What does Sup Forums think of Taiwan?
What does Sup Forums think of Taiwan?
I fucking love race play with asians, they love eating white asshole and will call me anything I want while i fuck their little assholes
Based. They don't hate Japan for colonization, they're actually very grateful for the infrastructure we built and admire us for it, unlike Korea.
That's right, they were the second biggest contributor of aid (after the US of course) after Fukushima happened
Just as scummy as the commies tbb
U mean what i think of the taiwan province of CHINA?
fuck koreans
every white man deserves an asian gf
Very sweet, very cummy on my tummy.
>thought they were basically exiled imperial China
>they're actually just revolutionary nationalists
wtf i hate taiwan now
China is a great country that got a bit of bad luck. I hope they can get rid of their communist problem.
Maybe Trump can help!
I-is she wearing a shirt user?
Yes. Korea can fuck itself
I don't like them, something is off with them
Have some clients from there, pretty cool people, generally right wing. My favorite was a doctor who had NRA stickers all over his laptop. They are nothing like main landers.
There was a Taiwanese soldier fighting for Japan in WWII who was so loyal l that he held out on an Indonesian island until fucking 1974
I honestly think they'd rather be part of Japan than be part of the PRC
Daily reminder that Japs are the enemy.
Fuck off FDR, you god damn kike
T. Gook
쪽발이. You fuckers raped our women, land and people. Kidnapped women for your sex circuses, kidnapped our men for slave labor to build up your country. Literally drove metal stakes into our mountain sides to fuck with our Fun Shui cause you worship a moon god. And you want to say we are ungrateful. The Tawainese are only "grateful" because they are all refugees from the Kuomintang and like to cozy up with a fellow anti china proxy. Why are you guys so fucking dense.
Being This weaboo.
>mad because his people sucked
Just take your loss like a big boy
You don't even live in Korea you fucking pathetic leech. Kill yourself
They make watermelon bread.
says the swede.
Japan lost you dipshit.
i couldn't give a shit about anything that comes out of asia. that being said it doesnt mean i can't call out korea for being ungrateful fucks to japan and claiming war crimes were done during the annex when in reality the japs lifted the koreans out of the mud literally
>says the swede.
What an original post. As expected from a literal subhuman immigrant. Sweden has never been conquered btw
This thread is for folks who actually won World War II not cucks who chimped and lost.
Park Chung Hee did you dumbass.
> "Japan lifted us" you mean cut our tongues out for speaking our native tongue.
Is this satire, cause Stockholm is literally Somalia.
You Koreans are so fucking dramatic and just eat up propaganda. You realize that even Park Chung-hee voluntarily signed up to be in the Kwantung army in Manchukuo?
You're welcome for all that infrastructure, by the way
My company has Business Relations with a taichung factory. They seem nice enough.
Would keep one of those ladyboys as a pet until I acquire a hwyte wife, the femenine penis doesn't intimidate me.
Many did out of lack of opportunity and he is hated even by his supporters for that, your point? Or is this thread basically this now.
> Misschlinge
#1 country with no jews, no blacks, no gays
>i can't call out korea for being ungrateful fucks to japan and claiming war crimes were done during the annex when in reality the japs lifted the koreans out of the mud literally
How many layers of Jap mindcuckery are you on my dude? It was the Koreans themselves and the US that helped pull Korea out of the "mud" economically. Japan's colonization of Korea was far more brutal then that of the typical Western colony. That's why Koreans passover the Korean war as if it was nothing but sperg out about Nips
Well Tojo if you're so smart, please tell me what was the biggest issue in organising Korean state after WW2.
That's Thailand. I think Taiwan is pretty conservative.
You should be ruling China
>no gays
Kinda got cucked by the world's most autistic communist leader, so I gotta wonder what's going on there.
wtf? no pic?
>. I hope they can get rid of their communist problem.
They are a one-party authoritarian oligarchy that's communist in name only.
> Maybe Trump can help!
He'll trigger WW3. You realize China's GDP is over ten times bigger than Russia's? We're not hearing much about it but China quietly rebuilt and modernized its military.
Honestly? They're like looking in a funhouse mirror and seeing an unsettling reflection of yourself.
