for Germany.
Everyone is cucked? Not everyone, just a vocal minority is!
for Germany.
Everyone is cucked? Not everyone, just a vocal minority is!
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4th Reich when?
Now try do do something about it. See how far you get before ending up in jail.
why anyone would give a barren spinster the power over their country's future is beyond me
anyone in politics without children is suspect
Frauke is going to win, screenshot this krauts i'm a magical amerifat who's actually skinny.
42% of Germans are Refugees
When Australia saves Germany.
the dissenters were later rounded up and sent to reeducation camps, and their property seized by the government
4th Reich now, Hans. I want to come over.
Start. Killing. Them.
Checked and rectified
ONLY 58%!! I suppose it is because the rest are immigrants.
The only way Germany can unfuck their shit is going full nazi again and rounding up every fucking rapefugee and throwing them out of Germany.
what a disgusting human being she is
lets one million 'refugees' (ie most are economic migrants and not even from Syria) into her country, where they proceed to sexually assault, rape and murder her own people
all of this for her vanity of appearing 'progressive' to the rest of the world
Kek wills it.
>More than HALF of germans
Wow I didn't think the immigrants would ever start seeing themselves as a problem.
When will we finally solve the refugee question?
I expect she, and the rest of these politicals, would call you a racist for making a comment like "her own people".
The eternal kraut's plan to eradicate the white skinned people has backfired on him yet again! It is indeed time for the true whites to stand up and round up the race traitor "supermen" and purge the way to a bright white future. The day of the sausage grill is coming!
Her fucking speech recently where she demonized critics of her immigration policies then later said her immigration crisis was awful and should never be repeated.
What the fuck, the cognitive dissonance is strong with that cunt.
Too bad you don't have freedom of speech in Germany.
Please vote AfD then Germans! This madness must stop now!
I would literally get my fat 400lb body off the mattress and go join the army for maximum kebab removal.
This can only happen if they round up the leftist cancer first.
And yet you will all continue doing nothing and taking it up the ass, top kek
You have too high hopes. At best they will be the largest party.But no 50%
can this slut please be assassinated ffs
Thankfully they didn't fall for it. Germans are starting to become aware of Merkel
Who will you be voting for Germany?
Too bad Petri is an opportunist who doesn't actually care about the cause
and yet she will still be reelected
No time for being worried, screenshot my post and spread the magic. Anythings possible
How is that going to accomplish something? The Germans are in favor of her, she was voted into office at least three times.
She's all we got.
mfw Germany is actually gonna be the first country to go full holocaust again
you guys never change
Source? That seems more than suspect. The red men bulge shows around 4 million people.
AfD of course.
Voting anything else is out of question.
Would vote for real deal NSDAP and join brownshirts though if it was legal
Germany are the cuck world champions.
my home country is so fucked its unbelievable
i recently read in the financial times that just 54 (fifty-four) refugees are employed at big german companies.
when the entire bracket from 40 to 60 moves into retirement, then i dont even want to know whats going to happen.
>mfw i will pay for this with my income being taxed over 50%
its great being german
I hope trump starts a war with Germany if Merkel gets reelected
The fact that Merkel hasn't been hanged yet makes me hate Germany
Move to America my Austrian friend, But don't live in the west coast it's filled with Mexicans.
Good stuff. I hope we are on the same side in the next world war, Fritz.
>Please vote AfD then Germans!
I cannot vote for a party which wants to kill the EU (Germany's lifeblood), wreck our economy and thinks man made global warming is a hoax started by the (((Jews))).
Seriously, I cannot. I will vote FDP.
They'll still elect her again.
And you didnt learn shit from it and elected Alexander Cuckterbellen so you can become like us.
Something broke inside me when I heard that Hofer lost
The Asylocaust must happen
Jesus christ leaf I didnt ask for that feel
Well, I fled to Austria because I thought it was more based and had higher hopes for it than I have for Germany... I was disappointed.
But at least my tax moneys don't fund a literal "Kampf gegen Rechts" (unironical violent oppression of everything that goes against the socialist party).
>he will vote FDP and get raped by migrants cuz he's a cuck
my home country is germany, but i own both passports. i voted hofer, no clue how he lost. but i consider myself more german than austrian, but lately im just embarrassed talking about it.
Hey Germany, you dropped your hat.
>Move to America my Austrian friend
White Christian Europeans cannot legally move to America. There are two ways to permanently move to America, 1. via the Southern border and 2. as a poo in the loo or other kebab though the H1b visa scam as "highly sought after loos".
White Christian engineers from Germany or white Christian biotechnicians from Austria may not even apply for permanent visas to the US.
The next war must consist of turning Africa and the Middle East into a testing field for ABC weapons.
Too many brown people on this world, its unsustainable if we want to survive and discover the galaxy.
