worked itself out through the ingenuity and tenacity of white people, unmatched by any other people in the world.
It's that belief and that attitude that is the goal. Once white people are again conscious of it, as they were in the past when they achieved what you are claiming is unachievable, then they will accomplish their goals in any way they can. As they already did.
Here's a question for you: What's stopping white people from reclaiming their dominance apart from the prevailing attitudes of white people?
>How do you not see that this, whether you like it or not, is the future of America?
>implying America will exist or that this won't degenerate in violence
I mean I'm all for acknowledging the basic facts but you have to use your imagination.
>What's stopping white people from reclaiming their dominance apart from the prevailing attitudes of white people?
I would say it is the modern day "belief" shared by the majority of americans, including whites, that race does not define your value as a human being.
Whites in America will never unify to start working against the interests of nonwhite Americans. Those types of attitudes and ideologies are a thing of the past. People and societies evolve.
No you're being a pussy. They have a home Country's bud, we're not here to fucking babysit. Violence already has erupted.