Pol do you really hate Jews? Or it's just a stupid meme? I know that pol is a satire/sarcastic board, but still feels like few people legitimately hate the Jews.
Pol do you really hate Jews? Or it's just a stupid meme? I know that pol is a satire/sarcastic board...
Yes, I actually hate kikes.
>t. 1% Joo DNA
If I saw a rabbi on the sidewalk lean out a bit, I would drift and try and clip him with my car.
I don't hate Jews but the evil people of the world are disproportionately Jewish.
Also this.
>Star Wars prequels
It's not a meme
Jews are garbage individuals
The Stormfags literally hate Jews and blame them for everything in an irrational way.
No one else does.
arent zionist like 100% jews?
jews are the master race tbqh, run the world and have their own ethno-state
Is this a mummy thread now?
can't be the master race when most of them look like this
Literally every bad thing that's ever happened was caused by a Jew.
They are a cancer on humanity and we'll never reach the stars until they go the way of the dodo.
>do you really hate Jews?
I hate kikes, freemasons, satanists, theyre all the same
We hate the degenerate, godless, pinko commie jews like the ones in hollyweird.
I don't hate Jews, but much of our problems stem from a cabal of Jews> Since Jews have an insular community and don't assimilate and use nepotism, many Jews willingly defend the problem Jews. So if Jews are going to stick up for problem Jews, then yeah, I'm going to hate those ones too. Ultimately, Jews have to go to Israel. We must remove them from power in our country and force them into their own land. I will support their effort to maintain their own land, but I will stop them from fucking up ours.
>the evil people of the world are disproportionately Jewish.
>being this autistic
Look up some nigger crime rates or just turn on the tv in the middle east.
Make the jews look like girl scouts.
I hate them soo much
I have to control myself from yelling out "JUDEN" in public whenever I see a greek / lebo / italian / actual jew with a big nose
no, jews are the master race
between this and lord balfour
I'm more disgusted with you filthy pakis then the actual jews or pakis anymore you fucking bong
Its worse than anything you could ever imagine OP.
Everyone here is a Jew who hates Jews. This is why Sup Forums is so bitter and self defeating. We're a board full of self hating anti-semites. Now fuck off Kike.
>comparing organized evil to petty evil of ignorance
Jews are an irritating bunch to live among.
Stopped dating a girl cause she was a Jew
Fuck Netanyahu and fuck Jewish people!
Digits of truth.
Oh my
thank you brother.
The kikes are actively working to RUIN western civilization and niggerize all white people/all white nations.
We have very good reason to despise them.
>i don't need to hate Jews..they do a pretty good job hating themselves.
Can Jews even recover from this wreckage?
I have no problems with Jews as an ethnicity or a religious group. However, I do feel like there is an overabundance of them within a lot of unreasonably powerful financial institutions and it kind of makes my skin crawl. Also: fuck Zionism.
Jews are literally ethnic supremacists according to their racist religion. The US taxpayer pays $2 for every $1 Israelis pay on their own military. I have no beef with any individual but as a political group jews are pure idiot cancer that create conditions for their own hatred over and over
I would kill every last one of them if given the opportunity. I don't think there is any other way for my people to survive. If you don't hate Jews, you either don't know enough about them, have been brainwashed by them, or are a faggot who deserves to be killed along with them
>implying niggers aren't tools of the jews and the middle east is being purposefully poked by jews
It's not a matter of all jews, just a fuckton of jews controlling these NWO operations
What's wrong with zionism?
I think you mean niggers
Read the Talmud for the ultimate red pill. The arrogance of people who refer to themselves as the 'Chosen Ones'.
They despise you and I.
Before I knew anything about history, I just thought I had the misfortune of meeting all the shitty, annoying jews. After I learned a bit of history, I realized that I was right - but ones I hadn't yet met were worse.
Not all jews, but I hate jewish influence and their semitic hatred of gentiles. So much so that I don't blame niggers, I don't blame spics or mudslimes for their hatred of whites because they like white liberals are also under jewish control.
Don't be so full of hatred my friends, not everybody knows why they do what they do.
The American taxpayer foots the bill.
Jewesses love me for some reason. Little do they know, I secretly plan to gas them all in a giant oven, made by Kenmore.
Kenmore. The Whitest Brand.
>ID is mum
Yeah, Britain is our mum
That's not a consequence of zionism. Zionism can exist without that. That is a consequence of diaspora jews influencing our policy
I unironically hate the Jewish race as a whole.
oy vey
nothing to see here goyim
go back to watching your television
>just a meme
Let's just say this about Jews, if they all disappeared off the face of the earth overnight, never to be heard or see from again, would the world quickly become a better place?
I think we all know the answer to that question.
Even hot jewesses like the one in your pic?
>Jewesses love me for some reason
me too bruh
they get gentile fever when they see my aryan abdominals
I would love to hatefuck her.
Maybe so, but my statement stands. Like I said, I really don't have any problems with the Jews. I just have zero interest in being involved with their political or military endeavors.
I will say I'd rather our foreign aid went to Israel than, say, some spooky Muslim country.
