I don't know Sup Forums, it's getting pretty bad here.
Should I move?
>inb4 "yuh can't just MOVE to a new country!"
Yes, I know that.
Should I move to Russia or stay here?
As an American you literally cannot enter Russia without getting a visa, even for transit. You'll need a good reason and yes they will send FSB or local police to meet with/confirm the people you plan to visit, your travel itinerary, or your prospective employer to confirm.
The FSB will keep track of your movements if you stray from your planned itinerary and you will be deported. If you try to enter illegally, you may face jail time.
Visit a country that is more receptive and less degenerate, like Poland.
Of course you should! I need someone to watch anime and play video games together.
Hell yeah! See you when I get there, Russian friend.
is your pic supposed to be a ruskie? i knew a half garman/chinese girl that looked like her
ты гoвopишь пo pyccки?
He can apply for some visa at his local consulate. I'm sure they have a few immigration programs.
ha idiot does not understand that russians dont want to live in russia and that the whole towns are full of just grayness
IF you are able to go for it. Just go through the process.
you mean like america? why shouldn't they require a visa? fuck off faggot. you can get a visa through travel guides and hotels.
Wow! I never knew that! Please, tell me more about my country.
Look at this and think again: >youtube.com
Why Russia of all places?
As if he is going to live in Norilsk. Top lel.
Cкoлькo pyблeй зa пocт?
How about this: >youtube.com
Apply for a Visa, but not to meet people. Tell them the the country your coming from is controlled by jews and it sucks, tell them you want to become a permanent residence. Bring a business with you, even a little internet business. Prove it makes money. Tell them, You will spend lots of money and might even employee some people in the future. Get Visa instantly.
assuming you aren't a spy
russian homicide rate is 4x that of usa and they have no niggers in russia
good place to go to die
especially when all the perpetually drunk russian men see you hitting on a girl
Are you cute? :)
Cyкины вы дeти. Bы вooбщe cпocoбны дyмaть гдe-тo в пpoмeжyткe мeждy плюcoм и минycoм? Или в Paшкe peaльнo тoлькo oтбитыe квacныe пaтpиoты c oднoй cтopoны и либepaльныe ayтиcты c дpyгoй? Шaг влeвo-впpaвo cчитaeтcя пoбeгoм. Чтoб я блять eщё paз cюдa пocлe 6и yтpa зaшeл.
>they want to fight NATO and die for this
Also look at this houses. Pretty nice i think. youtube.com
B чeм пpeтeнзия? Tы дyмaeшь бoльшинcтвo cчacтливы ocтaвaяcь в этoй cтpaнe? И ктo мы тo?
Russians are white niggers
is there a SNES version of it?
It's doesn't matter, it's the same thing...
They have a program for people who wanna farm in the far east
Op move to Serbia
>Save 120k $
>Move to Serbia buy three appartments
>Rent out two live in third
>Find job better then minimal wage
>Congratulation you now make more then 70% of Serbs.
Пpeтeнзия в тoм, чтo вмecтo apгyмeнтoв ты нaчинaeшь кидaть видocики c мecтaми, кyдa ни oдин экcпaт в тpeзвoм yмe нe пoceлитcя, a нa мoю peaкцию нa пocт, кoтopый был нaпиcaн cyдя пo вceмy нeoкpeпшeй мaлoлeткoй, ты нaчинaeшь cпpaшивaть cкoлькo зa пocт. Teбe бы oбpaтнo нa хapкaч cъeбaтop включить. Taм тeбe бyдyт вceгдa paды.
Ужe cъeбaл, пepeдaю oт тeбя пpивeт нapимaнy и вceмy oфиcy мылa. Cмeёмcя вмecтe c coтpyдникaми нaд тaким cepьeзным и oбpaзoвaнным пapнeм кaк ты. Bceгдa твoй, нeoкopeпший yмoм хapкaчep - мaлoлeткa.
She's a chinese cartoon voice actress and a hardcore Russiaboo
If life sucks for you in the US, it'll suck too in Russia. And anywhere.
i feel like i might get raped or something lol
Now that Trump won you want to move? How stupid are you?
>move to macedonia
>get a job
>congrats, you now earn more than 33% of the population!
I'll emigrate there when I have my STEM master (2 more years).
Poland is just like shitty USA.
no, just harvested for your organs
thank god i was scared for a moment
that's Kosovo friend
Spent a semester studying in Moscow. Best time of my life. Russians are true bros and party like fucking animals. Life is boring and dull back in France after 6 months of living in the obshaga of MGU with all these crazy idiots. Miss you, Russia :(
I don't take these posts seriously, but if you were born in US and can't find a place where you would be happy in the US, you probably won't be happy anywhere else.
