Classical music + no fap, no drugs, no degeneracy, no porn = best life
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there is nothing wrong with pornography
Masturbating to porn is impersonal cuckoldry.
>he doesn't listen to deathcore
fkn faggot
don't you dare fucking act like classical music is some high art. take it from a music student you are listening to the top 40 club hits of the 18th century. look up quad libus
>mfw Dark Techno is the way of life
dis shit lit nigga
-W. A. Mozart
Masturbating to 'mars der kreigbringer' is entirely halal.
UR is also permissible
Redpill me on Dark Techno.
As someone who does (no music rather than classical) this I can't see how my life would be destroyed by adding it all back in. Depending what degeneracy consists of.
Bibliography of underground resistance, drexciya, planet e and evolute m.youtube.com
my only real interest in classical is Gustav Holst, what else would you recommend
More Holst.
Go for it man. Its dank.
You are literally conditioning your brain into sexual deviance. It fucks up your dopamine cycle, it's addictive.
Yes, but there is a time filter. Only the good stuff survives, the rest fades into obscurity. This is why we look favorably at old music and why music today seems shitty in comparison.
In 40 years we will look back at the current era as we currently look at the seventies. In 100 years, today's music will be regarded as the first blues and jazz is today, and even later it will be regarded as classical
this is an 18+ site
>be like
God, could you be any cringier?
I get it. I saved the picture. The visual is more important than the text, man. Relax your shit.
I listen to techno / minimal. Nothing better to listen to while cleaning my guns. Funny thing is, everyone in my field of music is a fucking cucked faggot liberal. I really think I am of the space age here.
This is pretty good. Anything else like it?
You aren't a music student. You don't even know the difference between art music and folk music. The top 40 club hits of the 18th century would be folk songs you fucking retard. Do you really think the plebs and the sod busters were crowding out the opera house to listen to art music?
>You are literally conditioning your brain into sexual deviance. It fucks up your dopamine cycle, it's addictive.
If you're asking for citations you're not going to get them. Keep in mind you're talking to actual christcunts who fondly remember the good old days back during feudalism where your wife and daughters would get raped by noblemen while you were out making grain for them to sell yet they oppose Islam because the Muslims are going to rape your wives and daughters.
I don't care
tangentially related, the physiological effects are the the least of your worries m8
but what about all that 80s post-punk, 80s electro, and 80s goth rock?
>it's addictive.
thats just another way of saying that it's awesome
i believe that was my point
Daily reminder Sup Forums is a NewRetroWave board
Salty fedoracuck probably got bullied by a Christian Chad and now feels the need to take it out on anonymous strangers on the internet. Sad!
actually there wasn't only "classical" music at that time, there were also popular songs.
classical music wasn't for the average dirty peasant, so comparing it to today's pop is kinda stupid, as most educated people tend to listen to classical anyway
today's pop should be compared to old popular music, not classical music
>don't you dare fucking act like classical music is some high art
and dont you dare compare the art of fugue to miley cyrus
no the plebs were to busy slaving away their lives, while aristocrats went to social events and danced. and i didn't say art music did i? that was a 19th century concept which has to do with delivering vivid imagery or a story through music. see schubert for examples
>folk music
oh please there is no way to prove that as folk music is an aural tradition as in not written down. maybe the plebs were jammin back then but you are a fool to assume that what we call "folk" music is anything like that they played and had no interest in or ability to write down. literally only the "top 40" (in reality probably less than that) remained because some rich guy paid the only guy in town who had a printing press to make copies of the songs they liked. so maybe it's more like we're listening to some royal guy's playlist.
did you watch the vid i linked? Sup Forums's precious white europe of yesteryear was no less degenerate than it is today. bach and palistrina stand toe to toe with lil wayne.
There's nothing wrong with masturbation.
Porn, if overused, will fuck up the pleasure systems in your brain due to overuse, and make you slide into a slippery slope of perversion.
That being said most people that aren't NEET virgin losers can watch porn and not get addicted to it, it's mostly dangerous to people with too much free time.
yourbrainonporn.com should get you started. Plenty of citations there. I'm not religious. This is based on hormonal reactions.
Our brains are still pretty much identical to how they were 10000 years ago when we wore hides and lived in tribes. It values sexual release above all else which in that era made sense since it was only available through actual sex with an actual woman and led to procreation and passing on your genes.
