How unpatriotic is it to let Russia influence our election?

How unpatriotic is it to let Russia influence our election?

The elections are over, Hillary lost, now it's time to see who is behind the hacking. What's so wrong about that?

Donald would have investigated if the hackers would have helped Hillary win or am I wrong?

What is Sup Forums scared of?


bumping with ghetto memes



>America influences elections worldwide
>America topples regimes they don't like
>Complains about Russia influencing the American election

8 more years

So you are admitting Russia influenced American elections right?

>What is Sup Forums scared of?

The Kremlin proxy shills have been running this place since 2014. I'd say about 35% of posts are from them.

This is why I make the argument that Russia should be nuked to death along with the middle east. There is only room for one superpower in this world, and you are a KEK if you let Russia get away with their slimey practices.

Its amazing how naive Americans can be. Blinded by Russian propoganda.

fuck off, you cut-dick jewboy

u mad

They're pretty easy to spot here if you've been around long enough

They are the ones behind the "Finns are mongloids" meme, and notice how the turkroach meme disappeared after Erdogan turned his back on the EU and buddied up to Putin.

Who truly gives a shit. The US can go fuck itself with its incompetence. If the US can not control the narrative of its own elections it has no right to consider itself a super power. The hacks that were released by wikileaks are ancient but still Hillary had her own server whilst working in the government. If the CIA want to look on how the Russians could gain access maybe they should look at Hillary and Podesta first. Guccifer told us all how he jumped around on the servers for a long time without detection and then after detection he was still able to get back in.

What do you mean who gives a shit? We are being hacked by a third world shit hole

Turks are roaches and should be exterminated. Allying with them is a bad move, but a needed one.
They are right now digging their own grave by trying to push unto Syria.
Pffft, good luck nuking us to death, buddy.
Ever heard of MAD?
You'll get a fun taste of it along with some fresh sarine and a nice cupful of anthrax.

You two should stop seeing Russian proxies everywhere.

Yes. You should be ashamed.

Oh shit makes sense.

what mad, you are mad retarded to draw lines between patriotism and nagging on russia as a substitute of ignoring your own problems
your nation is fucked on a fundamental level and redressing your issue with globalist infestation to a putin false narrative is retarded
don't come talking about patriotism, you shill nigger kang, go make that great "again" instead of living on welfare and shillbux

It is widely known that burgers are perfectly fine with Saudis and other anti-civilization and anti-white muslim animals influencing their elections. Why shouldn't they also be okay if Russia doing it?

We have something up our sleeves all the time Putie Pie.

Modern publicised technology is always 40 years behind U.S. Military technology.

Im sure they didnt influence it that much. They couldnt even keep their ukranian pet in power. As trumps presidency goes on people will see that Russia and the US have competing agendas.

Because Saudis help further our imperial power. Russia gets in the way of our world domination and should be nuked. Immediately.

How do Russians survive on just $291 USD per month?

What is it like to be so poor?

So basically it's Russian CTR?

Personally I really do not understand what people have against Russia and Putin. The world would be much better if they had more control. It is obvious that the average Russian has a far greater intelligence than the average US citizen.

Instead of investigating the hacker would be, wouldn't it make more sense to work on security measure first and find the weakness in the system and fix them?
To catch fish with a broken net will get you no fish. Doing so, the first time you are dumb, the second and multiple times you are insane.

So yes, you're wrong.

Thank you for your post fellow comrade. Here is .50 Russian Rubbles

You dont know how easy it was to hack Podesta. That wasnt even a hack more like a guess.

We are a slowly crumbling, yet somehow running kleptocracy with occasional slow positive changes, we have incompetent hacks in various vital spots, and we've been essentially a non-state until 1999.
People could and had freely left the country to sell their skills for much higher price, and are still doing that. That's actually one of main problems we have, called brain leakage or whatever you call it in English.
And yet somehow our country is competent enough to tilt the election of the without an arguement strongest country in the world? You've got to be kidding me.
And you haven't used it because?
Don't give me the 'mercy for rooskies' excuse, your country gladly helped mine fall into ruin and starvation when we finally dropped the communistic vines gripping on our country end tried to be capitalistic, and friendly with the west.

First actual post best post

I stop a rubble once. I went to Moscow when it was still a closed economy. You were not meant to leave the country with any Russian currency but we all did. Have zero use for it now.

They've been around for awhile, but just recently became active on Western social media and forums since Putin invaded of Ukraine in 2014.

There's a bunch of reports from former workers at the "Kremlin troll factories", look it up.