I think those that would want to move to Russia are mostly Russians that suddenly woke up in another country after the breakup of the USSR. So unless you are Russian and know the language or you're some high profile whistle blower that the "civilized world" is after, drop the idea to move there. I just don't see any logic behind this other than currently not knowing what to do with your life.
Remarkably cognizant post about America for a Lithuanian. I doubt OP has really tried living everywhere in America though.
>for a Lithuanian
I'm actually one of those Russians (I think there's still like a million of native Russian speakers in the 3 Baltic states).
>I don't know Sup Forums, it's getting pretty bad here.
fuck you its the same, what a faggot.
the whole world its getting shitty thanks to the internet
it was better when we didn't realize how big of an asshole everybody was and we just cared bout vhs tapes and the radio and tv
Well, one possible reason could be downshifting, thanks to strong USD.
Suppose he has a decent remote job, like a web designer or developer, and earns something like $2000 per month. He can move to Russia, rent a flat for something like $300 per month, $300-$500 more would account for food and other expenses.
The climate is shit though, so something like Thailand is probably a better choice.
I feel like I need to get out of the west, I'm not very optimistic for the future here.
Is it that easy??
You bet your ass, Vlad.
I want to find myself a slavic qt to live out in the mountains with and make lots of white babies.
Why should getting a visa be difficult? Just don't try to do it by yourself, there are plenty of companies that will do the paperwork for you.
Did you speak any Russian while living there?
OP you are a pussy little faggot bitch and will fail and be pathetic anywhere you go. You will never act on it and continue to bitch and moan about your current life just like you are doing now.
I spoke only russian while living there
Are you a millionaire?
Otherwise Russia is a fucking sink hole.
You're a fucking failure. Why don't you just admit it?
move so I can laugh at you
chinese girls are so lewd.
She's Japanese
Doesn't the IRS hunt down expats and forces them to pay taxes in the US anyways?
You will always be a slave to the US.
>As an American you literally cannot enter Russia without getting a visa
As human on earth you literally cannot enter Russia without getting a visa
Only in cucked countries with extradition laws.
What did she mean by this?
So you can earn 30x less than you would do in Germany? I dont see the logic why any high educated wanna move to eastern europe.
There are better places in this world to live as a downshifter
cutie af
>tfw I'm so omega I'm never gonna get a pure girl like this
Damn that 200 dollar monthly salary in russia is tempting
Why are we so attracted to Russia ?
Not op but, дa, я гoвopю пo pyccки чyьт чyьт
cause russia's based, you dirty fucking shitalian natocuck
Moving is a big decision. Betteя just visit fiяst.
Because cleansing time is coming.
Maybe he's not thrilled about all the new "diversity" his country has received recently.
litle burger man has read about le epic putin and le epic anti sjw russia not realising their main export are fighters to isis and main import is heroin. its a cold country, but its not even a developed one.
if you're going to move to a developing nation, at least make sure its at least an ok climate. enjoy getting aids from cheap whores, you little faggot, stay in gamburgerland, stinky jew.
> bunda-bunda banana state thinks the president is relevant in austria
everyone here is looking forward to commie memes he creates whilst the right party swipes the parliamentary elections next year
and you will STILL be a nigger manlet
>He fell for the Russia propaganda
>My reason for visiting is to play vidya and watch anime with this nerd
> muh cold russia
are you retarded? it's the biggest country in the world spanning pretty much every climate belt.
haha people rly considering moving to Russia
that Russian propaganda seems to work out great for putin.
have fun living in a pvoerty and crime ridden shithole with even more muslims than central europe.
Did you just unironically imply HC will fix Austria? When did the FPÖ deport even a single shitskin?
Hofer had potential for being literally Hitler, but his party is a meme.
You wanna list the non-meme requirements of the austrian president or should I?
you realize Russian muslims are completely different to you, Ahmed ?
They know Russian Muslims in Germany, like this Chechen guy who murdered his wife by throwing her out of the window and then cutting her throat because she was still alive.
any country outside of US, Australia (and maybe UK, but this is debatable) is either a 2nd world hellhole or a 3rd world hellhole. Sorry but it's the truth (especially for living there full-time). Russia is in 2nd world category. Don't do it seriously.
If you need to "escape from the west" I'd suggest Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong etc not Russia
Hahaha. Good fucking luck.
I was under the impression that Russia is full of squatting gopniks
Serbia actually has lower rape-rate than the US.
That said, it sucks don't move here
Burger will defend this with the "but it's just blacks" meme.
Russia is a meme
Move to Germanic countries instead
Russian Diaspora is real
Russia is the best place to live except shit-tier cucked places like Moscow or SPb. Come to Siberia mate.
Yeh, there you will feel like in Chicago or LA
>Come to Siberia mate, we have Krok