While there will always be a rivalry, now is the worst time to fall for divide and conquer tactics. There are foreign hordes invading and we are bickering about which great race is just a little greater.
We need to focus on the real problems and prove to be what we claim.
>He forgot about anglos
isnt greece fucked rn?
Dumb nordic haircut
Anglos are a mongrel race there I said it.
Jewboy Weider in the middle, making money off of superior European alpha males an then favoring BBC later on in his career.
mongrel dogs live the longest and are generally healthier
aren't anglos part nordic from the vikings rollin in and rapin yer women?
Back to reading mein kampf you faggot
There was one from last thread
"I have your back
And you have mine"
mfw nordcucks are actually this desperate
fuck off, you fucking pleb
I mean I got nordic in me, but honestly what have they done aside from all the viking shit?
Compromise only works in countries like the USA where we have a lot of Italians and arguably "Spanish" people to unite into a strong white front. And then there is obviously mixing between the north and south groups anyway in the US.
But between Europoors it's fine for them to bicker because each nation has to internally uncuck itself anyway, the EU certainly won't help.
Also I like how these threads always attract mulattoes from Brazil.
>"shit i'm a mulatto, I better protect the white heritage I have!"
This really made me think.
Anyone who isn't retarded would realize that Mediterranean=Southern Europe and Nordic=Northern Europe, with slavs picking whatever side they want I guess
>Chileans are the strongest race in the world because of mapuche blood and prussian organization
why are you people so basic that you are obsessed with the idea of "races" anyway?
people are no different than dogs
have you seen how many different kinds of dogs there are?
all the same species
fucking get over it and do something useful with your time
Now if only we had one for based Anglo Saxon
Jews after asians have the highest IQ, how does that make you feel Sup Forums?
Actually the most influential race are the anglos the anglos themselves are a german, norse, roman mix.
From Lord Balfour before the WW1 to an American diplomat.
>We are probably fools not to find a reason for declaring war on Germany before she builds too many ships and takes away our trade.
>You are a very high-minded man in private life. How can you possibly contemplate anything so politically immoral as provoking a war against a harmless nation which has as good a right to a navy as you have? If you wish to compete with German trade, work harder.
>That would mean lowering our standard of living. Perhaps it would be simpler for us to have a war.
>I am shocked that you of all men should enunciate such principles.
>Is it a question of right or wrong? Maybe it is just a question of keeping our supremacy.
The Eternal Anglo meme didn't spring out of nowhere. You've always been psychopathic warmongers. You attacked neutral Denmark, bombing their capital in a surprise attack, killing 3000 civilian adults and 200 children, just because you feared the size of their fleet. Then you have the gall to complain when Germany occupies neutral countries to shield themselves from a merciless war of aggression waged by you against them. You are the root cause of everything that is wrong with the west in the modern age. At least I can take solace in the fact that your disgusting race will be bred out by Pakis and Indians soon enough. Karma is a bitch.
Than wolves?
>Legitimate argument about how nords are inferior
>Jewish propaganda
Nordics are essentially the aesthetic niggers of the white race.
And no, Germanics aren't pure Nordic
Just shut the fuck up, neither (Fake-)Greeks nor Italians did influence anything.
>tfw when half german, half greek
Damn it feels good
Nah we're just better than you.
Like look at all the scientific breakthroughs, we civilised you brutes. If it wasn't for us the modern world would be a shitshow.
God save the Queen and rule Britannia.
human equivelnt of wolves would be... pft hahaha... africans. and how like wolves are on the threatened list
roman empire, ancient egypt civilization, spanish conquistadors
greek philosophy, macedonian empire
vikings, hitler, autism
Nordicucks are the niggers of the white race.
tfw when germans aren't nordic, kys nasty german swine
Romans have longer faces than nordcucks.
t. Lord Goodgoy Kikeservant
It's not fucking rare, it's the third time I have seen this flag today
Learn your taxonomy Sup Forums
Actually whites didn't invented/discovered anything. Ironically enough 99% of science comes from Kikes. Without kikes, you'd live like the Amish now.
Even dumber is the claims that Meds contributed to anything. Todays mediterranean nations are fake nations with fake history, just look at today's "Greece".
I was thinking about the life expectancy. We have the second higher in the Americas, even higher than you.
