Isn't she marriage material?

No free school for illegal immigrant kids in France: Le Pen

French far-right National Front politician and 2017 presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has called for ending free education for children of illegal immigrants. She claimed that illegal immigrants are encouraged to come to France because of the freebies and claimed that "playtime's over". Notably, free primary education is a basic right for all children in France.


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Perfect politicians don't exi-

She exists, Trump exists, Modi exists, Duterte Exists, Farrage exists. Its the best time to be a fan of politics.

That's how you create hate towards your country and encourage terrorists to blow up things. A really smart politician would indoctrinate the immigrants and would make them hate their own people, not your country

>That's how you create hate towards your country and encourage terrorists to blow up things. A really smart politician would indoctrinate the immigrants and would make them hate their own people, not your country
>t. cuck

AHAHAHAH you should better shut up, Your country has been and will forever be a shithole, you don't know how real world works, if you had even 1 little knowlendge about politic you would agree with me.
Read some things before talking, i believe in you, you are still in time to learn things and to change your country

Oh yes, please tell me how bowing down to radical terrorism is the smartest way.

I suspect this wop of not being very fair-skinned.


>"you don't know how real world works"
>t. minorenne che spende il giorno su minecraft
oh! we have a real man from the real world here, folks.

I just read a front page butthurt article about her today on a major italian news site and came here to confirm whether the piddini cucks took the bait or not, apparently they swallowed it entirely.

Friendly reminder: 40-60

No. They way we created hate towards our country is by bombing Libya and by supporting Qatari, Saudis and Syrian rebels.

Anyway, there's no means to indoctrinate immigrants in France because there's just too many of them. You can't assimilate people, only individuals.

I suspect you have never read neither Machiavelli nor Evola. You MUST turn your enemies against themselves if you really want to win without any effort, go study you ignorant cucks

Fuck Modi. He's a cash-banning globalist puppet. I'm waiting to hear him banning gold as well.

Kikes all around the world are jerking their tweedledicks at India's (((experiment))) with money right now.

The problem is, only a third of French people consider "refugees" their enemies.

Anyway, you should learn the difference between what a politician says, what he thinks and what he does.

Here Marine is just reminding her electoral base, that could be seduced by Fillon because less gibs means less "refugee"s, that she wants to cut down welfare programs for immigrants.

Anyway it's agaist the Declaration of Human Rights, so she cannot do it

Who cares, it's just electoral memes.

And BTW, Human rights are a joke, they could only exist if they were universal, i.e. accepted by everyone. The thing is, Muslims have there own version of Human rights, literally:

>oh shit! I've no arguments to justify my cuckoldry tendency so I'll just tell him to go read a book
>"Machiavelli nor Evola."
>I can't remember any other famous names, I hope he just doesn't ask me about them
top kek 4/10 try again.

>"ignorant cucks"
>t. volontario in cooperativa che assiste gli immigrati clandestini

You voted for this^ if you aren't a cuck then you must be a masochists, it's a matter of facts.
You literally cannot deny this, unless you're clinically retarded.

She can and she will do it.
Your butthurt will be glorious, piddini cucks.

La cosa bella è che ho ideali di destra e ho votato No, ma per il tuo cervello è troppo difficile elaborare il fatto che gente abbia pensieri diversi dal tuo. Continua a montare fatti su di me, non mi infastidiscono, perché tanto confronto le cazzate che spari con quella che è davvero la mia vita e mi faccio una grassa risata.

>"ho votato No"
>difende le politiche di Renzi

>"ho ideali di destra"
>difende i clandestini

Ti credo, veramente.

When a politician says "no free shit for illegals" is FARRRRRRR RIEEEEEEEEEEEET.

lol, go to Mexico and ask for free shit.



t.brainwashed poo