Once you realize God exists, where do you go from there?
>p1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause;
>p2. The universe began to exist;
>c. The universe has a cause.
Once you realize God exists, where do you go from there?
>p1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause;
>p2. The universe began to exist;
>c. The universe has a cause.
>that cause was a bearded Jew in the sky who doesn't want you to masturbate and who will send you to an eternity of hellfire if you do
Or the thing that always existed was just a quantum vacuum
>realize God exists
which one mate? There are thousands to chooses from
Lmao realize god exists? God is something little kids are taught to act right, grow up faggot.
God doesn't exist though..
You develop a person relationship with him. If you believe in a God powerful enough to create the universe from nothing, then it's not a stretch to say he would be able to communicate and hear you if you reached out to him. Form a personal bond with him and reach out, that's what's next.
Well, user. Without going into moral dilemmas I'll break it down.
You used to believe, "Nothing that happens has a purpose. I can't change anything."
Now you believe, "Everything happens for God's purpose. I can't change anything."
All it does it change how you live your shadow of a life on this Earth. Whether humanity dies out in a lonely silence or God makes our world one of eternal peace your life will always appear inconsequential to you. Just have fun!
>god doesn't exist
>posts pic of God's glory and achievement
Atheists always make me laugh
For God to be God, OP, he must clearly exist outside of causality.
>Larping as someone dumb enough to believe this kind of shit.
lol I love this board
You do everything you can to avoid its attention
god is sadistic and loves to see you suffer
p-praise kek
no checking your own numbers
bad goy
this, god hates you and everyone around you, including celebrities, you wanna be another johnny dep? yeah, that's what i thought, so lay the fuck low.
I saw that video too but matter can appear in nothing, there have been studies in vacuums.
I'm still a Christians though
The nothing in physics isn't the "absence of anything" type of nothing from before the universe began to exist.
establish a direct connection to god and get the information from the source.
that's true, because there is still space which wouldn't been there
good point
Wonder if he will fall for the jew show.
There's so much media dedicated to their god/messiah, it makes me wonder if the jews crafted it in adoration, or if its a typical kike trojan horse
>infinite regression
You seek the law of One brother, universal TRUTH lies their in.
I'm saying literally the opposite.
Prove your premises.
>existence isn't real
So what caused to God begin to exist
Omniscience and omnipotence are incompatible:
>If God is omnipotent, then he should be able to create a being with free will;
>If he is omniscient, then he should know exactly what such a being will do (thus rendering them without free will).
There is no God
Christ was not the messiah and He will not, cannot come back to get rid of evil
That concept of a deity existing, watching over us and judging our actions based on right and wrong, good and evil, was a formulation of great minds naive enough to mix optimism with mysticism.
There is no supernatural punishment for those we call evil and wicked -- they get away with theft and murder every day and are richer and more secure for it
Nothing. That's not special pleading either, read premise one carefully.
but who created God?
>god can't create logical contradictions
lel good point man you've btfo everyone
The negation of both premises lead to contradictions. I can go into it if you're still here.
He doesn't need a cause because he didn't begin to exist. Read premise one.
The God of Contradictions Argument
>God is contradictory
>Therefore God
Try again.
>p2. The universe began to exist;
You don't know this.
Take this argument to reddit.
Sup Forums is a Christian board.
man trying to comprehend god is like a bacteria trying to comprehend a human
we do know this
we can infer that it had a start point from the movement of galaxies, hence the big bang
>God is hard
>Therefore God
Gee Wizz Kid
A point is not the same as a beginning.
>People who have never heard of deism.
And what preceded that?
>>God is contradictory
>>Therefore God
When did I say this? I never assigned those properties to God. You did. I'm a determinist.
Also, do you really believe that omnipotence requires the ability to do the logically impossible? That's you're argument.
you should get a gun and kill william labe craig and then turn the gun on yourself thus ridding the world of a pair of total retards who actually find this argument impressive
Embrace Shia Islam. If you are truly looking for truth you will get there.
it is, because that point cannot be sustained
that point cannot have existed in latency for any significant amount of time, so it a beginning
>let me tell you some infallible truths about this god thing
>no stop pointing out contradictions and objectively wrong shit in my narrative you could never grasp how this god thing
>OP seriously thinks that that is """"""""""""""""''''''''proof""""""""""""""""""""'"" for the existence of God
>what is the induction fallacy
Man I remember my first feelings of smugness after my first experience with philosophy. Thanks for reminding me OP
no arguments detected
The negation is unlikely.
>Everything exists "because of a cause"
>Why does god exist and who created god?
>What is "its" plan with god? Is he a puppet of "it"?
Ah the antropomorphic fallacy of "There has to be a purpose/a cause"
>the universe is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY big
>therefore God doesn't exist
I've never been able to follow this argument. Can someone explain it to a dumb theist?
>implying time, and therefore chronology, exists beyond the universe
>naming fallacies = argument
where am i making the induction fallacy?
>slovakian education
you must have missed the first premise
The point is that God is either impotent or blind.