I'm also half Croat and half Basque, pretty much the definition of mongrel.
Right, the modern world is such a fucking magnificent utopia because of your betrayals. You truly waged those unjust wars and turned modern history into a cesspool of lies for the greater good indeed. Give me a break. The few gold nuggets that existed in the past within your masses of filthy puerile shit does not exonerate you for your sins and your cowardice in failing to own up to them.
I am also Anglo-Saxon mixed with Italian. I believe myself to be the torch bearer into the new Roman era
You're just jealous you never had a run like that. Their art is untouchable.
>tfw im greek and cypriot
full med feels good
So is Sweden.
Jew is not a race dumbfuck
here it comes
>mfw 50% Swede and 50% Spaniard
At least you're not portugese
Ironically enough 99% of science comes from Kikes. Without kikes, you'd live like the Amish now.
Care to prove this?
>If it wasn't for us
Taking credit for other people's achievement's
I'm jealous because I didn't get to bomb Europe flat, ensure globalist victory, and pretty much solely created the multuculturalist and suicidal west we live in today? Whatever you say, you fat piece of subhuman trash.
Funny because Nordic Germanic rode on the coat tails of other whites well onto 20th century. They are the niggers of white race but you fucks will kiss their ass because MUH blue eyes blonde hair
t. Swede cukc
True. And it's not like that side of my family is dark either. Some even had red hair. My grandfather's beard was red, while his hair was light brown.
I don't view my race as other people though.
There is not a single thing a Jew uses or anyone uses that is of Jewish creation.
>ensure globalist victory
Bro we are going to enslave the jew. You have no idea. Brexit and Trump are harbingers of something greater.
How should Trump fight Jews, when his own daughter is a Jew?
>Bro we are going to enslave the jew.
At the cost of being the next China if we don't convince Trump to be pro nuclear.
Anglo master race
>Brexit and Trump
Trump is totally a zionist plant, and i bet brexit somehow too
You can say what you will but at the end of the day the "niggers of the white race" don't shit in their streets or enforce the caste system, you degenerate swine.
looks good family, euro pride worldwide
HAHA, strap your ass on, and hold on to your nutsacks you fucking babies. America and Britain are about to tag team the fucking world. I hope you're scared, I really do.
Oil is great. It's the blood of the planet and is not made from organic materials. We just found two fields of oil in Texas, by the way. We're in great shape
>wright brothers white
>electricity white
>internet white
>computer white
>medicine white
>education white
>government white
>a.c white
>refrigerator white
>canning white
>industry white
>ships white
The Jew is akin to high iq negroes, nothing unique racially or special, just clever, a number.
you forgot jews because they control the modern world and if that's not influence what is
and niggers because they have influenced music
Nothing to do with what I'm saying. The problem is he's pro coal, and coal is 100 times more radioactive than Nuclear. We may get jobs, but we'll be Chinese-tier with Christianity if we don't do something.
This is literally my only complaint about Trump.
Greeks and Roman leadership was Nordic tho, meds were just greasy wog plebs
There is nothing influential of negroes or Jews.
None of those are good qualities.
>Greeks and Roman leadership was Nordic tho
>The majority of your history education is Western History
>Western master races!
Look at all these holes perfectly shaped for a puddle to fill.
If they fucked who would be the top?
niggers only have musical influence because they are pushed by jews. look up your favorite niggers manager and record label, all kikes.
what exactly did the Nords do other than cuck themselves and Europe like the modern Swedes. Before that they lived in wood huts, and raped and pillaged people
Anglos should replace them
Get laid, loser hahaha
Please send help. I am Italian, Spanish and Mesoamerican according to DNA tests.
Someone end my life...
Jews have higher IQs than Asians.
So, Brazilian. Sucks to be you.
At least you're 1/3rd good
Nice Hitler digits. Europeans unite!
Make way for the real masterrace
The Atlantid is essentially a "Nordic-Mediterranean" blend
mfw im masterrace blend
It could happen in the future.
The Nord, duh.
Didn't Germany cause WW1 because they wanted to take the role of world superpower from Britain?
Then they caused WW2, then they primarily caused the European migrant crisis by opening their doors and inviting them all in.
Germany is the shittest country in Europe and the cause of everything bad that's happened there.