smoking weed is not degenerate prove me wrong
pro tip: you cant
smoking weed is not degenerate prove me wrong
pro tip: you cant
no shit it's degenerate
Your picture disproves your point.
It messes with your brain development if you under 25.
Smoking as often as you go out drinking isn't harmful at all.
Idiots like in OP's pic won't die from it, but he will certainly be reduced mentally for years to come if he keeps it up.
weed only fucks up people who were retarded to begin with. anyone who partakes in any kind of "weed culture" is degenerate. but smoking it is fine. its a plant, not a way of life.
Nah nigga, them jews try to keep it legal to keep you from learnin the truth n shit, TOKE up brotha
I have always wondered if it gets you high by cutting off oxygen to your brain.
Because every stoner I have ever met has that fish eye glaze and inability to do basic math even when they aren't high.
not an argument
thats what im talking about brother toke on
>prove me wrong
>uploads proof
If you get up in a jet plane
Or down in a submarine
If you get onto the next train
To somewhere you never been
If you wanna ride in a fast car
And feel the wind in your hair
Darling, just look beside you
Oh, weed'll go with you anywhere
kek what the fuck
Everything is degenerate if it is abused.
Smoke-weed-every-dayers are degenerates.
People who smoke from time to time probably not.
weed may be good for countering fluride
but not smoked
Everyone ik who smokes is a retard and highschool dropout
It's better than sex
and it messes with your brain if you're over.
Did he died?
> its a plant, not a way of life.
There's a term for people who follow alcohol in the same way as these weed culture fags, and that's alcoholic.
>Smoking as often as you go out drinking isn't harmful at all.
nice cherrypicking op
it's not that smoking weed isn't degenerate, it's just that it doesn't make you violent. it also doesnt have a hangover, you don't come down hard and is psychologically not physically addictive so quitting won't give you withdrawals. obviously drugs are bad m'kay
Smoking weed is not degenerate, but only degenerates smoke weed
Smoking, drinking and what not is not degenerate per se. But both can be entrance drugs to harder stuff.
I'm 31 and seen friends go downhill when they started smoking weed in eight grade. One of them went on to throw in some mushrooms and in his early 20 doing chemical drugs. You can imagine how far his life went. He is not dead, but living as a drug addict is not what I would consider successful. Do what ever you want but if you start too early you'll turn into a vegetable.
I smoke weed and dropped out of school when i was 17.
I travelled a lot and made my experiences.
Now I am a mediator and earn about 90k to 120k a year.
Some people are just retards.
No it's just really fucking gay
And I'm a chef at Wendy's making 80k/yr
i havent slept in so long this picture looks like a gif and i can see the flame moving. everything is moving. my computers moving. weed is degenerate.
>i am a poorfag therefore everyone on the internet is
grow up, faggot
cannabis is insidious; thc gradually accumulates in brain cells and fat cells throughout the body, altering your brain function itself, hormone levels, other things.
unless you are a very introspective reflective person, you won't even notice the changes occurring that subtly but surely warp your personality.
once in a while usage is ok but chronic daily smoking results in complete thc saturation, which is when people report feeling permafried and stuck in brainfog no matter what they do in attempt to get back to normal.
perhaps the worst thing is that it destroys motivation, motivation for everything except getting high again and mindlessly indulging in stupid things. this motivation loss gets worse the more often you smoke and the higher the thc content of the stuff.
don't fall in the canabyss; cognitive clarity is much better than "being high".
I have an IQ of 135. I read a lot. I'm a working voice actor (very small time, but with a steady job.) I have a steady, obedient girlfriend for 2 years now. I keep my friends informed. I help people whenever I can. I love my family. I don't go to church, but respect religion. I write screenplays with the purpose of red pilling as many as I can. I've personally stomped a few niggers, and degenerates over my years.
I'm 23, and I've smoked weed everyday for about 7 years now. Am I a degenerate?