In this thread anyone who supports welfare, medicaid, public pensions...

In this thread anyone who supports welfare, medicaid, public pensions, public healthcare or disability has to justify legally forcing people to support parasites

Because we can.


In the long run it's cheaper than not supporting them.

this is why the natsoc faggots need to leave Sup Forums

they're leftist shills

>public healthcare

T-b-h the costs of this could be cut down enormously by not funding elderly care (expensive surgeries to add one month of life to a 90 year old) and ending fetuses with debilitating diseases.

which pilled is this?

The Pez pill

Removing welfare would save the USA from debt and expand the economy. There is no real argument for welfare.

Sometimes the good of society is greater than the benefit of some individuals. I agree most of these systems are currently broken and feed into the pocket's of the gibsmedat, but these systems aren't inherently wrong. Isn't helping your fellow man good?

People who support trade tariffs are literally the most ignorant niggers on the planet to be honest

Why hamstring yourself to aid your competition?

The systems are inherently wrong in a democracy because the have nots will always vote for whichever side is supportive of bigger government.

Step 1:
Get rid of the fda, dea, atf, dept. of energy, remove so much of the epas authority, ditch the affordable care act, reduce all tariffs to zero, phase out all corporate and agricultural subsidies, end all welfare statism, introduce legistlation that will fine, fire, or in some way penalize the chairman of the federal reserve if inflation ever exceeds 4%, introduce a voucher system for schools, smash the teachers union, eliminate entirely the department of education.

Step 2:
Smile broadly and prepare for a second gilded age. Congrats, you have freed americans enough to Make America Great Again.

do you even social darwinism

Cuba pilled

Good luck starving to death when you're too old to work after working like a slave all your life. But then again, dumb muslims like you abandon their elders after they're not useful for them.

Welfare is designed to stablish communities that have no more wealth to plunder, to keep the entire system stable enough long enough to plunder the wealth of the rest of the communities too.
Just think what would happen if you cut welfare away. It'd be chaos, affecting the productivity of the slaves that still have wealth left to plunder.

Cuz our society is rich enough to provide the luxury of life to all citizens. You basically get free food. We have enough money for this it's not a huge deal don't be a cock. We're the richest society in the world ppl shouldn't starve.
That said any more than what we can afford is retarded. I guess where to draw the line is debateable but no one should starve to death in a country this developed.


how many of the pathetic people occupying this cesspool are ACTUALLY going to reproduce? who is going to take care of you when you're 70+? Who is going to pay for it?

thanks for volunteering to pay out of MY pocket parasite enabler

Its called having the dignity to recognise when you're no longer functioning and offing yourself

Parasites wouldn't understand as they have no honour

Lol ur wages get raped by the govt no matter what. I bet you're not even rich enough to get taxed that much. welfare costs way less than our military. I understand that military is important but human life certainly has a value.
Anyway don't be a meiser. You can move to a third world country if you don't want to help people.
Oh right you want to be civilized.

>not support them
>they die
It's cheaper and encourages businesses.

>what is charity

>let's abolish all regulations so it becomes easier for Jews to loot us

kek confirms my wisdom.

Not mentioning hayek, sowell, paul, and on and on and on because it doesnt fit your (((narrative))).


Fuck ya cunt

M-muh solidarity!
Seriously, the only argument for welfarism is that a huge proportion of the population would crumble without it. Many would die. Most could make it but give up the lazy lifestyle and would probably see a fall in their standards of living. Of course many would make it fine and are just taking what the current society promotes without thinking about it.

Of course this is parasitism, but they are unfortunately powerful enough to fuck everyone's shit up if you remove their gibsmedat. It is easier on the mind to just consider it some natural hindrance we have to make do with, and forget these are people.

Killing them is even cheaper.