Your brain is actually pretty bad at distinguishing porn from sex and it can't deal with the abundance of readily available pussy. It's the same reason people keep eating fast food, since they're conditioned to stock up on fat and sugar for hard times (eg the tribe fails to catch a mammoth for a month).
Yes as you can see I was talking about porn. Masturbation by itself is fine.
>Porn, if overused, will fuck up the pleasure systems in your brain due to overuse, and make you slide into a slippery slope of perversion.
been there, done that. gonna do it again before lunch and make it call me daddy.
fuck yeah
We have a saying here, it roughly translates as "those who don't have anything to do keep their hands on their dicks"
how many "ü"s does that saying have?
also, are you aware that "ü" is the worst sounding letter in german? incidentally, it's the most used in roach-speak.
second worst is hard "ch", as in "machen" or "lachen", "bach", which turns out is the most used in arabic.
why is it that sandnigger languages go out of their way to make themselves sound like verbal diarrhea?
shut up german trash
>"İşi olmayanın eli sikinde olurmuş"
Sorry, no "ü"s here. Don't mind the diaspora trash you have there, they speak a horrible version of turkish. For example this is decent istanbul turkish (even though she was under extreme pressure)
That sounds awful desu, also ayy lmao
In English it's "The Devil finds work for idle hands"
Awesome songs, I'm rebuilding my collection.
>tfw I know porn is bad but still no perseverance to stop
why only classical?
stoping bad habbits is fucking easy, starting good habbits is way harder.
Except it is the literal definition of cuckoldry.
Yep. I hate degeneracy and I fell into it hard this time. I have felt like shit for the past few weeks. I looked at some pretty disgusting stuff cause regular porn wasn't enough.
Classical music is for literal plebeians who don't know what they're talking about.
Romanticism > Baroque > Classical
also traditional music (folk music and the like) is less degenerate than art music (romanticism, baroque, classical).
I only listen to folk music, romanticism and NSBM like a true patrician
Techno is one of the mist degenerate genres of music in existence. it's literally only enjoyable when you use drugs
It's uninspired, monotonous shit which is shat out by talentless manchildren with a laptop and Fruityloops
Techno is a subgenre, not a genre. Electronic music's been a thing since the 1920s and has been at the forefront of innovation plenty of times.
Do you play ra2?
This. I went to a Christmas party last year where these pretentious psychology students went on and on about how much they love listening to classical stations on NPR and that they loved "Back."
Always be wary of people who say they listen to classical music. That would be like me saying "I listen to guitar music!" and pretending guitar music is a genre. Most of these people don't have any knowledge about western art music beyond what they've learned in elementary and high school music classes.
>If you're asking for citations you're not going to get them.
Are you really so fucking retarded that you don't know basic biology and human anatomy? Even in school we learned the causes/effects of high dopamin release and how it's related to addiction. There is no mystery behind it.
Highly stimulating stuff releases enough dopamin so that all dopamin receptors get blocked/activated and still excess dopamin is available. As a reaction, you body develops more dopamin receptors so that the next equivalent dose does not produce the same over reaction. This cycle continues until you have so many receptors that the original dose of dopamin barely makes a difference to your mood. Hence, you need higher and higher doses to satisfy your thirst.
Having more receptors does not mean you will feel better, it just means that activating 100% of the receptors on day 1 gives the same result as activating 100% of receptors on day 1000 even if the amount of available receptors have doubled or trippled. In the end, you get off on necro tranny midged interracial porn only because the rest doesn't give you a fix anymore.
And since many things release dopamin in different doses (prayer, food, movies, porn, sugar, sex, success etc) you can literally get addicted to nearly anything, it's universal. In this case, it is the physiological addiction which is different from psychological addiction.
Read this, you subhuman porn addict wankers
nobody said they were the same thing, but bach himself combined the sublime and the profane by using bawdy folk melodies as fugue subjects in that work you mentioned. i'm just saying that op is a fedora-tipper for acting like old music = me smart
>not listening to NSBM
More like primitive. It's the modern equivalent of chanting and banging sticks and rocks together.
oh look, it's THIS argument again.
Comfy Franck
>the 14 year olds who listened to deathcore in 2012 are now 18
wew lad time where does it go
My main trigger when I'm on NoFap is seeing porn on Sup Forums.
