As a socialist I want to thank all you Trump voters.
When your Ayn Rand cult starts slashing benefits 54% of the nation relies on to survive and feed their children we will see the greatest wing to the left and a bullet in the head of captalism in America. You guys will create a mass of people needing the gov to survive which is where we will step right in and promise them food, medicine and shelter.
Thanks for this; you guys were a god send.
As a socialist I want to thank all you Trump voters
A quick reminder that Trump is president for the next 8 years :^D
>implying that those people will still be alive next election
Work is preferable to welfare.
t h i c c
4. And we are overdue for a massive recession which he will catch the blame for. Hopefully it crashes right after they cut food assistance so people will be nice and hungry.
They will. You know who wont? Millions of old white people who voted for Trump.
Pic related, the white population is very old.
You expect the swing of the pendulum so soon? When it has barely motioned towards the right, with so much travel left in the swing?
But... only a one nightstand
Look at the age and racial breakdown of the election.
Th only reason Trump won was low minority turnout.
Look at pic related; most of the white female population is out of their child bearing ages whereas legal hispanics and blacks keep turning out kids. Its not hard to see what te end result will be.
Trump won old white people and old people die.
You've Been doing that for decades. Now we chase out all Mexicans, mooslims, and Niggers have to work.
Hopefully they will Rebel so we can shoot them down like Dawgs..
Lets see how the next 8 yr goes for Honkey. We took over and dumbass shitskins better learn to say, "Massa".
>Its not hard to see what te end result will be.
Yeah, an all out race war where the criminal blacks are finally exterminated. Nice try you commie fuck, but the white middle class are the angry proletariat.
If these people cannot survive without government help, they should not be alive.
As a nationalist I want to thank all you Merkel voters.
When your Muhammad cult starts slashing heads 93% of the nation relies on to survive and feed their children, we will see the greatest wing to the right and a bullet in the head of globalism in Germany. You guys will create a mass of people needing illegal guns to survive, which is where we will step right in and promise them safety, homogeneity and identity.
Thanks for this; you cucks were a god send.
>TFW I'm upper-middle-class so it doesn't matter either-way.
I hope you die on the streets, nigger.
you forget who owns most of the guns
and has always been the proletariat, and will always be the proletariat. Fuck the new left.
Jamal, why are you roleplaying as a white man on a Taiwanese sukajan-collecting forum?
Nice damage control.
With what armt? Nursing home residents? Better do it soon Elrond; your strength wanes daily.
well thats a nice fantasy but in reality people aren't gonna do that. Why not have an ideology that reflects reality instead of living in the Land of Make Believe?
> LOL 0.1 Population growth
Yea, I am sure you are onna convince millions of white americans to murder their neighbor for white supremacy since it is such a popular ideology
The parasite underclass is completely complacent and will never do anything other than complain in the most ineffectual of ways. You could tell them you're moving to a new lottery system that will distribute benefits by scratch tickets and 99% of them would stand in line to find out they're only getting a bag of beans, rice, and a single pack of Newports because that's what two oranges and a cactus wins. Stop jerking off to the communist manifesto and get a job.
t. nigger
Nice breeding patterns.
If people are hungry and you promise them food they will turn out. If their kids are hungry or their relatives need help they will turn out. And when you guys enact your Ayn Rand fantasy and it blows up we will be there to offer the public all the gov services they want by taxing people like
when did this become a white thing?
>A world in which the weak and stupid perish, the strong and smart survive.
This is a bad thing
Post more qts, bitch boy
Because 90% of Trumps voters are white and once they are gone there isnt really a cohort left who believes in American capitalism.
Younger generations prefer socialist policies.
New here buddy?
>If people are hungry and you promise them food they will turn out.
They'll turn out to get food and then go home. What kind of idiot thinks they can build a political movement on the backs of people who by definition do the absolute minimum in life?
No we'll see niggers finding their work boots again
>As a socialist I want to thank all you Trump voters.
>This is a good thing
>I mean look where it got us
>What kind of idiot thinks they can build a political movement on the backs of people who by definition do the absolute minimum in life?
A "progressive"
you do know you are gonna be hit the hardest by trumps tax plan right?
you forget alot of minorities own guns.
you forget that being 400lbs and shitting your self in walmart does not prepare you for the shit.
> implying millennial democrats weren't already flipping this election due to overzealous tumblrinas and privileged womansplaining
> implying Americans don't become conservative as they age via hometowns destroyed, wages increasing disproportionately to their taxes, and becoming detached from the youth
> implying gen Z isn't reactionary to democrats after being raised by internet trolls
The only problem repubs have is the ballooning of immigrants and imploding social security
sauce me
Senate will never vote against itself you jackass
Why is it this high? This is a problem but lets not talk about it, lets just let the number get higher and higher.
All benefits should be slashed to zero.
>younger generations prefer socialist policies
how would these youngsters know they prefer something theyve never experienced?
>A "progressive"
Yeah this checks out.
Less gov is a good thing, why is everyone so scared to take care of themselves? I mean you are grown people who can fend for themselves right?
>left accelerationism
>as a socialist
stopped reading, move to north korea faggot, oh wait you won't. fucking pseudo intellectual faggot
>starts slashing heads 93% of the nation relies on to survive
It's little things like this that make a post worthwhile. OP, take note and then your own life.
>says the US government has been a horrible, racist oppressive force.
>wants more government
wew lad.
Get the fuck off Sup Forums you filthy commie go out into the forest and sing kumbaya and hug your comrades and later you can go recite passages from Karl Marx's communist manifesto.
sauce me I wanna jerk to some brown poon
Good god lads... can you imagine this oily woman bouncing on your dick?
never, not even once.
>When your Ayn Rand cult starts slashing benefits 54% of the nation relies on to survive and feed their children
They have been freed from the shackles of the liberal plantation. Welfare is the new whip faggot.
The initial shock of no safety net may be concerning, but over time, the desire for self improvement, motivation and wealth over mere scraps from Obama's table will bring forth the American of old.
A strong, proud and independent people. Who can make their own destiny without the massa' in Washington and the (((media))) telling they can't because they are perpetual victims.
>slashing benefits 54% of the nation relies on to survive and feed their children
Ah yes, the US simply can't stop providing magnificent entertainment.
Thank you, burgers, you make life better.
You already tried that once Hans, come on now.