as long as women have the right to vote in fake elections, support progressive causes and buy a new dress everything is worthwhile. Kids and family is for the non-illuminated.
Do you realize there is no white women to marry in western world because of cultural marxism?
you are supposed to get girls at 13 before they are indoctrinated. Spics, niggers, sandniggers and chinks do that but why not whites?
I don't believe the myth that women were somehow better. Men just enforced their will harder in the past, women didn't change.
in modern society is impossible to have a stable relationship at the age of 13,14 or 15.
it is impossible because they made it fucking illegal
impossible because of how modern society works. The girl will see other girls at the age of 14 smoking weed and listening to rap and will not want to have a family and raise children.
In CA 16 wouldn't be acceptable either. The law is 18 so most people here just go by that. Im 23 and if I find a 17 year old I would grab it and wait it out a year without bringing her out much. Women here are terrible once they fall victim to the MSM
>I find a 17 year old
99,7% of 17 year old girls are already destroyed at this age. They won't be good mothers unless they spend 2 or 3 years exterminating her past mistakes and regret her past.
girls smoke weed and listen to rap at 14 in finland?
Like she is already trained by kids cartoon to be a slut
>Do you realize there is no white women to marry in western world because of cultural marxism?
but there are
there germanic females who have morals and values
Essentially this. Society worked like this for thousands of years.
Now its illegal and even being attracted to someone under 18 makes you a monster who deserves death.
they can do whatever they want. God knows what they do when they sleep over at friends house.
That's weird, my relatives and friends all marry white people. I guess they don't actually exist.
if you are a muslim you can marry and have sex with underage girls
All rights for kebabs, zero for the white goyim.
attractive women hardly vote republican. If they do. then they're filthy rich and way above anyone posting here.
Im 21. I feel we really got fucked by the laws in terms of how to pick girls. It is either jailbait or a college SJW slut. My guts says if we allow to continue for this, there will be a guerrilla war over girls before this decade ends and young men would explode in anger. See what is happening in repefugees in Europe and look out for more Elliot Rodgers spawns.
>My guts says if we allow to continue for this, there will be a guerrilla war over girls before this decade ends and young men would explode in anger. See what is happening in repefugees in Europe and look out for more Elliot Rodgers spawns.
your gut must be telling you that your'e retarded
Girls are impressionable at 17 still, they are at the end of their impressionable phase. If they really like you, they will start talking like you and acting like you. If you act red pilled, tell her the truth about things in life, she will start imitating you. If you plan on getting a young girl and training her for life, 2-3 years is not a long time to fully red pill her if she is beautiful and worth making a family with.
found the ledditor cuck with a SJW post wall empowered wymyn where she eats nigger cocks for dinner
Also, this only works if you sexuality fulfill her. You have to fuck her hard and make her cum and you will be god to her. As long as she is sexually controlled and satisfied, she won't even pay one ounce of attention to anyone but you.
>gets called retarded for having retarded ideas
>reddit!! SJW!! cuck!!
t. Freud Epstein-Howoritz
You have to have little sex as possible. Make her want and desire you, not acting like Jamal.
sweetie, I do appreciate the (you)s I am getting while you got triggered and tried to fucking argue my retarded ideas in the first place.
There wont be a war for women. Women currently control society. Men will continue to be cucks and quietly go along with it in hope of eventual pussy. Sure things like MGTOW exists but its a minority and the cucks out number them.
Im not hopeful. That being said im currently dating a good natured generally conservative girl.
Smart, but doesnt hold up her education as some sort of status symbol, humble, very family oriented, 21 but only had one bf before, small but close circle of friends, went to a very christian school but didnt trash Christianity in our talk about school as many former christian school people do that I meet, just all around good vibes from her.
> realizes he's retarded
>uhhhhh (you)s xD
educated women are a problem if they receive too much secular (thus progressive) education
She studies an actal science
Met her through a mutual friend of mine who is a redpilled trump supporter.
So its not like she's doing womens studies. 75% of the people in her course are male
>75% of the people in her course are male