Why is every single woman a liberal whore now?
Seriously, you won't find a woman that hasn't sent nudes, got drunk and had a one night stand at university, etc. Every last one of them. They even brag about it now.
They are all the same.
Why is every single woman a liberal whore now?
Seriously, you won't find a woman that hasn't sent nudes, got drunk and had a one night stand at university, etc. Every last one of them. They even brag about it now.
They are all the same.
Other urls found in this thread:
Go to church
post modernism has created monsters, men and women are voids, memes of people. no life behind their eyes.
had two virgin gfs so far so what if they've sent nudes to somebody i'm abandoning society for NEET hermit mode
Because there is nothing wrong about women being as promiscuous as men no matter how insecure it renders you.
Doesn't it have many negative mental health effects on women, and destroy the family unit?
Sure buddy. Imagine how fucked the next generation will be knowing their moms are all whores, and even seeing nudes of them.
if you want a girl with morals your going to have to go to a church. some of them are whores too but at least they have the sense to feel bad about it.
Because women are herd animals. They think that is what the other women are doing, so they have to it as well.
That's the power of media to change society. If the media is always showing women dropping to their knees and sucking off the men they meet, young women will start doing it thinking that's what "adult" or "mature" women do, and it will quickly spread to all age groups of women. Cause they all want to be part of the herd.
You can find women who don't do what you complain about, but you got to find the communities that raise them and keep them running in their community herds that are against that behavior. So look for hardcore religious communities that are against it, and then try to get accepted enough that the women in it will get interested in you.
how do you approach someone in a church?
This is true. Most of our shortfalls can be attributed to not being spiritual enough. A large portion of humans on this planet are depressed and unmotivated because God is not a part of their life and they live for sin and narcissism.
I am a sinner but am learning how to become a better, more selfless person.
Those girls end up going to uni and doing the same shit. Honestly the last time you can find a decent woman is 18-19 when they're fresh out of hs and going to community college. After that you're fucked. Even then they'll cheat on you once they go off to uni.
OP if you were a modern woman why would you act anyway else?
You would give up all that good sex and attention in the name of what? Some christfag meme about waiting until marriage? You can get married later.
>why are women liberal
Because conservatives drove them to liberalism, do you really not get that?
When one side offers women what they want and the other says 'you've had enough' guess which side they pick.
The same way you approach someone anywhere. You go there and become part of the community and make connections and you'll usually either meet a girl or meet someone who wants to introduce you to a girl like their niece or cousin or something.
suck me christ cock ya damn dog
This isn't about woman "picking" their behavior. Women are inferior to men in many aspects of intelligence and need a strong male to guide and negotiate them through life.
Women act like whores today because men aren't alpha enough to take charge, make money, and start a family.
All of these problems can be attributed to men and our shortcomings.
Men must step up if we are to save women from degeneracy.
if you're new to the church, everybody is really welcoming. at least in the US. just go, somebody will come up to you and talk to you.
you can tell them how bad of a sinner you were and it's totally cool.
they aren't exactly red pilled about everything, the jews but they're nice people albeit a little boring at times. friendly though
jews /thread
>Women act like whores today because men aren't alpha enough to take charge, make money, and start a family.
No, they act like whores because they'll settle down with these men later and want consequence free party slut life for a few years first. This has nothing to do with men not being suitable father/husbands. It is because they can put that off and be sluts first with zero consequences.
i feel the same way OP
though, i'm one of the guys doing nasty shit with these women and making dirty snapchats with them and shit
i have no intention of ever being with any of the twoholes i fuck for any longer than it takes me to get bored with them
i am a terrible person
hedonism and easy pleasure
it always happens when nothing is done about it
too much reward in the short term gain
That's why you find one when they're still 15-16
this is literally porn
It isn't consequence free though. They are living in sin. A woman who lives for sin only damages herself and her future.
Not to mention they contract STDs and may become pregnant.
They shouldn't act like whores to begin with. Once a whore always a whore.
I don't know about that. You can be the perfect alpha and a woman will cheat on you even with a lesser man because it's too boring (ie perfect) being with you. They need drama and emotional excitement.
Yes it does you fucking faggot.
I'm not sold on church at this point. Too many non-virgins running around justifying with:
>muh let he who is without sin cast the first stone!
>muh God forgives me, it's your problem if you can't!
>They are all the same.
It took you all the way to uni to realize this?
not if she goes to a Christian college. she'll have all the social pressure from her friends to not be a whore.
I used to work with a bunch of girls like that. I actually had to date one and go to church with her a few time before she'd even let me fuck. it may not sound like much but by today's standards it's putting in work. she was worth it though but then I cheated on her with a less attractive skank and that was that.
live and learn I guess
I started going to church. Been going for the last 3 or 4 weeks. Some girl sat by me and started talking to me out of nowhere. Thinking back, I think she might of been hitting on me but I was too autistic to notice. That being said, she could of been a whore. Trust nobody.
