Most of you guys probably grew up on Sup Forums posting and fapping to all kinds of degenerate shit. How come you made a 180?
Most of you guys probably grew up on Sup Forums posting and fapping to all kinds of degenerate shit...
The chains of degeneracy still weigh heavy on my soul, but I'm casting them off for love of Christ.
Trump help me, it's hard.
Degeneracy gets boring after a while.
>Most of you guys probably grew up on Sup Forums
>grew up
You can grow up in a sea of piss and still know right from wrong. It's a question of character, and constant confrontation builds it.
Always and still find that shit disgusting.
I swear all the furry and trap shit is being artificially pushed on be by somebody, like yesterday when some one was spamming pol with interracial sex pics trying to get a rise.
Degeneracy went mainstream, so we're being contrarians and embracing Jesus right up until that's mainstream again, then we'll be back to fucking Jesus right up his ass!
Sup Forums has always been contrarian and out to shock and offend. Over the last 8 years it has become contrarian, edgy and Shocking to be a morally conservative nationalist who fights for western civilization. What a timeline to be alive.
Sup Forums is full of newfags who hate chanculture and only post here because there is no moderation.
Edgy ex-Sup Forumstard here. Probably started browsing around the Boxxy period, maybe a little later, hard to remember.
I bet a very large percentage of us are Sup Forums OG anonymous types.
I've never stopped shit posting
Too many dick rating threads for nowadays
You're a newfag. Anyone who showed up during or after Chanology is cancer.
Saying that, it was pretty awesome to witness irl raids on boxxys house.
This is the truth.
That people ended up taking the politics here seriously is a sad joke.
Here's your (You). "Contrarian" is the closest thing to a consistent ideology on Sup Forums.
But because user is not one person with a consistent ideology, you will always find a counter-example.
you mean a 360
I masturbate only to the purest love,
Sup Forums was always an ironic parody of itself.
The joke was that the world is shit, and that chaos/misfortune upon annoying ass holes is funny.
Sup Forums has the contrarian spirit of Sup Forums but channeled into politics
My standards for what constituted shit-posting grew over the years.
Wait till you see what happens in 2014.
I still masturbate to degenerate shit, but ever since I got a girlfriend it has gotten much, much better. The 180-turn came through political understanding. I realized what my place in life, and more specifically in human (white) society, is. That I have duties and responsibility for my people, especially the weaker ones (women and children) who are dependent on my protection and my guidance.
It was time to grow up. It's time to MAGA.
Man chanology is such ancient history that there aren't even many anons left from those days, most of then either an heroed, got a family or got vanned.
The few of us who remain from those dark times have proved our genetic worth.
i'm never fixing myself, still degenerate as shit; but normie lefties are fucking retards.
I didn't really make a 180. I always, always have passionately hated any force in the world that tries to control people unfairly or tries to create injustice that benefits a group that doesn't deserve it. It's just that in the last decade, I have slowly come to understand that the people creating injustice are not white conservatives, but the globalist jew cabal and their hordes of loyal pets. I used to think, just for example, that blacks were oppressed (had injustice done to them) why a white system, but now I can see that I have had injustice done to me by being brainwashed by jewish lies about blacks being equal to me. Some are, sure. A few. Very few as a percentage of the whole. But the lie that all people are equal is designed to push us all into slavery through confusion and disharmony, and so now that I see this, that is the injustice that I oppose.
>start at 0 irony
>end up as a Sup Forumstard and enter level 1 irony
>the more ironic you got, the closer to Sup Forums you got
>now you're 8+ levels of irony deep and embracing the reality that you've gone so far down the rabbit hole and now it's far too late to turn back so your irony subsumes you
Its fucking depressing.
Sup Forums used to be so different. Yeah alot of the post back then was "lmao owned xD" but shit it was just guys being dicks to each other, laughing, and talking about whatever you want.
Now its just shills attacking other shills over and over and over.
The left has regressed into sjw "political correct(meaningless label against ANYTHING non-liberal)" and a bunch of stormfags that took a meme too seriously.
Like fuck man. Things changed. Everything is so forced, almost every thread is some faggot pushing a narrative and then circlejerking.
I'm pretty sure its mostly r9k niggas trying to denouce everything as degenerative as a joke but people actually took it seriously.
I was literally born in a islamic country with muslims that didnt whine about "degeneracy" as much as some of these faggots. Shut the fuck up. "Boo hoo some girl i liked suck off some dude. Oral sex is degenerate!" "Smoking a cigerette? Degenerate!" "Breathing? Degenerate!"
Everything is so wildly different. I remember back when Sup Forums mainly just understood that most politicans are bullshiters and fuck over the average man all the time. Now its a rat race with people trying to push their corrupt puppet against some other corrupt puppet.
We used to pull silly pranks, Doxx animal abusers, troll loonies on the internet. We talked about everything and anything. Now its like im reading the exact same posts and threads everyday.
I mean this site has been sold twice now, and they are using shitty pop up porn ads to survive.