Defeats the point of being called God really.
All is one, only "identity" differs.
>>p1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause;
>>p2. The universe began to exist;
>>c. The universe has a cause.
What caused this cause?
Except I never said he gave us free will. Free will definitely doesn't exist.
Just be good to others.
Know that, what comes around, goes around (that's God.)
Every bad thing you do will back on you 10 fold.
The idea that the universe is expanding everywhere equally at an insane rate, means we could literally be out of reach of certain deities. It's all speculation right
>Hey everything has a cause
>Therefore the universe must have been caused by God
That's equally retarded.
God's God, of course, you stupid fucking sandnigger
Retard detected. There's a difference between knowing what someone will do and influencing their free will.
oh so because he never began to exist, that means he can't continue to exist, and therefore doesn't exist currently.
>Once you realize God exists, where do you go from there?
Uh, like to the church maybe?
Internalize it and keep it to yourself until you join a corresponding religion that aligns with your beliefs
How? God is just the name for the first cause, which by definition, must be powerful enough to create the universe from nothing. The first cause must transcend spacetime, since it created it. It must also be able to act as an agent since it has to decide to create the universe versus not.
You know what I mean, he never began to exist because he always has.
>god doesn't exist
>posts that
>implying non-existence of time perfectly explains a god
>something we have no clue about ("before" bing bang a.k.a before creation of time itself) perfectly explains god
>we don't know or can explain something = god
muuuh logic ....
FYI determinism renders God impotent
Also, the beginning of the universe is ambiguous.
if he never began to exist then it is impossible for him to continue existing by definition. if he cannot continue to exist then he currently doesn't exist, again by definition.
>means we could literally be out of reach of certain deities
that doesn't make any sense whatsoever
from a purely monotheistic perspective
1.) God doesn't exist inside of the universe like some kind of sky fairy atheist strawman.
2.) Distance, or any such universal restraint is irrelevant to God, moreover completely meaningless in the context of God anyway.
3.) Even if it weren't completely irrelevant, God is omnipotent.
This guys gets it. The ONE TRUE INFINITE CREATOR or Source is love. It requires that you be of service to others repect free will, treat others as you would want to be treated. Forgivness of yourself and others frees the wheel of karma. You could go aginst INFINITE intelligence, but it wont end well. All souls are going through a graduation of spirit onto higher states of being, frequencies, densities and consciousness, until we return to source.
Tldr; consciousness is a vidya powered by love and information that lets you retain programmer tier abilities when at top levels.
God can only know what you will do when the future is predetermined.
Who's the retard.
>FYI determinism renders God impotent
I should qualify what I mean my determinism. I mean that once the initial conditions of the universe were set, and it began, all of our actions will unfold according to that. My "decisions" could be predicted given complete knowledge of the initial conditions of the universe which would inevitably lead to my decisions.
God can still intervene and change things if he wants, but the universe is still deterministic because don't have any free will to change it.
I assume you're trolling. I said he has always existed, and always will, meaning he never began to exist.
>Therefore Jesus Christ died on the cross for me. kek
I know you're going to shitpost and it doesn't take a genius to know that, much less God.
Have I suddenly stripped you of free will just by knowing what you're going to do before you do it?
>tfw part of a small percentage of people who are free of the religious Jew.
>The blind watchmaker
Why not just big explosion? Same thing.
>God can still intervene and change things if he wants
wew lad
That wasn't your argument
A first cause which winds up the universe and lets it go cannot change it
if i never start to eat an apple dose that mean that i was eating the apple the whole time? No, that means that the apple continues to be uneaten. for someone who babbles on about cause and effect, you don't seem to get how it works
there are millions of gods op, there is no once single god..
>Have I suddenly stripped you of free will just by knowing what you're going to do before you do it?
Yes. Perfect prediction negates freedom.
what if there is no cause, and it simply is?
What if our futures are predetermined by our own actions and not gods? He would still know our future actions but he would not be the cause of them.
you destroyed me with arguments!
You earn extra chromosome!
this fucking guy
The hardest part isn't figuring out whether or not their is some greater power out there.
The hardest part is learning about his/their nature.
>Why not just big explosion? Same thing.
If that big explosion transcends time and is powerful enough to create the universe, and can choose to create it or not, then it's possible that's what god is. I'm not sure on what properties god has, but I accept the original argument.
>That wasn't your argument
I'm just pointing out my view of determinism is compatible with a theistic god. I don't know if one exists or not, I'm a deist at this point.
>What if our futures are predetermined by our own actions and not gods?
They arn't.
The implications of causal determinism (cause and effect) is as follows:
>If determinism is true, all our actions are predicted and we are assumed not to be free.
>If determinism is false, our actions are presumed to be random and as such we do not seem free because we had no part in controlling what happened.
ontological arguments are usually not made in the context of a Christian God, just God in general
I suppose you could argue that God is love from reason, that being unique to a Christian God, but the point of these argument are to usually substantiate and argue the existence or traits of a God
>perfect prediction negates freedom
In what way, exactly?