I went there for a week. The family I stayed with (the family of my gf at the time) took us out to eat a giant meal approximately every 3 hours, with snacks in between. It honestly grossed me out how much they ate / expected me to eat. In between eating we would shop at the Taipei 101 or surrounding shopping areas. I did other stuff too, checked out that volcano and the Queen's head rock and stuff, but god damn I'll never forget the almost ceaseless eating and shopping.
Not sure how typical my experience was, but it was fucking weird that they were as obsessed with eating and shopping as your typical eurocuck thinks Americans are.
I wouldn't be so concerned about Chinks, they're after all, asians, completely inept at warfare once initial novelty wears off.
It's not typical. I think that they were trying to be good hosts, and they hear that Americans like to eat a lot.
>Sweden has never been conquered
yes, Muslim annexed Sweden has never been conquered so far.
Losers who are happy to be Japanese lapdogs. Ironic considering Chang Kai Shek and Nationalists did all the fighting against the Japanese in WWII.
>they're actually very grateful for the infrastructure we built
So if I break into your house and force you to rebuild your house you're going to be grateful? Inb4 edgy answer.
Its not like most average koreans go to enjoy the benefits of that modernity besides upper class collaborators.
Anyway it was all destroyed in the Korean War anyway because all the korean guerillas in Manchuria you brutally hunted all went insane and founded North Korea. Exactly the reason I don't feel sorry when North Korea kidnaps Japanese school girls or shoots missiles over you.
You reap what you sow Toshi.
As a small child I enjoyed how all my toys were made by them. As I grew up, China took over the making of my toys and the paint didn't taste as good.
the few I met online were nice fellas, I've never met one irl though.
I think user is referring to the fact that Taiwan officially calls itself the Republic of China and technically claims the mainland for the Guomandong.
It's a better version of China.
that i would suck those titties
Chinese are different. Decades of militaristic communism changed them. And they have so many single males because of one child policy that they kinda need a big war just to remain internally stable. I think they'll destabilize and invade Russia in the next decade.
N-n-not real communism, guys, honest!
Fuck off, cunt.
Rightful Chinese Government
Fought off the invaders and then got stabbed in the back by the commies.
this. Everything they "built" got destoyed in the war. To take indirectly credit for Koreas modern day success is retarded.
Well it definitely started out as communist and retains communist practices but its a totally different form of compared to European communism.
> N-n-not real communism, guys, honest!
This is different. They gave up even trying to pretend, cunt. Or you think there is no private property in China and capital is considered bad? The only thing they kept is the oppressive, authoritarian state.
They are a mixed bag, some were alrightish, kinda elitist and some were near autistic.
They are more fascistic than anything else. which even then proves how efficient it is.
>NZ m8
MSM hosts a video that does fucking nothing to support their claims lmfao. Trump says a name, audience boos, he says "no, no, it's okay." the same as he's ever done in EVERY RALLY SPEECH HE'S EVER MADE.
install many neutron bombs and magnetic railguns
not part of chinka
and will stay apart
nuke chinks now I say
It's not a real Taiwan thread until a 引引引Canadian 引引引 is butthurt.
>which even then proves how efficient it is.
They profited from outsourcing. Peasants moved to the cities and worked for free. They just had 1.5 billion people they didn't know what to do with, nothing to do with efficiency.
A shit hole like all nations that are not the US, Australia or New Zealand.
I mean in a sense they haven't fallen apart like the USSR or even the EU and US to an extent.
> no Canada or UK
Gay Chinese-wannabe faggots. Just a bunch of chinks off an island.
Somewhat serious question why does chink fascism-pretending-to-be-communist work much better then actual fascism?
they make chinese people incredibly butthurt which amuses me
other than that i dont think about taiwan
China : "Noone should use the ROC flag & name !"
Taiwan : "Fuck you lol"
US : "O-ok, w-whatever you say hehe"
Yeah, Taiwan is clearly the cucked country...
> Trump might change US response now tho...
Cause it wasn't interrupted by the US and USSR. Also China isn't in a major war like Germany.
> I mean in a sense they haven't fallen apart
They've had double digit economic growth for two decades thanks to what I just described. People tend to like that.
We'll see how they can get through a recession soon. I think they'll invade Russia to distract their people or something crazy like that.
That's what communism is, they feed the proles lies about how it's going to be a communist utopia but it NEVER happens. It might 'not be real communism', but it's entirely the fault of communist ideology.
We are the true China. You are probably black.