And the right turned into a bunch of stormfags*
it's way funnier here. seeing leftcucks and rightfags bashing each other is pretty entertaining
No, Sup Forums does social commentary and that's it.
Sup Forums has no political influence whatsoever and has never achieved anything of importance other than making itself look like a honeypot or a site for beta losers to the MSM
I found Sup Forums because of chanology, and i think i'm probably more 'old fag' than most of those who came before me in terms of morality.
I'm an expert at compartmentalization; only reason i can live with myself
had a friend show me Sup Forums back in high school cuz it was "super edgy"
the more trap threads showed up, and the fact that i can even remember the name bailey jay thanks to that board, is what made me leave.
it's really just an ocean of piss.
Shit you been here this long and still avatarfag?
What a faggot lol
fuck off. i'm too old to be shamed by a faggot hobbit. i get what i want and have probably affected more people by being my same old self and than if i came off like some puritan autist. it would be disingenuous, anyway.
>Sup Forums has no political influence whatsoever
Think what you want man but Sup Forums and 4+Sup Forums Sup Forums did a huge amount of legwork to get Trump elected and may have even swung the odds.
>And the right turned into a bunch of stormfags
/new/ and its successor Sup Forums were always /stormfront/ and claiming otherwise is an easy way to pick out newfags. Fuck, the only reason moot brought Sup Forums to life was because all the /new/ stormfags started shitting up other boards. Even at the lowest points of datamining, the closest any other ideology (usually libertarianism) would come would be 10% off or so.
I grew up on Sup Forums and Sup Forums faggot.
You know...Trump is probably going to be the last great act of Sup Forums.
Theres no call of action anymore, just shilling.
>people can't want to preserve their national and cultural identity if they fap to traps
fucking leftist intellectuals everybody
I thought gays would be anti-muslim since you know they fucking kill us for fun and a fucking pedophile skydaddy.
I'm degenerate but I'd be fucking retarded to not support Trump and oppose the anti-white money printing globalists.
>How come you made a 180?
I didn't, It's just that nowadays, Sup Forums is literally just another porn board, and being right wing is now contrarian+I hate niggers, kikes, and liberals, so I'm here now.
> Even at the lowest points of datamining, the closest any other ideology (usually libertarianism) would come would be 10% off or so.
Nah it was reasonably 50/50 stormies and libertards. Ron Paul was huge around here prior to 2012.
At that point we decided that the non-aggression principle and accumulating shekels isn't what we want out of life and went full ethno-nationalist, even national socialist.
Trump was elected by working class Whites in the rust belt sick and tired of being forgotten, or worse, shit on. Props to grassroots movements in those states getting the word out and if some Sup Forumslacks were in those states and convinced her families to vote, more power to them, but Sup Forums did jack shit
Too bad Trump's cabinet is Bush 2.0
welcome to Sup Forums, home of weeaboos
>Nah it was reasonably 50/50 stormies and libertards
Nah, there were too many tertiary ideologies. NRx and /leftypol/ made sure that libertarians never got anywhere close to NatSoc and the 2012 election really cemented the fate for the various libertarian ideologies on Sup Forums.
they touch our video games, they never should have done that
>ancient history
Try again - i was here before subeta
Even back then they didnt shill as bad as Sup Forums does now.
Its clearly very different, it went from stormfags hating on other races and attempting to spread those ideas to shilling about EVERYTHING.
I mean the amount of fucking cuck threads on Sup Forums is crazy. I honestly believe most of those guys are really just repressing their cuck fantasies they developed from watching too much porn since age 12.
I must have seen more pics of black dudes fucking white girls on this sites(that is usually complaining it or trying to bait into the narrative that it is a negative and start a circlejerk) then ive actually seen on porn sites. Not even joking.
I mean people just starting taking random faggot's opinions too god damn seriously. Back on the older Sup Forums days nobody would give a fuck what you think. But now all i gotta do is either make a post saying cuckery is cool and get a billion replies or make a thread denoucing cuckery for the thousand time so i can start a circlejerk.
Its pathetic.
i dont care about being le upstanding str8 edge man. i just wanna be a degenerate in a world without jews, niggers, and muslims
Im hoping Sup Forums will come back around to amoral 'for the lulz' but it's too full of faggots who want to change the world now
The whore fucking around for reviews brought about a Trump presidency. I hope she's happy.
>Even back then they didnt shill as bad as Sup Forums does now
Yeah, they did. Even worse sometimes. The difference between Sup Forums and /new/ is that Sup Forums is closer to post-irony while /new/ was a fairly even mix of deep irony and complete seriousness.
>Back on the older Sup Forums days nobody would give a fuck what you think
Lol, /new/ flipped their shit and raided /fit/ when they found out that a /fit/ mod was a nigger. It got so bad that /fit/ had to use multiple boards for refugee status because /new/ continued to follow them and ruin everything. It also ended up being one of the primary causes that /new/ was deleted, so take that however you want.
That is the saddest part.
What I mean is, the who memeing of trump was Sup Forums's final great act. I know these fuckbois actually didnt caused him to win single handlely.