By demolishing your skyscrapers, for example, or maybe attempting to push shitskin migration into your country? What a cuck.

lol well rather let your country strarve to death and have the peoole revolt against putie pie

You didnt tilt shit. The last time Russia tried to influence an election the guy left his country in a helicopter.

Damn Russians
Why Can't They Leave Us Alone?

We clearly have our problems.
Doesnt mean Russia should hack us. Im sorry Comrade, you have to die.

ignore the nigger, he's a legit example of a subhuman controlled by kike overlord brainwash and a legit shill, you don't see others coming here and trying to peddle msm lines of propaganda in thinly veiled internet speak

Mexico is not a threat to our imperiliasm you cuck.

We all are. We all get brainwashed by our respective governments, news agencies and schools. Are you saying you are truly enlightened. If so you the dumbest fuck on this thread.

Okay, feel free to try to kill me or die trying in attempts to secure money of globalist kikes treating you as a livestock with your life, youre welcome anytime.

really made me think

What is it like to be not even 60% white?
What is it like to know that the slowly growing Muslim invasion in your country is going to be radical, while our Muslims are pacified to the point 99% of them think Allah can't see you under a roof so you can eat pork indoors?
How does it feel to have so little control of your own information field and elections a country that's second to you only in military and seventh in economics could affect them?
The entire point of this thread is that you're whining about Russians influencing your election, you autist burger.
Though those numbers suggest that your fears are pointless.
In 1995, for example, a man I lovingly call Alcoligula was in power.
He has American advisors first, helping him get elected both times, and second, run the economy.
He essentially relied on them, since our country was still having aftershocks of the sudden change from communism and needed proper guidance.
Needless to say, meat became a thing you ate in holidays.
Your usual ratio in a normal family would e potatoes. That's it, you don't want to starve, but you got no money since the eveonomy isn't just in shambles, someone's methodically bashing down on it with a hammer.
We are still suffering from the dent in demographics that decade gave us.
Thank you, America. You've shown us how good of a friend you could be.

Are you capable of thought. So far it has not shown.

Baby mad cause he not in on our superior currency :(

Maybe ill chuck a chicken wing your way comrade.

If journalists would do their jobs for a change, we wouldn't need a Wikileaks to begin with.


Is that a baby arm or a real chicken wing. Hard to tell when talking to US 4chans.

haha your advocating for journalists to hack our government?

fuck off, you old schizo cunt, and plant your ass on a fence where people are more impressed by your put on mentor act

They are not really journalists anymore. They just have degrees in media studies. None of them went out and learned the craft properly.

Nothing, but until there's some actual proof then the media should fuck up about the Russian.

At the moment it's just blatant war mongering propaganda

Sorry. Can`t quite understand.

Oh, sorry, I forgot you're probably illiterate.
Lemme simplify.
America backstabbed us, causing poverty, starvation and death.

what u mean the reports are out

Sup Forums isn't scared of investigations, Sup Forums knows that this is an excuse to give this election to an establishment crony who sucks Soros dick.

Soros wants the US to fight Russia so that he can consolidate the power base he has in the EU. Once the two superpowers are done with one another, he will swoop in, finish them off, and have his regime conquer the world. He's dying and he wants it all before he dies.

We have to be on top, sorry comrade.

>How unpatriotic is it to let Russia influence our election?
High treason, it's a capital offense.

>now it's time to see who is behind the hacking.
We already know who and why.

>Donald would have investigated if the hackers would have helped Hillary win or am I wrong?
Donald can't even speak while Putin is drinking a glass of water, for fuck sake.

>What is Sup Forums scared of?
Being Moscow's bitch.

If you support Russia you are anti-American. When you are tried and executed it will be lawful and pure justice. America stands strong against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Good luck with that.
In fifty years whites will be a minority in your country.

Do you truly want Hillary to be in charge. Is that what you want. It is going to happen. Trump has yet to get the power and maybe he never will.

Your own president backstabbed you. America didn't make Putin invade Ukraine. He invaded a sovereign independent nation. The entire world stand against Russia because Russia attacked first.

You actually believe scare propoganda

were just trying to investigate homie, to see whats going on.

I support Russia. I am ambivalent to the US. I just wish they would just become more insular and stop fucking other countries over. I feel Russia is less inclined to do such things. Being English and not giving a shit about the `special relationship` I would like US to fuck off out of my country and take you shitty bombs with you.

Fine investigate but make sure the narrative comes from real sources not Hillary stream media.

