What the fuck is her problem?
jew. Likes black cock. Wants Mohammad to fulfill her rape fantasy.
jew. lesbian. wants to be a man but can't handle society treating her like a man. likes special treatment.
She needs me to fuck all the anger out of her.
She wears underwear with dick holes in them.
kek this is just what i needed
Why did they hire a 14 year old boy to do the news anyway?
She used to be a journalist. Now she's a corporate journalist.
She really wants a helicopter ride
I believe the "corporate" is silent in corporate journalist.
She looks pretty Jewy, also a bit butch. She'd make a great female comedian.
She lies.
scissor me timbers
man hating dyke
from 1:02
Lesbian jew ratings-whore. I'm sure she's brainwashed herself to the point where she believes a lot of what she says, don't misunderstand, but she's unequivocally playing that "what will keep my show on the air?" game. Fifty bucks says she'll turn right-wing within 15 years and not miss a beat. It's just that kind of game. Joke.
I can't see her. is she hiding behind the man in that pic?
She's a rat faced kike vermin.
Completely and irredeemably oven-worthy.
she believes her bulshit. she thinks that we all need to live in a socialist paradise where she has a job that makes 20 million and we let in every person on the planet into our onclave
>liberal colleges
>not even once
believe me, if she had the power she would kill every last white man on earth
This guy always struck me as kinda feminine
Who is this tall haired concerned looking man
At least he got a haircut
>Sylvester Stallone got a sex change and turned Jewish.jpg
This dude has a pussy, you can tell.
Mercury intake from all the tuna she's eaten over the years has damaged her brain significantly.
Goofy lesbians are not hot
wow, five posts
Sup Forums are you even trying anymore?
Richard Spencer does not approve!
Red pill lesbian who knows social justice is evil incarnate, but forced to carry the MSM water, because the moment she slips up, MSNBC will rehire Keith Olberman and fire her ass.
She's done SOME good, in terms of fighting the good fight for Gamergate and keeping the smear/gaslight campaign off of the prime time block. But she's had to cave on shilling for Hillary/bashing Trump because her MSNBC masters will fire her in a heartbeat/bring back Keith in a New York Minute
She still looked like a pussy-eating softball player
How in the fuck did this guy manage to get famous. I've been on Sup Forums for years and haven't heard of him before last week.
Angry White Man
1. Jew
2. Dyke
3. Media
What's his name? Richard maddow?
She's angry she can't get any dick
Looks like a Jewish screenwriter from Hollywood.
Lurk more newfag.
>You're awake by the way.
>You're not having a terrible, terrible dream.
>Also, you're not dead and you haven't gone to hell.
>This is your life now. This is our election now.
>This is us. This is our country.
>It's real.
I just started watching TRMS again because it's hilarious. I watched Fox during most of Obama's term, but now they are just apologists for Trump. I'm for whoever is against the people in charge.