Ways to RED PILL your GF

This chick who likes me is a stereotypical liberal millennial. I'd only consider a relationship if I can break her. The only obvious way I know of is to be a strong assertive male, that makes most females follow in toe. It helps if they have Christian values which in my case she does.

>What red pills are good to start with?


My Bros and I often Bible study so hard... bro

Do any Sup Forumsloks have red pilled gfs or am I going to be the one to start this research?

I do.

Did she come that way or did you have to open hers eyes? Or does she have no real opinion of her own like many grills?

I think you misspelled Butthole, my friend.

>met a virgin first year of college
>proof is evident on our first time
>build a strong relationship
>slowly trickle redpills over time
>mix with humor
>make fun of her dumb friends

>I'm 13 and this is my life

Isn't it your bedtime kiddo?

She wasn't heavily interested in politics. I think that is the best kind of female to be honest. When she saw that these things were important to me she naturally adjusted.

Most people don't realize that politics is actually considered 'boy stuff' like WW2 history. It is one of the reasons females are not willing to go against the tide for something they don't care that much about.

Women are stupid. Redpill them through talking to them.


Ohhhhh shit! Nigga just said that!

I guess you could hide the redpills within jokes
That worked for my cousin and his wife

Got this one chick to hate blacks even tough I honestly don't give a shit about race, don't even know why I did it.

>My Butthole and I often Bible study so hard... bro

The best way to break women is to ignore them. They crave attention. Lack of eye contact always makes them insecure.

This only works if you're alpha/Chad and or some other admirable male.

Sugar coating the red pills seem to be a good techniques. Girls don't really want to be serious with this sort of thing.

Like based user said here

For her own safety user. Good work!

This is true on a deeply psychological level. Even infant females base their relationships and self worth from eye contact

I bet you're swimming in pussy with that mindset leaf.


Indeed. They really are like children in that they desperately seek and need daddies approval/attention.

All the red pill shit you want to mold them into will come naturally of they see you as alpha/admirable.


First step is basis in reality. Start off small with freedom of speech. Make equality claims like how women can be sexist and being white or male isn't a crime because you know being black isn't a crime.


I did get her to admit that blacks were different in an evolutionary way. But her millennial conditioning won't letter her admit it can be in a nagitive aspect.

>black people CAN be better runners because Africa is a hostel dangerous place.

>but because Africa is a hostel and dangerous place that does NOT make them more violent.

The millennial condition is troubling.

I miss my virgin cutie gf. Girl in OP is her best friend who broke it off with me. I miss her perfect bubble butt.

It's a shirt show.

>make her browse Sup Forums
im serious. If you are gonna spend time with this girl you are propably gonna spend time browsing Sup Forums while she is with you so you have to introduce her to it at some point.

Luckily my ex was red pill as fuck and hated immigrants and was into hitler etc. So she understood the concept of Sup Forums and red pill. But on the downside she had serious temperament problems so I had to leave her :(

i got my gf out of her libcuck area to more of the middle ground.

I left a grill because I was looking at Sup Forums while in the relationship and her insecure psycho self could handle it. Sup Forums seems safe though. I was a retard for still browsing at 26 anyway.

Get the fuck out, it's not political discussion.
Reported an saged.

>tfw my gf was already redpilled when we met and we send each other interesting threads and laugh at Sup Forums memes together.

Feels so fucking good lads

Go bitch about pizzagate faggot. No one cares.

Aren't these both a guy's night out?


Lol my ex had just the same insecurity. Always triggered by women in movies hotter than her. And she was a national level latin dancer so she wasn't that bad looking either.
But when she started to act out in public it was the final draw: We were in a party and there was small talk and when I responded to something a girl said she just exploded and said "HAHAH WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO FUCK :))" so that everyone heard it and froze because that shit was so crazy and embarrasing.

Wrong. The best way to do it is slowly over time.

Introduce small red pills that are easy to swallow by casually discussing certain non-controversial political topics, then work your way up to the bigger pills. Whatever you do don't get into an all-out debate.

Go to bed you two, Don't bother coming back on this site for 5 more years

Sounds horrifically similar.

