Let's have one of these. Especially interested in what foreigners think of the states
Let's have one of these. Especially interested in what foreigners think of the states
Here's the template
Who here /Cali/?
oregon here
we aren't all libshits i swear
it's all portland
southern oregon is good
>Loves Jew York, Likes Detroit, and hates the Midwest
Are you by any chance a spic?
why would califag hate mass?
Nah Im a libertarian who supports states with balanced budgets and progress
Not states that get subsidized to farm wheat and beans and hire illegals
Fuck off, Cali is best state
So far everyone in this thread but you hates California. There's a reason why.
bostan old
I lived in Washington for a few years as a kid, the whole NW coast is beautiful, shame West Coast fags like populate it
I'd honestly be okay with the south if there were less niggers and hicks. I also need snow in my winter, christmas in South Carolina is hell for me
I put love for the other Southern states only out of historical ties and loyalty. Truth be told, the only state I truly love is North Carolina. I do like the South, but niggers ruin a lot of it.
I dont understand and have never been to the midwest.
had to fix it, rethought some states and fixed borders
California, the land of the retards
someone show this man the eyedropper tool
i am ashamed to be from the same state as an idiot like you
Nice tolerance
Fucking moore rons watch when california rises from the ashes of governor moonbeam and chooses the savior and rising king rand paul to lead our great and magnificent people
Beware, the bear that rests upon our flag will manifest itself into reality out of the anger, resentment, and pride that is built up and ever burning within the souls of EVERY mighty californian.
>rip off someone else's culture
>hate them
pretty standard unionist
Are you by chance colorblind or did you pick pastel colors for some other reason? Decent taste though
>Turk too lazy or incompetent to use template
Not surprised
>1/5 of all states are your homeland.
What reason could you possibly have to live in all those different places?
>my ten second oc template being used
Thanks again
i fucked up again
i hate myself
>Im a libertarian
You have to be at least 18 to post here.
fixed it again goddamn it's like im from detroit
You love Nebraska and Kansas but dislike Colorado? What a moran.
you gotta be a nigger or a spic
you're too stupid not to be
look in the mirror to find one, user
>The Great Plains
>Ripping off the south
Being a rural agricultural region does not make us one and the same. Spend a bit of time in both regions and you'll see the only think tying us together is the English language and our murderous hate for liberals
Iowa represent.
literally what is wrong with being a redneck explain to me
why is the northeast coast more red then the rest? do you just have a particular hatred for that part of America?
Why's everyone hate us?
Kill yourself.
What's with all the hate for nj? Is it because of Christie? Jersey Shore? Camden, Trenton, and Atlantic City? Yeah, I can see it now.
>Why's everyone hate us?
we are hated because of portland my friend
fucking spics and niggers populate along with white libshits
southern oregon is where it's at
>Buncha rednecks from fly-overs wanna share their feelings about how bad the coasts are
We call you fly-overs for a reason. Your feelings are irrelevant.
California IS the USA.
Washington here. Trump going to cause liberals to flee to seattle and skew the state's politics even more. It hurts.
Haven't been most places. Sorry if you're grey, dont really kno
nigger what the hell does yellow mean? was the six color template too complicated for you?
Why the hate for KY? Louisville?
Texas and Alaska are the only two states i know anything about so
>all this cali hate
Stay mad faggots. I'll be snowboarding tomorrow morning and then do some surfing later that night.
i just don't like country music
why you gotta hate on Indiana nigger
Solid start. There are some other good states too though
desu i like the country at large but fuck California #notmyrace
im an indiana nigger and i wanna be free
Tennessee is the homeland of country music. KY is bluegrass. W/e tho.
>Liking Jew York
why am i not represented on this map reee
Hey fug u
They're jealous that they're not as white as us.
what the fuck does baby blue mean?
do you have 23.5 homogeneous pairs or something?
>What's wrong with drinking PBR and fucking my sister while I brag about how my glorious ancestors died in a war that we lost badly
I'm not sure
Like what? Honestly in my head those are the only two red-pilled states. Rest are cucks
passport now and proof that ur not a proxy
>Remembering that places like Phelps and Islip exist in the state and it isnt just 100% Manhattan
Well alright then.
your optimism is obnoxious.
inshallah california will soon fall into the sea.
You must be new here.
You love Texas, Maine, Rhode Island and Alaska?
Seems like an odd combo...
>all these unpatriotic cucks
Bluegrass is amazing."""Country""" music is trash.
Why shouldn't I? I can be convinced.
That's the color the particular pixel of "Neutral" that I eyedroppered in Paint was.
Missouri loves every state, because every state loves Missouri. Except Kansas. Fuck Kansas. We will salt your fields and bleed your offspring like culled swine.
You other guys are welcome any time, just take your boots off on the porch.
>someone from the west coast can't tell colors apart
You're insignificant
This autistic attitude doesn't help either
>all these people hating the Floridian master race
Enjoy your OJ from concentrate faggots
HAHAHAHA this guy is such a god damned asshole
>hating PA
wtf I hate Sup Forums
i fixed it my dude, i swear southern oregonians aren't anything like californians and washingtonians
>southerner hates the rest of the south
Are you a nigger or something? This had better be an attempt at banter.
On the west coast, all the counties get more republican the further you get away from the coast. Northern california (north of sacramento) districts all voted for trump, and the same goes for eastern oregon and washington.
As a European immigrant I love all of them except the liberal hell holes. But we have those in every state.
I rated on the following factors: nature, quality of towns/cities, how much of the state is a suburban shithole, realness/fakeness of people.
why do you hate one specific island on Hawaii?
wallets in my room, have a pic of my toy
here come dat boi
>Liking a State that kikes inhabit.
Alaska for the weather and guns, Texas for the big shit and guns, Maine because rich white people and no kikes, and Rhode Island because guns.
I see what you did there
How is it up there? Is it /comfy/?
>it takes these posts seriously
I also hate mormons
where do you live fellow MDfag?
>lost badly
not even close
>sister sex meme
you are a nigger arent you?
never even seen this had to google
I'm kind of shocked so many people love North Dakota here.
I mean it's not bad, but there's not much here and it's -16 outside right now.
Right on though
fuck off kike