Who's the level 35 Mega Wizard pictured here? I know you post here. Reveal yourself!
Which one of you attended Donald's "Thank You" speech in Iowa?
Other urls found in this thread:
that pic would explain why you guys are barely half the shitposter of your average Australian
He looks disappointed. Like he's beginning to realize he was conned by the Don.
>lying sack of leaf litter
This just confirms that Russians were behind this shitty election.
You folks are shit at this.
Watch your mouth
I'm a big guy
For you?
Kys you're self maple nigger
He looks pumped.
"Gas the kikes race war now"
Shhhh dont tell belyj dom nashe sekretnoye delo comrade
Nah he just lives in Iowa
>tfw mom brings the tendies
Newfag pls
>KYS yourself
Not fat enough.
Russian flag is upside down retard
>implying I'm not a Serb
Hmmmm really makes the ol'synapses fire eh ol' sport?
For you
I am one with the Donald.
It's always strange to see someone who is "an obvious Sup Forums user' and yet probably has never been here.
If you're a Serb why does that flag not have the crown pendant thingy. It's clearly an upside down Russian flag niggly nog.
Also if you're a serb why are you even sporting that flag anyway. Are you originally from Russia?
>ol' sport
Nigga sound like Gatsby
Saw that kid on Fox last night and knew I would see him again on Sup Forums kek
/one of us/
I was at his Grand Rapids MI speech today, ama
>what is Republika Srpska
>what is a Bosnian Serb
>American education
Open a book, it'll do you good, ol' sport!
>using the word nigga unironically
Way to give yourself away reddit
Do you wear makeup?
CIA informative to discredit trump supporters.
When will Trump make the Rapids Grand again?
No lol why
He wants to have sex with you and he's playing coy.
Sorry I don't care about nonwhites history
Also I thought Reddit hates the nigga word. When did they start using that?
How did everyone feel about Trump backing down on yet another promise?
On today's "Lock her up" chant:
"That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?"
He has 180'd on all his "non-lobbyist" talk and on Hillary. :/ He already is talking about a fence instead of a wall. What's next, no deportations?
Kinda dumb to be posting your pic on Sup Forums, buddy. Think of how tragic it would be if, say, some disgruntled Hillary supporter were to photoshop your face onto some gay porn "just cuz".
What??? Why does everything with you Americans go straight to gay sex? Freudian slip?
>non whites
Tired of this meme
Nigga is a term of endearment used by a) niggers b)nigger enablers c)normie white kids (often overlap with category b) so that is why I called you a redditor because using that word screams that you're a normie
Every leaf has a little bit of Justin Cuckdeu in them
Holy shit that's my friend
Name is Wyatt
Screencapping this and sending to him
That's the worst insult someone can tell me.
Way to practically half way doc your friend poindexter
Kek drumpflets are all fat ugly manlets.
If you don't get the concept of using nigga ironically then you are quite new here.
Oh yeah and you aren't white.You're Asian, you're about as Asian as a dog for dinner
Satan knows.
How was the energy?
i know an afghan kid that looks like you
maybe you know him
Sorry your face just screams "I'm a feminist and there's nothing wrong with that, other men should be feminists too."
The Left would never do that because to them gay sex is something to proud of.
The reason I look "asian" is because my ancestors got raped by Turks somewhere down the line.
I do not look Afghan though jackass. Armenian, maybe Chechen at most.
>le deflection 'no ur new' maymay
Yes the Maga hat is a dead giveaway to that.
You look native
Remember when some womyn spraypainted a big picture of Trump kissing Putin? What a homophobe!
You must have never met a native before then.
If only we could be as AESTHETIC as these god-like Hillary voters! Feels bad my dude
Why do you even own that hat in Canada kek? What the hell do people say when they see you wearing that in public?
>implying it's actually me
Hmmm interesting prospect.. that would be what, 8d chess?
Doesn't even matter at this point...he wore the MAGA hat, so he's fair game. Photoshop on the way!
Because I'm still (somewhat) free as a Caucasian in this country and won't get gulag'd for showing sympathies I have towards a certain political movement.
People just either give me dirty looks or ask me all perplexed why I support Trump. People probably just think I'm an autist though.
Canada is the world's most normie country.
That slogan doesn't even sound like it makes sense "Make Donald Drumpf Again"? What the fuck? If I had no idea what the meme was I would laugh at the person for wearing something so dumb sounding.
If you bought one of those hats you are a real faggot
Jeez someone sounds mad about the electoral college.. are you #stillwithher? I'm sure a crudely cropped image of my face on some gay porn will ruin me :'( pls don't do it
The Aussie annouced that dow chemical is opening new locations nearby
high, my ears still hurt
Sounds like me when I wear my hat, but most of the time I get high fives and shit. People either love it or hate it. Seems like more people like it in my area at least.
But in Canada I feel like everyone would just hate it
Well it depends what part of the town I'm in. If I'm in around the university area, yeah, I get daggers, if I'm at a hockey game I get ambivalence/indifference or the odd high five or drunken call of "build the wall". However mostly people up here hate Trumps guts.
Only like 1/8th i ment
:^) Sup Forumss worst nightmare
Not a drop of injun in me lad.
No surprise. Only place I have ever actually gotten threatened for wearing my hat was in Boston by some nigger. Guy actually got fucking pissed and harassed me and shit
I've never been harassed or threatened.
He must be that 400lb hacker
Also captcha pizzagate. Mods are fucking with me...
Don't fuck an aussie, your offspring would be shitposting superhumans
Preview / cropped pic! Would you like me to make the complete pic into a size suitable for your desktop background? Are you an 1920x1080 kinda guy?
>100000000 hours in MS paint
Well I think my children need to have maximum shitposting strength. I live by the motto "the weak must fear the strong"
what province are you in bud
What are you getting out of this kek
Not saying.
He's clearly a very butthurt hillshill
my money is on 'berta or southern ontario
You don't want to upset the balance of this board, without this, the Sup Forumsack hordes would be free to roam and rape through out the civilized frontier of the internet
Wow, this had the potential to be a thread of great intellectual vigor until a leaf derailed it.
Oh you're sadly mistaken...
Not just ANY leaf...
Look at these sexy beasts at Bernie's rally! Drumpfkins botf!!!!
Hahahaha I took a pic of that kid too when I was watching it live. He kept sperging out too.
They're so confused by their defeat they need a face for the zeitgeist that defeated them. They're blissfully unaware that their rhetoric is what reawakened the white man.
It's mixed, it probably has immunities
You'll need more than just Raid for this roach boys
Ass Salami Lake Cum
How can Drumpfkins even compete?
I too saw him. He was so happy.