>me and le gf browse Sup Forums together


And miss faggots like you and all your butthurt? No way! I need then in my life now.

Well not literally together but she'll send me threads and shit while I'm at work and we'll talk about shit we read on here and funny maymays

It isn't hard to understand what he said. He is saying you are both underage. Your response really proved his point.

Go cry about a pizzagate thread
>muh board rules!

Stfu newfag, you are the incarnation of nu/pol/ cancer, you think you are "redpilled" but you are just a fucking gullible normie coming here to talk about your boring shitty life with other reddit underrages and parotting, you don't read books or actually discussing topics, you are just drinking the vomit on the floor.
Your only contribution is flooding this board with useless shitty thread for ADD faggots like you whose level of discourse is under sea level, you are the exact replica of the tumblr crowd: a vain, uncultured and self-centered faggot who is leeching this place while never bringing anything of values.
I can say with assurance that you have a folder named "funny" full of the tumblr tier pics like the one you posted on this goddam thread.
Fuck off back to /r9k/ or Sup Forums with your need for relationship advices or just put the barrel in your mouth and press the trigger to end your miserable life.

Holy cow. You might have well just posted the navy seal pasta because I didn't bother reading all your butthurt.

this tbqh famalam I wish I was redpilled before I broke up with her so I could understand the value of what we had :'(

it's voila you fucking retard

I redpilled my gf mostly with rhetorical questions, mixed with humor, showing all the logical fallacies in lefty ideology.
Then i introduced her to books written by hayek, friedman, psychology of the masses, houellebecqs submission, etc...

She's fully redpilled now, hates socialists and sandniggers with passion and knows (((they))) are manipulating the fiat currencies, leading to world enslavement.

She was a green party liberal as we met 2 years ago.

They're literal unicorns bro... but I believe in and have witnessed a unicorn.

date eastern european chicks,
she was redpilled before i was


>letting anyone know you browse Sup Forums

Oh dear

The trending technique seems to be to ease them into it with humor. This thread has actually helped a lot. Thanks bro.

>considers agreeing with your view points as breaking someone

how to tell you're in the wrong

My gf is an Asian.
It started with her just not liking legalized abortion and people attacking cops.

Recently she was talking about her daily public transportation ride and refereed to the daily loud black people as "niggers".

I've known her most of my life and was both amused, aroused and terrified as she went on to describe her hatred for them.
She also started this convo by saying that "of course not all blacks" and "its ghetto trash of all races"
did I do good ??

Because leftist idiology held by the average American millennial is an opinion to be respected. Have fun with your 42 different genders and your lack of any strong conviction.

Tfw: don't Eastern Europeans hate Americans?

You did good user. I've come to learn that Asians are inherently racist though...


Start with economic ones. Anticommunism, then antisocialism (this basically just involves convincing her that they're the same thing), then antiwelfare. Back this up with Biblical defenses if you can't try ahead of time to find counters to Biblically based leftist defenses. Focus on responsibility. Proverbs might be a good place to start.

Also focus on political correctness. Spin it from a point of view of freedom of speech and tolerance. Point out the hatefulness of the SJW movement.

For antidegeneracy, look to Corinthians. Proverbs also has quite a bit about adultery.

For the love of God, do not be smug, hostile, or accusatory. Be patient.

I had a gf who told me she hated Hillary but I went too hard with the redpill and she dumped me.



You are on the wrong side of history buddy.

>The only obvious way I know of is to be a strong assertive male
Nailed it.
Don't bring it up too much trying to redpill her. Slap her down when she does. Yes, her keeping quiet about it is a good thing as she feels it's wrong and is something to be hidden. Implying it is unattractive is a good argument if things get heated, very easy to do with socialistic arguments.

actually it's voilĂ  you fucking leaf

those are clearly both nights IN

Based. thank you

It's easy for folks like us Sup Forumsloks to go overboard at times. The common winning tactic of this thread seems to be that's it's best to ease them in over time using humor. I'm sorry you didn't see this thread before that happened.

My GF doesn't need to be redpilled. I just have to wait a little longer for the VR revolution and the singularity.