All part of the plan my man
Brave New World is literally happening RIGHT NOW
Then that women will never have a successful marriage or family.
My point is women today are spoiled by freedom. They act like whores and cheat because they are allowed to without consequence. They are even "protected" now in that sense.
We are enabling slutty behavior.
Muh feelings
my wife is a traditional good girl, can cook, was a virgin when we married. she's terrible in bed & only gets there 2 times a month. be careful what you wish for, there's 2 sides to every coin.
Those women are just better at lying
>tfw couldn't save my sister from becoming a feminist cunt
>tfw she still has 2 more years of indoctrination to go
Don't fall for the Church Meme as per Most western women are whores regardless of the religion they follow, same goes for Muslim women too... our degeneracy is infectious.
All I can suggest is you date women between 18 to 22 and hope you get lucky with a chick that knows not the touch of dick (1% chance catch).
I still had hope up until the time I was 19. Knew a shy nerdy band chick that only had one bf before, fell in "love" with me and then shitted on me. Turned into a crazy drunk slut that sends nudes to everybody, drugs out at uni, whatever. I still had hope love exists but it just doesn't. It's crazy she did a complete 180 and was the last girl I'd expect that from, I also thought that at 19 we would never change and that girls had empathy. Kek. I was manipulated pretty badly as well because she had me believe she was introverted and insecure and all of that when she really just had a victim Complex. The only thing I hate about women is how indirect they are about everything and will never just be straight up with their intentions. I wouldn't give a shit if women were upfront about being whores like men are. They try to rationalize it and fuck with your head through virtue signaling and victim blaiming, they'll blame their actions and shitty decisions on you.
It's the way things are nowadays, user.
You either accept it with resignation or drop out of society altogether. Either way you're a cuck.
Because of the filthy commies that go out into the bush sing kumbaya and hug their comrades and later they recite passages from Karl Marx's communist manifesto.
I'm just now turning 25 and realizing this. Put other priorities ahead of find a good woman, and already I'm limited to the choice between used up sluts, psychos, ugly chicks, or chicks who were in previous committed relationships and have lots of emotional baggage. It's doesn't matter how shy or sweet they may seem, they are all quick to want fuck on the first date. I used to be brainwashed into thinking that was normal adult life, but it's not. I never liked it! I can never have a family that way! It makes me want to blow my brains out because there's just no point.
It doesn't help either that I live in a college town next to a major university.
school and TV makes women liberal by default - it's up to men to make them conservative.
Joke's on you my gf hasn't done any of this
The key is to look for slightly introverted virgin women who've been emotionally abused, and cheer them up.
>implying you can unfuck whores.
If she's not a virgin, don't bother.
Exactly. Sluts aren't even shamed anymore, go on tumblr and every other teen girl is into BDSM porn.
Women are way, way too privileged. Feminism is so rediculous because men are the actual oppressed gender at least in the US. Literally nobody gives a fuck about boys and men. It's so twisted and deluded but people are way too bluepilled to see it and it's considered normal for women to be placed so high up above us. Women can literally do whatever they please these days. Not to mention the whole divorce thing. It's so rediculous that women (esp the whore type) are considered sensitive and caring. Literally haven't met a more soulless type of person than a slut.
Congrats Pierre, but where do you look for those girls?
>it's not okay if women have sex!
>it's okay if men have sex!
It's better for your mental health at least. I'll admit that whores are more fun and exciting but They're also mentally exhausting and will turn you crazy by proxy and potentially destroy your ego
Being shitted on by a slut literally destroyed my ability to believe in love and made me insane for like a year
I don't mean to play doubles advocate (as a matter of fact I'm strictly pro-men), but the reason why women are so two-faced about themselves is because they have to take care of their reputation. Basically, words like whore, slut, easy, etc. make a woman seem less valuable, so she has a reputation to take care of and will lie to you if she thinks you won't be discrete with what she tells you.
I'd say, if you really wanna land an untarnished girl, you'd first have to figure out how many men she's been with (if any), and the only way to do this is to make her understand that she's safe telling you about her sexual past which means you'll have to practice open-mindedness to the extreme. If something comes up (such as a woman having an extramarital affair) you're going to have to swallow shit and defend the woman in question, saying stuff like "we don't know the whole story, there might be a good reason since x" or whatever
>doubles advocate
Yeah mate the true redpill on women is only learned by experience. A lot of young men are literally mind blown when they really interact with women and see them for what they are.
I'm not trying to sound bitter or like I hate women. They can be nice people but they're just never worth it. Love doesn't exist and honestly I feel bad for young men. It's funny how deluded an innocent young dude can be.
