Nazis had the swastika, what do we have? I propose this
Alt Right needs a symbol
We have Pepe.
Upside down peace symbol? Gay
>alt right
pick one
Nigga you stupid. The Alt-Right is the most cringe thing ever anyways.
That symbol is gay enough that it just might work.
We aren't alt-right. Stop falling for whataboutism Soviet tactics and assigning yourself a label.
Labels just make it easier to discredit you.
Reminder that Sup Forums is an alt-right board
A Nigger getting lynched should be our flag
like the one from the South Park Episode
Swastika rebranded to represent good.
Where do I find a gf like pic related
I don't like it. I know we're not getting the swastika but look how cool it looks.
Sup Forums is not anything but individuals.
A slut who pretends to be folkish for attention?
>symbol of the National alliance with Murdoch tier Dr. William Peirce
No. We president now. No more Nazi
Don't talk about my waifu that way faggot
*unsheathes katana*
one of these masterpiece
looks like a broken cross
She has nice central heterochromia I guess
It's a chicken foot.
this symbol is on the adl list too
gtfo cia
Purely aesthetic. We need it swastika pol.
A lot of you are low energy though
>first pro-white ethnostate movement since Hitler
>thinking its cringy
>leave this thread to go to nig threads
Damn it, we haven't red pilled enough Artists. We'll just have to use Pepe for now.
ITT: People who don't know what runes are
>knowing the ADL symbol list off hand
A symbol is like a leader, it gives enemies something to attack and "members" and allies something to fight over.
Nazi's had the swastika because they were a party running for election. Alt-right isn't at that stage.
Sup Forums isn't alt-right
Sup Forums isn't neo-nazi
Sup Forums isn't libertarian
Sup Forums isn't conservative
Sup Forums isn't a single person
This, falling under a (((leader))) makes it easier to conquer us, being you Bob instead of you the Alt-Right will serve you best, they would have to try to circumvent millions of people instead of a puppet leader who styles himself as an authority, alt-right doesn't exist and any such label never was followed for peoples own viewpoints of each individual.
What is the international sign of autism? That is our sign
Nazifags ruined the swastika,you want to ruin another symbol?
Falling under a label is chains.
>thinking unorganzied individuals can make an all white nation happen against wildly organzied kikes
>alt-right doesn't exist
It clearly does exist, movements can exist without leaders.
Isn't it a puzzle piece?
Yep seems like you're right. lots of puzzles show up on google search.
Fuck off shill.
But senpai, the "alt-right" already has a symbol.
This is not bad. I like
>It clearly does exist, movements can exist without leaders.
It clearly does not, there is no ideology people are following, people straying from (((mainstream))) ideas and structure does not make it a label there is nothing unifying of "alt-right" just a non sense label to put many people under a single authority where they can dictate what you must do and what people who are "alt-right" have done.
cia mad he got caught
we already have a symbol
>(((alt right))) needs a (((symbol)))
She looks like a slav though
Nah, this is the symbol. Showing both our nazism and our tolerance and love for cute traps.
Alt-Right doesn't exist, no leaders, no authorities, no organizations.
"Alt-Right" is a feeble attempt at giving us a face (or a symbol) to demonize. How about a swastika? Oh wait, that one ran out of steam decades ago.
None or take over another popular symbol of another movement or group to soil it.
Try church, it's the easiest place to find a 'good' girl.
Yes, this is it. It shows our love for homos and hate for fags.
There is no alt-right.
Sup Forums is a shadow movement, we communicate only here and via code IRL. There is no alt right.
>there is no ideology people are followin
There very clearly is ideology.
>white nationalism
>race realism
>people straying from (((mainstream))) ideas and structure does not make it a label
You either fell for (((Milo)))/(((Cernovich)))/PJW or the (((media))) who tried to define it as such.
The alt-right has been around for years and has always been white nationalist at its core.
Just because you don't know the definition don't spout that it doesn't exist.
This picture makes me realize how pathetic I am
thanks user
>thinking kikes want an organized group that massively appeals to whites over an unorganized, no name, non enemy
>thinking goals can be accomplished by doing nothing
Pic related is a good option for the official Alt-right symbol.
Get out false flagging liberal normie
There very clearly is ideology.
>white nationalism
>race realism
Fuck off kike, there is no alt-right or an ideology, there is Bob and John and their free will.
Would you consider yourself a cute trap and boypussi?
pol is also browsed by terrorists, pedophiles, gays, blacks, Chinese propagandists etc. everyone here isn't a hive mind.
>we must secure a home for our people and a future for white children
>we must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children
there is no hivemind, there is commies muslims jews etc..
Spot on.
Tfw there's a group that appeals to all of pols matters of interest but they'd rather band behind a guy who's pro israel and appoints banking jews to high level positions
>thinking they're redpilled
>if I say it doesn't exist that means it'll stop existing!!
It very clearly exists you fucking retard.
You fell for the (((media))) didn't you, you really think they invented it don't you.
Bluepilled faggot.
> band behind a guy who's pro israel and appoints banking jews to high level positions
pol isnt a being and neither is alt right.
I represent no one but myself, as does everyone else.
Doesn't exist fuck off with your Marxist tactics.
Trump is good, he's not the final solution but he's good.
You can't go full 1-100 unless there's a race war, gotta purge the swamp and set up nationalism as a normal thing again.
I really don't like his Israel love but when you compare him to Hillary he clearly pushes white nationalist interests considerably more (unless you're wanting to start RAHOWA).
>white nationalism
You mean the embarrassing movement led by (((Richard Spencer)))
no movement there never was one,
You would like that Sweden! It looks like two homos making out.
It's like trying to say white nationalism doesn't exist because "they're just people man".
Just repeating it doesn't exist doesn't stop it from existing you filthy hippy kike.
You can change that, user, don't give up.
voting for this
I would consider all homosexuals for immediate execution. :3
Trumps a useful figurehead for softening the normie whites to nationalism. That's about all he should be trusted with
> white nationalism doesn't exist because "they're just people man".
It doesn't, white nationalists aren't a people.
11 posts with your head in the fucking sand. Thanks for the input JIDF
You're right. The best thing white nationalists could ever do is stop supporting Trump
Publicly oppose him.
Publicly praising him. Makes you dumb as David Duke. It's called reverse psychology
We're so immune to shitposting that none of their standard subversive tactics have any effect.
So far rainbow swastika with a commanding lead.
Need more nominations
The alt right already had a symbol
It's the letters CTR
>Concern shilling this hard
>thinking the spamming kike is making a good point
No, it isn't a people, it's an ideology that people subscribe to. Just like the alt-right.
>Folkish for attenton
fuck off nigger we're bringing back folk dresses.
>thing that doesn't exist needs a symbol.
fucking kill yourself faggot.
>Try church
I'm so tired of this meme I'm going to actually try it.
What type of church should I look at? I have: Catholic, Baptist, Episcopal, Anglican and bunch of other sects in my area. I'm totally not into religions so I have no clue where to find 22-28yo qt 'good' girl.
The alt-right is fake. It's a meme made up by the media. Fool.
Fuck off kike.
Good luck convincing American girl wear something folkish
A fucking leaf
Its not that gay, kinda logical
lets appropriate something good like the peace sign or the star of david.
Hey here's another good option for the alt-right logo. Pic related.
The Alt-Right already has a symbol