It did.
America supported and possibly funded an unlawful coup, aimed at bringing down a president who refused a cabbalisric deal with EU.
If Russia funded a coup in Mexico you would care, wouldn't you?

ps you are talking to a non-white so he wouldn't care, ps whites already are an absolute minority in the us

>Russia is less inclined to do such things.
Tell that to Finland, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Georgia, Chechnya, China and everyone else Russia has invaded. The even fought a war against you, Japan. Fuck off. Russia is a blood thirsty backstabbing cunt of a country. They kill everyone without thought or discrimination. They have no allies, only targets for the next knife stab.

How the fuck are there like four threads on this? Ugh the shilling is unreal

The US also seems to be quite Jewish. Is that just from the media perspective or can that be seen on the streets. I used to live in Finchley near Golders Green but still never saw as many Jews as I see on US television.

>entire world stand against Russia because Russia attacked first
no and no
mind it's not Russia occupying my country, it's the US

No escaping reality comrade.

Hillary stream media cuck.

Russia supported an unlawful puppet president. The lawful democratic people raised up and removed Russia's meddling puppet. Then Russia invaded. Now Russia has a puppet in America. The people will rise up and nuke Russia into a dead glass wasteland. This is justice. This is the glorious future where the world is finally safe from Russia backstabbing and betraying everyone. Russia is the world's enemy by their own actions.

Amerifats call it brain drain.

Also, ITT: Battle of the Shills

they congregate, everywhere jews make their home is like a mini israel, with all its implications

Japan is literally cuck capital of the world. WE saved you from Russia. You're welcome.

>you asked us to save you from Russia
You're welcome. You really want to suffer the fate of Ukraine where Russia just steals your land and kills you again? Russia is your enemy.

gotta work on those insults.

not everyone defending America is pro Hillary.b

Putin dindu nothing wrong.

You automatically assume that Russians are enemies. Why the immense hate?
Or maybe you are just a racist against Slavs and can't see any good from working with them.
You bigot.

I know that but the influence seems more striking in the US. Golders has been very Jewish for years but it only extends to a few kosha restaurants and not much else. They have a corner of London but they don`t seem to control anything else. (International Banks excluded).

It's kind of the big story today, a literal manchurian candidate won with the Republican party covering it up. Trump gets his debts with Russia cleared and his sex tape deleted, Russia gets dominance over Europe, rich bankers get the most corrupt government in American history, and the Trump voters get cucked.


Japan chose US after the war because it wanted more money and knew Russia was overstretched. I think the US was duped.
Russian saved the US in WW2 by defeating the Nazi. The US lost very few people and kept its coca cola plant.

That was the soviets. Soviet =/= Russian.
Learn about the history of Crimea if you think that was an unprovoked invasion.
Invited by the government, also was done by soviets.
We fought terrorists there.
They started it by firing on our peacekeepers.
Separatists and later Islam extremists.
...What? What are you referring to, us taking land from Japanese puppet state?
He was perfectly lawful. And the funny thing is, in just hslf a year there would've been an election they could've voted on.
Why didn't they decide to wait until the people could decide, why did those forty thousand people on Maidan thought they should decide for the people?

>>You automatically assume that Russians are enemies. Why the immense hate?

They're invading countries in Eastern Europe and activity trying to fuck over America by getting corrupt reality TV stars elected president?

There was no hacking of the election.

Only leaked emails that proved that Hillary Clinton was an evil, lying, corrupt, murdering, war mongering, scumbag.

Not very good at direct insults. Will try harder. Promise.

no, they are not, and that's not how the situation unfolded or the powerplays being made
nobody needed to be "saved" or was asking for it, these are things forced upon the people without discussion to implement a certain world order - the EU, the Euro, the NATO

>Pushing fake news
>Somehow defending America
Since you democucks suddenly have a freedom boner, go join the military and be useful for a change,


Unbridled attack on electoral college continues

Russia did not defeat the Nazis. The Nazis and winter killed themselves. They charged into territory too late in the year to take it before winter and didn't have the supply chain to maintain. Russia literally sat still and did absolutely nothing.

This was after they killed thousands of Japanese of course.

Most of the cucks are on the coasts and along the southern border. Those are the hellholes, but the rest is still pretty good.
Jews are actually the only group that can get away with large-scale nepotism. B&H photography is run by orthodox Jews, and they only promote their own at all. It's called Jew York for a reason--there's even a fucking Jew bridge where these kikes are EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY.

Oh yeah Russia's neighbors have always been so safe from Russian invasion... oh wait. Russia has invaded literally every neighbor and murdered millions. Ooops.

So reporting what the CIA said is now fake? What are we not supposed to report on what they uncover?

Un American

Pretty sure you're just describing people with varied opinions

Don't listen to those Jewish faggots, Russia-bro. I'll shall make them very hospitable indeed! To Mars!

Obviously history books in the UK have a slightly different take on the war.