It's also funny how chads know the least about how women work (because Chads are honestly exactly like women) because they've never seen the dark side of it
It's harder for men to get laid Obamaleaf. Women can spread their legs and get dicked in minutes if they're willing, whereas men have to meet a much higher standard
> Shitty lock, master key meme
because we've been taught to lower our expectations.
people don't live to forge strong families that protect each other.
people now live for the pursuit of pleasure for the sake of pleasure.
a generation of stretch marks and refluxing and rubbing one's nipples.
>She was a good Christian girl
>She let me fuck after a few dates
That's still a whore you idiot.
Yall just sound like the greeks. Not saying youre wrong, just that this shit isnt new.
>What are immigrant women?
The rot is from within. Try dating a non-European foreigner sometime.
OP here and I just want to say this
ONLY marry/have a ltr with a virgin
Every other woman will give it up without commitment. Especially after 2-3 partners, they lose the ability to pair bond and just go full slut. You should still fuck sluts provided they don't have stds, just don't give them any resources (time, money, attention). Sluts can be fun but they're worthless as people.
On another note, even if you find a perfect virgin, she might change after you bang her. She might turn into a slut as well. And virgin women have very high standards/tend to be emotional as fuck so if you even slip at all after fucking her she might leave you. After women lose their v card they know their value instantly drops and the more notches the easier it is for them to leave you/switch dicks
I used to be jealous of women but honestly their mentality is so different and insane compared to ours I'm glad to Be a rational man
It's that Turkish woman again, do not respond.
Right now the meta western civilization youth culture is all about partying and yolo. 60 years ago it was about being modest and avoiding degeneracy but it's done a complete 180 and now everything is all about embracing what is generally believed to be degenerate because people are told to challenge social norms and do whatever feels good in the name of self empowerment.
That being said it's amusing to me that our culture accepts and encourages women to go out and whore it up, including being a drunk drug addicted slut, but at the same time our culture is doing its best to shame men who want to do the same thing. If a boy and a girl have sex while drunk the law states that it's automatically rape since they can't legally give consent but only the boy is punished and society makes the girl out to be a helpless victim almost every time. Girls who spend hours putting on makeup, dressing themselves up, going to clubs, getting shitfaced drunk, and narcissistically photographing every facial expression they make are treated like it's accepted and desired behavior, but guys who dress up and go to clubs are labeled fuck boys and are shamed by basically everyone. If a guy cheats on a girl it's because he's a sex addicted pig but when a girl does the same it's because she's strong and independent and her boyfriend clearly wasn't good enough in the first place.
Our society is completely emasculated. We're teaching our men that pursuing women is rape culture and showing interest in a woman makes you a sexual deviant. Women are told that every man they're not interested in is trying to sexually assault them and every man who isn't interested in them is trying to fat shame them or some other form of discrimination based on some small aspect of an unconventional lifestyle or appearance.
The result of all of this is that women are encouraged to pursue all sorts of sin and vice while men are shamed into being euphoric gentlemen.
>Why is every single woman a liberal whore now?
Because that is their nature.
There is a reason why every successful civilization in the past kept their women on a tight leash. Every ancient story warned us of this, from the bible to the plays of the Greeks. They all tried to warn us of this nature and what happens when they are allowed to give in to it. Every society that gave women any say or power all collapsed. Just like Rome in it's final days, just like ancient Iran. (((They))) convinced us to give our women suffrage. Once you give them an inch they nag it into a mile.
They have made it unacceptable for men to act in our nature. We are no longer allowed to be strong, or to fight back. They send us to institutions of the state as children that are ran almost entirely by females. There we are deprived of the father, the figure of how a man is supposed to be. they actively punish us for acting how boys should act. They have banned us from even speaking our minds, lest we hurt their feelings. They have so emasculated us that now it is entirely sociably acceptable for them to give into this nature- to act like emotional whores exempt from consequence.
They vote for more government. They vote for more welfare. They vote for more refugees that come here and rape them in mass. They vote for gun control. They vote to restrict freedom of speech. They vote for affirmative action. They vote against the very civilization our ancestors struggled to build.
There was a balance to the world before. The nature of men for the most part is that of logic, whereas women are slaves to emotion, to desire. Long ago the Logos of men kept the Pathos of women in check. Then (((they))) came and fractured this balance for they knew Pathos was more manipulable than the cold realities of Logos. Now our society has become a slave to unthinking kneejerk emotion, and it is like clay in (((their))) hands
It's assbackwards right now and is causing a lot of suffering in the world.
Think about all of the crime, wars, and degeneracy that women put forth when given power they cannot handle.
Think of all the men out there who kill because women in their life have cheated them, wronged them, stole from them, etc.
Women are the catalyst to man's behavior and without good women you do not have good men and vice versa.
There is a delicate balance that exists in nature and humankind is fucking that up with degeneracy and technology.