I was listening to Billy Idol's White Wedding when I read this comment. Kek


>2D girlfriend
I can't ever tell if these posters are for real. Have you even been inside a women who will later give you a back rub and do your laundry?!
Great psy-op tactic with keeping quite to let her know it's wrong/unattractive


>Most people don't realize that politics is actually considered 'boy stuff' like WW2 history. It is one of the reasons females are not willing to go against the tide for something they don't care that much about.


I can see this but then why are millennial bitches so damn noisy?

To make up for the fact that they are actually quite small in numbers

Also, it makes that many grills just nod and 'agree' with much they say, because they don't care and don't want to debate these harpies, or debate at all actually

Don't be surprised when the 'pendulum swings back', large amounts of grills will suddenly be traditional minded and more conservative, not because they agree with it from the bottom of their hearts but because then that will be the path of least resistance


I pray for this to happen in my country.

why haven't you impregnated her yet senpai?

>All those newfags replying

I like this doggo

Been dating with a girl for almost a year now and when we met she was full sjw and hanged around lgbt people. In the beginning of our relationship I told her that the things I say might be and are racist by your standarts and that I'm disgusted by trans-shit that's been going on. She was ok with that, kinda bummed out but still accepted it because she loved the way I am.

Then slowly I've began to tell her about degeneracy of the west with humour and Sup Forums ylyls and she's gotten into it too! Now she also sees trans as a unique snowflake thing and hates piercings. Good thing was that she already hated immigrants to death. I even got her to watch Greatest Story Never Told which blew her mind about seeing Hitler and the Nazi Germany. Nowadays she laughs at jew-jokes and made herunderstand why Trump is good to the world and western nationalism. Time to time we browse Sup Forums together.

Had one mate. Best year and a half of my life before severe depression hit her (family history). Spent the next 3 trying to get back what we had before my body began to fail me and she passive aggressived until I left her.

I don't know what to feel thinking about her so I just feel nothing.


Damn friends. My story doesn't compare the that. Feelsbadbro. I did love my virgin gf though... I wasn't Christian enough for her in the end though an now her literal best friend wants me... the one in OP

Good one m8. I appears that good girls will follow their dominant man regardless of ideology. They stand to benefit the most from ours though.

my gf, unfortunately not a virgin, was a semi-redpilled conservative when we met
gradually I've been dropping redpills on her, introduced her to pol, told her about the merchant scourge
not really sure how to go all the way though
she's very stubborn and won't just accept anything

From this thread I've learned that time and humor is your best ally here. That and if she truly is YOUR woman then she will eventually follow her man.

>showing your gf a website like Sup Forums

asking for trouble, how dumb are you people? and what's your autistic obsession with "red-pilling" your girlfriends? Just find a nice sane, normal political girl - honestly ask yourself what sort of decent girl has the same political views as you? Women overwhelmingly copy and get their political views from the men in their lives anyway so it sorts itself out.

I agree with this user. Showing your gf Sup Forums is never the answer. NEVER.

seems that way
we've been together for a while and progress has been quite steady


Explain how melanin is linked to higher testosterone and aggression in all mammals

You know what sets them off guys? its dumb shit like saying "so shes not that bad looking either". Just a normal compliment right? But not to bitches.

I personally didn't know that. Time to do some research. Thanks mate!

>how do I redpill my girl politically
>gtfo this isn't about politics

Last gf I had that browsed Sup Forums was an absolute whore.

>Stfu newfag, you are the incarnation of nu/pol/ cancer, you think you are "redpilled" but you are just a fucking gullible normie coming here to talk about your boring shitty life with other reddit underrages and parotting, you don't read books or actually discussing topics, you are just drinking the vomit on the floor.
>Your only contribution is flooding this board with useless shitty thread for ADD faggots like you whose level of discourse is under sea level, you are the exact replica of the tumblr crowd: a vain, uncultured and self-centered faggot who is leeching this place while never bringing anything of values.
>I can say with assurance that you have a folder named "funny" full of the tumblr tier pics like the one you posted on this goddam thread.
saved lol

what kind of fucked-up timeline are you from?

Bone apple tea

There's probably a pizzagate thread up that you can complain about too