>Kikebook popular cosplayer shit talks Trump and Mike "Electric Fence" Pence
>one month later her mom literally fucking dies
Has Kek gone too far?
>Kikebook popular cosplayer shit talks Trump and Mike "Electric Fence" Pence
>one month later her mom literally fucking dies
Has Kek gone too far?
kek and trump alliance don't fuck with it, meme magic will fuck you up
That sucks. I was hoping it was a hoax. I can't relish this
Any cosplay pics?
As a lifelong conservative Republican Midwesterner, I can say that Pence assuaged any lingering doubts that I had about Trump.
Pence is the greatest Vice President selection in the history of the United States. His record in Indiana is second to none, and Pence is a man of integrity, honor, and conviction. He's 100% in the mold of the type of politician who appeals to us Midwesterners. He's what won Trump Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. I can't tell you how popular he was among my family and friends, who are mostly traditionalist Christian conservative Republicans.
This bitching and moaning about Pence from this element is extremely tiring and annoying. The exaggerations, mischaracterizations, and outright lies need to stop. These Chicken Little bastards in their enormous cities in blue states need to shut the Hell up. Nobody who lives in reality should have a problem with Pence.
That's sad man. I don't care about her political beliefs. That's just sad.
>using your mothers death as an attention grab
This guy gets it. Attention whores can never resist a chance to get those likes and comments. Even it means exploiting the death of their own mother. Sad!
I hope her mother RIP though.
Tfw they aren't special enough to be added to the list
She's a landwhale SJW, but her followers are all either other SJWs or white knight cucks
That's it, I'm fucking convinced. Thought it was a joke at first. Thought they were all coincidences. Jesus Christ, it's real.
that's pretty awful desu
Yeah her whole thing is that she's ""thicc"" when in reality she's just a fat cunt
Fat women should be illegal
This cunt realizes that everyone's mother dies eventually, right? It's not something that she alone has been through.
You're supposed to feel sorry for her and then donate to her patreon
>don't have time
>still pityposting
yeah sure
>I hope
Kek will never take it too far.
>believes in kek
>invokes the name of christ
you people are damned
Indeed, pork is forbidden by Allah.