Is limb lengthening surgery degenerate? Should we accept the height God has given us or try to better ourselves to improve our position in society?
Limb lengthening
why the hell would a girl do this
>She looks exactly the sa-
>that thing coming out of her thigh
So people stop calling her Eileen.
As with most cosmetic surgery, she looked better before.
Trauma, growth defect. She is just straightening her leg
Nevermind, I'm retarded. Just noticed she actually needed the procedure on that leg.
i have that nose
Yes it's abomination just like Transgenderds.
Stallone did it and he's still short.
her leg in the before picture was all fucked up and bent, she looks much better now
Wonder how much beef they lasered off her roastie
Manlet detected
>mfw i have a friend with one leg shorter than the other and every time he gets drunk he stumbles all over the place
pretty entertaining desu
Bait bro. It's a surgery to even out her legs
I don't know why males under 6' tall even go out in public. No one wants to see you and people like me laugh at you. If women ever get control of everything you can be sure they'll work to genocide males under 6'. They hate you that much.
it looks like one of her legs are shorter than the other
One of her legs is longer than the other
what im saying is i did some google searching and this leg lengthening thing seems pretty common but when i search for people who do it to increase height suddenly its painful and taboo and expensive but its the same procedure. i dont understand
> t. manlet
they should genocide themselves in the process considering it's their midget genes that fuck up the height of their children.
Fuck off asshole. Who tf cares honestly? Your height isnt gonna save you from your autism
That doesn't look like cosmetic surgery. Looks like she had a misaligned disk that needed surgery to not cause her health issues when shes older
if it is fixing a major limb imbalance it is ok. like if you have cerebral palsy and ine leg is alot shorter.
otherwise it is a risky cosmetic surgery not worth the risk.
you act like it's anybody's choice to be that short. what would you do in their position?
if you'd hate on fatties for not eating healthy and exercizing, you might have a point but only because they can change it.
Does anyone have the webm of a person getting leg lengthening surgery?
I'm 5'7" and I'm happy. Women like me. Men don't talk shit or make fun of me. Anyone who takes manlet jokes seriously really needs to take a break from chans/misc.
Also, why are lanklets incapable of understanding genetics?
Retarded niggers also dont choose to be that way but it doesnt mean they arent a waste of space & resources.
Stay mad but height discrimination is not only legal but celebrated in our society.
im 5'6.5-5'7 and i get talked down to all the time because of my height. it fucking sucks
shes straightening her leg
not lengthening it
fucking ameriburger
HA! Literally all of the greatest thinkers and artists that have ever existed and are remembered were less than 6' tall. Anyone 6' or taller is sheeple tier. You are convinced you are better than everyone based on your height alone thus making you dim and witless.
i am also 5'7" i feel short a lot of times when playing sports, mainly just basketball, besides that it doesn't matter much
who the fuck cares faggot cock sucker, OP is asking a question
>all of the greatest thinkers and artists that have ever existed and are remembered were less than 6' tall
>he actually believes this
good luck ever funding evidence for this, manlet
5'7" here too. I feel like other people judge me for it but I don't really think about it.
Did you not realize that one of her feet on top of boards? One of her legs is longer than the other retard.
I used to get a ton of shit for it as well. It stopped after I started lifting and started gaining more confidence.
thats not the point. from what i have seen this is the same procedure used to lengethen peoples legs which she is clearly doing. i searched google and this seems pretty common among orthopedic surgeons yet when you talk about using it to increase a mans height suddenly its new technology and you need to go to india to do it because its so expensive yet it seems commonplace among orthopedic surgeons.
I would be interested in lengthening my legs, I really am kind of out of proportion, my ape index is fucking ridiculous.
5'8" tall
5'11" wing span
I just have short legs
my only hesitation is for athletic purposes I don't want my legs to be weakened or something
Well yea? I don't exactly like to brag, but I'm 5'2 and I've had sex a whole 0 times.