How to be a degenerate without fapping on this site
Oh no I could get over the fact that it's digitally produced, but techno is just utter garbage. It's dull, primitive like said and it conveys stagnation and futility. I listened to quite a lot of gabber when I was young, if you ever did that, you'll recognise that techno is just plain boring and dull
saloon degenerates did to the piano what jazz did to the trumpet
Hiding degenerate threads and posts would be a start I guess. If you feel the urge, find something else to do when bored.
leaf has delivered Oo.
I mean I'm 22 and have a hideous amount of free time thanks to uni being easy as fuck. But weed light drinking rap music and womanizing is the way to go. Wake and bake, play vidya, lift weights, smoke with friends, drink a 40, booty call a freshman bitch, kick her out, smoke with the boys again. Rinse and repeat, maybe do some blow somewhere in there.
Fine, death metal then.
You forgot being protestant but thats a no-brainer
I really hope you mean playing classical music yourself, not listening to others do it like a cuck.
I don't normally listen to music but when I do it's classical
You people make me sick
take a listen to the classic
Help me out here bros.
I quit porn and feel great, I quit weed, alternate between classic fiction and philosophy for my reading, I study ancient greek for the classics, and only drink socially, but I cannot for the life of me shake hip hop. I am always listening to Young Thug, Future, Gucci Mane, Lil Yachty and all that sort of music. Am I fucked? I like rock too but I can't really get into classical. I also believe hip hop is super red pilled on women, masculinity and some of society's problems as well as being a god tier art form, help me out
Check the fucking citations on that website
95% are just them citing themselves and their own faulty research that has no peer-reviewed credibility
why do you care what Sup Forums thinks of you? ask anything here and you will receive hate
I thought Bach was baroque though?
I'm open to changing my opinion if someone wants to red pill me, I've had it changed on stuff before, I used to believe the 9/11 official story
is this darkn tekno ?
Honestly? I don't think so as long as you can recognize the lyrics are degenerate and you don't buy their albums. I wouldn't call it proper music, but it's not like you forever have to stop listening.
Just keep an eye out for degenerate ideals and know how to identify them; you'll be fine.
I take issue with you saying rap is "redpilled on women"
Like certainly some rap is more intelligent than other rap, but it sounds like you mean that you condone physical abuse of women, cheating on spouses and girlfriends, getting stds, etc
Well it's not ideal, but compare that to what were seeing in the mainstream sphere. Athletes saying things to the effect of "in our locker rooms we RESPECT women Mr. Drumpf", the number of white men identifying as feminists is going up, millenials are all skinny wrists and big hips and iphones and no manual labor. Sure there are millions of masculine guys getting pussy, but the writing is on the wall. I'll take an art form that helps get the message out about sluts being worth nothing but a fuck, not putting pussy above friends etc over something that's blue pilled.
>Like certainly some rap is more intelligent than other rap, but it sounds like you mean that you condone physical abuse of women, cheating on spouses and girlfriends, getting stds, etc
No, the redpill people think that women condone men who do that to them so if you want success with women you should do it, even though it contradicts your beta male mindset.
There are plenty of peer reviewed citations on this page alone. yourbrainonporn.com
You're a serial masturbator who's just looking to confirm what you want the truth to be, that watching porn every day is harmless or even healthy, but it's not.
How is romanticism any more 'degenerate' than baroque music, do you even listen to anything that you just listed?
Romanticism is vulgar music concerned with worldly pleasure, and while the baroque was an age of excess it is loaded with amazing sacred music that is way above any trivial romantic piano concertos.
Renaissance, Baroque and Early Music sacred works are the most pure and spiritual musical expression we have seen.
Also folk music is full of tales of drinking and losing yourself in worldly pleasures, if that doesnt promotoe degeneracy what does?
NSBM is a derivative of negro music, just as any metal music is.
That order is correct
>"I just took my first class on music history"the post
Jesus dude you really don't know anything do you? most of the music produced by the greats that weren't just through away dances and waltzes are indeed works of art. that isn't to say you can't have crap composers or great composers with crap works but that goes with all artists. I wouldn't even compare folk music of the era to the trash today. most of the music pre 20th century had strong anti-degeneracy views. nice get though