Jewish individuals run a lot of our countries banks and use the interest they make off our taxes to set up mass media outlets (basically every media outlet in the U.S, UK, France, etc) to spread their perverted ideologies which directly conflict with what is good for the populations which they live in. They are leeches on society's back, and suck the life out of much of their host countries by planning bank crashes to redistribute wealth upwards. They push environmental ideologies, basically religions, onto the population to open up more ways to tax the public and create radical supporters. Not all jews are like this, but we say Jews because the people that are in this circle are Jews. The reason the hate is growing world wide and you are seeing it more is these fuckers are trying to remove the white race from any political power, by pushing massive non white immigration into white countries and radicalizing non whites to hate whites and vote against them. The United states in 25 years will be a non white country and whites in the U.S will be a persecuted minority with no media or political voice.
Jews rule over us and rightfully so. They are the supreme race.
(((You're))) a stupid meme
>tfw 28% ashkenazi
I fucking HATE jews for everything they've done to me.
the jews are inflated there because you have names like (((Mark Zuckerberg))) across the whole row when it's just one guy. It happens on a bunch of other companies listed there.
But yes, like 80% of them are Jewish anyway.
If we can't put them in an oven, I prefer them in Israel. I obviously don't like giving them money, but that is the least of my issues with jews
Jewesses are sexy, its fun to hate fuck women. having a baby with a leech just makes more leeches. I would gas every single one if I could
I hate subversive Jews in high positions of power, but I feel no contempt for your everyday jew. I actually support Israel, just not in an AIPAC kind of way. Get them out of our politics and just leave em alone
Please don't tell me that's a Jew woman ass. What a waste!
Well they are Pedo Jews.
sweet mother of fuck juice
nah just some random ass I have saved to get people to read my posts
I would do the same but kinda risky as Mods would probably give b& because "muh pornography isn't allowed"
Jews suck baby dick that's why I hate them
it's a red board tho
Hah. Not with these mods around.
I only hate the Jewish ones that say Jewish things
oy vey lad
Don't hate them, but I acknowledge that they hold a lot of power and influence over culture. Also, I just find happy merchant memes absolutely hilarious!
doesn't matter they ban you for porno on this red board.
>relatively short bans but still cencorship none the less.
instead though they ban Trump threads and pizzagate threads.
You and me both. Mine ran out a day later. Basically everything on the do not post list is postable but porn.
Pic related. Its a mod
fred arkived cunt.
Sensitive leftist (((mods))) they are, Sucks because most people post it anyway and dont get a ban and you're the unlucky chap that gets the ban.
Fucking shiet
"Im kinda far removed from the struggles of the middle class" - Hillary Clinton
I have never heard mel gibson make an incorrect statement
>You Know, Fortunes That My Husband And I Now Enjoy.
Bitch is a gold diggah
Even when black out drunk he kept his composure and was on-topic with the most important issues facing the world.
Done us Proud.
jews have a culture of parasitic behavior. Why do you supposed they have been kicked out of so many countries so many times? This is what they do. They fuck everything up and never ever take responsibilty for any of it.. It's always somebody else's fault.. But awww everyone is always picking on us poor innocent little kikes.. Fuck em!
The only thing I look forward to in life is the day the filthy jews are slaughtered forever
>Fortunes that my husband and I now Enjoy.
>and I now enjoy
>I now
well shit that is a confession of theft.
Jews are tricky. Everyone knows they're sneaky and tricky yet some of them are hot as fuck, unlike blacks.
Different IP at work though. Fuck 'em!
2016 the year the internet made the clintons admit to thievery nevar forget.
Threat tier to our civilization from least threatening to most threatening would be
If white people are in a plane, blacks are the force of gravity and Jews are a saboteur using a masters degree in Aerospace Engineering to create a crash.
Blacks just exude a steady stream of shit unconsciously. Jews are a concerted and organized force bent on the destruction of our race, our principles, our morals, and our civilization itself.
Your life must be pretty shit then
I live in Jew York City all my life and the thing about Jews is that they are either extremely liberal or extremely conservative. There really is no in between. The liberal Jews in the media are of course the worst, they spread their multicultural Marxism garbage in the news and in Hollywood despite being less than 2 percent of the American population. On the other side of the coin you have hawkish conservative jews who wants Trump to nuke Iran before they can do something to Israel. If there were more centrist Jews instead of these extremities, shit wouldn't be so bad.
Oy vey Goyyy!!!! Shut it all down!
Might have to do the same soon
Which Jews? I hate all globalist scum. Many of them are Jews. I don't hate the Kosher deli kikes down the street. I don't hate Israelis that stay in their country (or other Middle Eastern countries) and don't bother the USA.
Is that way Chaim
they are literally a subhuman cannibal cult that did 9/11.. why dont you hate them?
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Of course a few do, but I think a lot more are frustrated at the liberal, atheist Jews who push for open borders and social justice crap. Israelis are alright... don't love them, but I certainly don't hate them either. I admire their cohesiveness, and think we could be good allies. (Our current relationship with them, however, is very one-sided.)
It's also frustrating when liberal Jews hold Israel to a double standard- that is, they don't push for social justice and open borders in the motherland. I like borders and tradition, but I don't like hypocrites.
>Your life must be pretty shit then
I live in the 1st world shlomo
Niggers are the jews best friend
They distract us while the Jews control the world