5'10" King of manlets here. Nobody really minds that you're 5'7", although people are shorter where I live so it might be because of that. But Slightly shorter and actually really short guys still get dates here.
>tfw to escape manlet status you have to permanently weaken your bones and risk having your legs get infected and amputated just to get a few extra mm in a painstaking 6-12 months process
Fucking useless tallfags. What are you even good for? Playing apehoop and stacking shelves.
Manlets run the world, manlets can fit into the most powerful machinery, manlets ride brilliant beasts, manlets are efficient with resources.
The only degenarate thing is allowing our outdated caveman psyche to warp a negative perception based on height.
Good for people who have one leg shorter than the other.
Pointless for normal people. If you're that worried about it just put lifts in your shoes gives similar results just quicker and less painful
You could get yourself a pair of these to increase your height.
if shit ever hit the fan, lanklets would die first of starvation
we manlets don't need as much food to survive or maintain muscle mass.
Lol, good one.
i am in between 5'11 and 6'0 at 181cm, whatyasaytothat? That is above the average around here and among the top 5% of Ahmeds.
Those look sweet... How do I get them?
lmao a lanklet will just kill you and turn you to jerky to consume to support his tall bones
Like I said, I don't really think about it myself. Additionally, the girls around here are usually shorter than me anyways, although I wouldn't discriminate against a tall girl to be honest.
>shit hits the fan
>people shooting at one another
>lanklets are huge targets and have a harder time maneuvering because of size
>manlets are harder to hit and can use smaller cover for protection
lanklets btfo
So she can quit running in circles
I think it's just cause you're awkward and ugly.
I'm 5'9 and still it's easy to get laid here and abroad.
Jesus one halloween I am going to get one of those and walk around in a giant goat demon costume that will scare the crap out of people.
I bet women are repulsed by you. Even if you were worth $200 million and looked like Brad Pitt.
What the fuck is that thing with the soundwaves coming out of it?
The operation looked plausible up until that point.
>legs of unequal length are attractive
Look manlette, if they lengthen your legs you'll have short little trex arms and bitches still wont want to fuck you.
well I just learned they lengthen the tibia, always thought it went through the femur
Everyones legs and arms aren't the same length
This is the only way manlets can ever be accepted in society. Either way is torture.
If your arms and legs are all different lengths you aren't white.
They can probably do either, or both.
The girl in OP's pic looks like she got her femur lengthened.
you have to go back
6'4'' God among men (or should I say manlets) here. I completely agree. Manlets are basically the shitskins of the world. Manlets from Sup Forums love to hate on niggers and spics and yet they're on the same level as them. Feels good being white, fit, and tall.
the old way was cutting and stretching the achiles muscle during puberty. there are a few ways to do it.
Correcting a crippling disability, if possible, is not degenerate. The girl in the picture had what looked like a single leg and hip adjusted. Her gait was off, and was likely a cripple facing a life of pain and disability.
"Limb lengthening" to make yourself "taller" is degenerate though - where both limbs are adjusted for superficial height gain - if that's what you mean.
If manlets all just became traps the whole world would be a whole lot better. Just saying.
why the fuck are you posting this on Sup Forums
I wish I had gotten some nice medical grade HGH like this one kid I knew
he was barely 5 feet tall, grew over 6'2" over the course of the summer
I'm the same height but I've never had that. You sure it's how you're perceiving it? But then again I might be able to get away with being shorter since im Asian.
Jesus, if his leg length discrepancy is that bad, he needs to see a specialist for an orthopedic shoe lift. Or it's could potentially cause him a lot of harm down the line if he starts lifting/doing intense sports.
t. pain rehab specialist.
If I missionary position a Scandinavian, will my kids be huge?
Knew a girl growing up who was 4'5 and got the surgery to be 4'11. She looked weird for a while but is normal now.
One of her legs is shorter than the other. She isn't doing this to get taller.