Oh yes please. Germany makes up most of the US heritage for the areas of the US that are not complete shit. Notice you should stay away from the south and the west, but Midwest America is just the place for you.
This is what we need to put our efforts towards.
German normies have a meme culture too. If we bring the power of kek and Pepe to their aid, we can topple the Merkel regime. Otherwise (((they))) win.
Van der Cuck won't do anything, he is just leaning back and enjoying his third massive stream of income without actually working.
Same thing Hofer would have done (only that he worked before and it would be his only stream of income).
my faith in Germany might just be restored, fuck yeah mein kraut brothers!
>you guys never change
I'd hope so
and then she moves to ban muslim women veils to get re-elected. If that isn't hand-wringing at its best I don't know what is
slow mo with a deer slug to the forehead like those sandnigger executions
>Puerto Rican
No they're still spics, Why are they consider a different group.
Refugees arent the problem racists like them are.
Thats rich, Sadiq.
This was so sad, I just hope Strache will get the biggest share of votes in the next election
There is literally no proof that global warming is man made.
The EU in its current form is bound to die and causes endless conflict.
It's the same thing for Switzerland. Be an Afghan rapist and you are welcome, but boy do they hate white Germans.
France is more deserving of help and more likely to pull it off.
Better a party which is honest about libertariansim than a party full of delusional hoaxers. Sorry about that. The only sensible policy the AfD has is "get the illegals out and protect the borders"... but even on the borders, they are for protecting the WRONG borders, we need to protect Europe's outter borders, shot term air tide and build a wall, NOT Germany's borders. If illegals get into say Bulgaria or Italy, it is already over, they will be smuggled to the West eventually. We need to stop them before they enter European soil.
but what do the new Germans think?
>He doesn't look at the date the article was made.
If anything she lost more support, People are slowly starting to realize she's full of shit after three years of being elected.
Sounds pretty good to me, actually
I agree and let's face it, the shitcoloureds are trying to wipe us out so why should we hesitate to get rid of them?
The FPÖ is just a meme. I want Strache to win because it's probably better than somebody who actively hates Austrians... but the FPÖ was in power in 2010 and they didn't remove even a single Kebab from Vienna.
>He thinks his argument is smart
Either vote AfD or get aids from a muslim from Afghanistan.
Didnt he threaten to dissolve parliament if the FPÖ wins?
that was 16 years ago before Obama sand niggered the place up. in 2000 I didn't see any in my town. agenda 21, mosques sand niggers and all that shit. fucking catholic charities
Please tell me these bastards got theirs
Post yfw Germany is going to lose all three world wars.
Fucking animals.
i don't know? maybe is because we are legal spics?
Imagine if these bikers put all their energy towards saving the white race instead of selling meth to poor whites.
Actually most of those states are still German. I rarely ever see Black people in my good old state of Pennsylvania.
He was threatening to not appoint an FPÖ government, but that was just banter. He can't actually do that (if he does he will regret it, Austrians are drunk, armed and violent).
Obviously not, I would have stayed with my clan in Germany then.
We should post ads around germany saying something like
"Hey, do you wanna go back to your lslamic homeland? Vote merkel!"
Also how the FUCK are they only at 58%?!? That should be the BIGGEST problem with germans right now.
I wouldn't mind so much if they weren't complete weasely little wanks. I could tear them to pieces single handed.
You are either underage or naive. 58% of germans seeing the refugees as the biggest problem, does not mean that they actually have the balls to just wish they would all get deported. Mutti will promise to deport some of them and talk about better imigration and germans will vote her again. Germans are cucked.
We need to reduce the amount of non Germans within Germany. This our main task while encouraging Germans to have children.
This and restoring national pride and an army that may call itself an army, get nukes and biological weapons and maybe even an aircraft carrier.
Of course cucks like you are opposed to it.
We shouldnt, if we shall ever recover from this avalanche (((they))) and their pawns must be wiped out forever
Because they didnt want to or because they were blocked?
Muslims are getting assaulted by Ethinc Germans in Germany recently. They only voted for Merkel three times because their was no migrant crisis.
Nah you guys are all the same, Just like we call Niggers from all over the world Niggers.
Ich gelacht aber Ich habe eine fragen... Wer gewann den Krieg irgendwie? Cuck.
>Because they didn't want to or because they were blocked?
Don't know but also don't care. They betrayed their voters, this is what counts.
Same as Merkel with her "Multikulti ist gescheitert" then and "we will discuss Burkaverbot if you vote me again" now.
I don't respect no more Germans for this
this. they have no s(kin) (lol i slay me) in the 't get game. don't get too cocky though. 58% might see them as a problem but most of them think the problem is that there isn't more money and housing for refugees.
They're degenerate losers by nature