In mental hospital
t. psychotherapist
To add onto this, women have like 400 eggs over their lifetime. Men make millions of sperm per day. Women are supposed to be selective, and men want to feel like they're getting a special hard to achieve prize during sex. If a girl fucks anybody, it means she's not a very good prize
Yeah, that red pill definitely came in the form of a suppository, just way too hard to swallow.
Virgin woman here in college. We exist, we're just ugly.
On this I'm wondering, do you know if men have any problems with pair-bonding after a certain number of women? if you do, could you provide sources for such information?
dating a girl that's had more than 2 partners is suicide and actually has backed up studies, but what about men? I'm asking because I don't want to end up getting fucked over by my own hormones
I feel like the last few years, western civilization is looking a lot more like the fall of Rome. Look at how much more degenerate we are compared to 10 years ago.
>going to church for women
this desu
spoken more eloquently than my own words.
Artificial wombs will take women out of the equation entirely.
Prove with boobs
I have no idea. I mean if you've fucked hundreds of chicks I'm sure none of them will be special to you. But I think men can slut it up (10+ partners) and still fall in love because girls worth falling for are hard to find. So even if you've fucked a fair share you will still appreciate the unicorn, possibly even more than if you haven't fucked around.
Why is not wanting an increased chance of a woman cheating or giving me an std insecure? sorry if this triggers you but the more cock a woman has taken the less valuable as a partner she becomes.
I also do that stuff and brag about it so I don't care.
And how old are you?
That's honestly preposterous. Women who don't value themselves and act the whore aren't worth your time but if a chick atleast has a preference for loving stable relationships she's a ok.
If you're just ugly (ie ugly face but nice body) you could be a whore too.
The only thing that makes a girl unfuckable is being chubby/overweight or having some fucking deformity like body scarring
My ex isn't a Stacy and actually is the last girl that you'd think would turn out to be a slut (modestly dressed butterface virgin when I met her) but even 5/10s are entitled as fuck these days.
I have a cousin who is quite the womanizer. As far as I know, he had 30+ partners.
He does get a permanent girlfriend once in a while, but it never lasts long. So I think it has a bad long-term effect on man too.
>not waiting until sex before marriage
Obviously she wasn't that into a religion that says that the bonds of marriage are sacred.
And you just proved that you didn't care about her beliefs by cheating on her.
It's funny, I hear so much of you complaining about this when most of my mom's side of the family (who are all hardcore WELS Lutherans) are married, have stable families with multiple kids, etc.
Then again, sharing the same beliefs and living by the same moral codes give a sense of security and happiness in a marriage that's hard to find.
Hell, my uncle still is looked down upon a bit for divorcing and remarrying.
Trips of truth
Same here.
>yfw your dad who said "no dates until 16" really wants you to find a nice WELS guy but everyone in college is either a nerd who won't take the initiative or someone who probably just wants sex
Data doesn't lie user. Good luck finding a chick who has a preference for loving stable relationships who has multiple partners.
Not to mention it's actually just disgusting on a visceral level.
OP's a faggot who needs to get out more. Who gives a fuck if a girl had a one night stand anyway? Virgins are pain in the ass.
20. But go back to like 2004 and things were way more conservative. Go back to 1994 and the shit that is accepted as normal today would be considered absurd
Diseases you cucked german and no condoms dont protect from everything and a female is much more likely to contract stds than a hetro male. Prove me wrong go bang a whore bare back and let me know how your vd goes
Come to SouthEast Asia. Other than the literal whores, the girls here are amazingly pure.
Degenerate. You are a sinner and are contributing to the fall of Western society.
The side that pays best
Nice argument faggot.
New shoes are uncomfortable, do you let other men break in your shoes?
Sorry son, I want my children to be white.
You worship a Jew so you have no right to talk.
He's a normalfag. He doesn't know what he's doing.
I really think being a degenerate whore (male or female) ruins the optimistic childlike outlook on life in people. It really makes people dead inside.
>still caring about women
Maybe it is just because I have 0 sex drive, but seriously just fucking stop thinking about women.
Life is so much easier, calmer, funner, lots of free time and money. No stress, no worry, no emotional roller coaster.
After 25 your sex drive drops A LOT. Just don't make any permanent-life-fuck-ups until then and you'll be okay.
But every day I come to Sup Forums and there is some kind of angsty women thread about this or that and it really doesn't need to be this way.
Not endorsing any MGTOW faggotry because those are faggots who need a support group/identity to cope with not being able to get pussy.
I'm talking about simply not thinking about it as an option. It's like "the game". Just don't even bother putting any energy towards it, mentally physically etc.
Just do what you want to do. Just jack off and realize that those 5-10 seconds after you cum that "wow, I guess I didn't want a gf after all, I just wanted to cum"
Women aren't shoes, retard.
This. Women are like cars. You want a mint condition Ferrari, not a used up 1989 Toyota with mental and emotional damage
>doubles advocate lel