I meme hillary clinton and the MSM made pepe the symbol of racism or the alt-right(aka just the right but they actually have the balls to say what they mean).
I will respectfully remind you that Sup Forums was never good.
The level of cancer (Redditfaggotry, stormfags, leftypol, underage, summer etc.) is always the same.
The level of humour is always the same.
The level of insight vs retardation.
The level of repetition vs change.
The only difference is that Sup Forums has become a bigger segment of the population and the trolls have honed their craft.
>Too bad Trump's cabinet is Bush 2.0
Adding to my past post. It is more like reagan 2.0
Which is even worse.
>The only difference is that Sup Forums has become a bigger segment of the population and the trolls have honed their craft.
I think the trolling quality has declined significantly. It's just easier to find the uninitiated to prey on because there's more of them.
You can't unsee the things you've seen here. That's the ultimate problem. Whenever I see something in the media I distrust, I will almost always find someone named schlomobergstein behind it. It's not about turning back. There is no back, everything is ruined.
Maybe. I doubt it though. Sup Forums is currently experiencing the shock of victory. It's not used to winning. By becoming much more establishment very quickly, it's lost an enemy to direct rage at. The hate machine lacks targets. It feeds off repressed rage, not socially acceptable issues. I myself am learning Hewbrew to ride the next wave of contrarianism.
Nah r9k depression shite and gaia tier fags ruined the place because people couldn't respect rules one and two
Chanology was the death knell for Sup Forums cause all of a sudden all the cancer of the internet decided to be a part of le super secret club
The humor mainly changed for me. There was funny racist jokes now its more like serious angry rants. Its past edgy now honestly.
Its like watching a bunch of political hipsters try to be as non political correct as possible. Its beating a dead horse.
Like fuck usually these fads last less then a year. Its still going too strong and its leaked to most boards now.p
>I myself am learning Hewbrew to ride the next wave of contrarianism.
If true I admire your dedication to the art.
I dunno man, I remember Sup Forums being repeatedly baited by the 'trolling is a art' images. I was, however, more referring to the rhetoric skill employed by trolls when discussing politics in the comments sections of other websites. They are capable of changing normie minds, whereas previously they only offended.
They didn't because they're all newfags.
I've been here since the first 300 trailer was released. Sup Forums has always been shit. The only place that was ever good was /tg/ in its first year, when it got shit done.
i browse /d/, /y/ and Sup Forums at the same time
when you got so far down one path youll end up at the other end of the spectrum. Just like space/time.
2006 niggas whats up?!?! what do I win?
jk i just wanna leave and never come back but its been 10 years. I'm never gonna leave fuck.
I'm mostly thinking of the single line meme posts that are almost entirely the product of Sup Forums that are repeated ad nauseam but still generate hundreds of fresh (You)s. It's never been particularly hard to bait on boards with lax or no moderation. You do have a good point about rhetoric in the wider internet though.
Thank you America. I'm planning to seek out a shul (Orthodox synagogue) to start learning Talmud.
>I myself am learning Hewbrew to ride the next wave of contrarianism.
I can't wait to be a lefty again then after 8 years Sup Forums will be a comfy place instead of a cancer shithole filled with shitlords.
>How come you made a 180?
You think I'm not fapping to all kinds of degenerate shit?
Sup Forums was always garbage, even in it's 'golden days'. anyone who spent more than a month there upon discovering Sup Forums is a faggot through and through.
>drop by Sup Forums to see if you can see a rare pic of some tits
>see 15 rare pics of dicks on the catalog just looking for tits
welp, I'll still check next week for some reason
All these years and Aussies still never fail to impress. Pretty nice handwriting too.
one has nothing to do with the other
niggers were never fine -
hentai is fine though ... much like real porn - a matter for fappenings - lolicon thingy is disgusting though - slightly chubby is insanely noice
i stayed away from Sup Forums for most the time because it was retards always shit posting about hitler and posting military gore and shit and it got old. I was really shocked to give it a second chance many years later and see everybody was so conservative especially when i knew reddit was such a liberal circle jerk. I grew up in a conservative family so I tend to lean that way plus I always thought liberals were pussies.
pol is chaotic evil
I wonder how many pizzagate "investigators" have CP on their computers
>implying Sup Forums isn't so fucking deeply rooted in contrarianism that it's fucking brought back from hell the amalekites concept by it's own existance
You lost because you exist and as long as you create a force in a direction another opposite to this one will be created.
Sup Forums is full of empty vessels for thoughts and ideal but unable to develop their own but through the magic of slave morality we pulled through, we gained purpose as a mob and began acting as one unrefined,untamed,uncontrolled.
Success in such condition is unsurprising, society is void of meaning and purpose nowadays only fragment of ideal that our wave of thought easily swimmed through minds in such an environement made for us.
They're still degenerates. They only latch onto conservative politics because it's edgy and it's their way of getting back at their "bullies" (normal well adjusted people in society)
>lolicon thingy is disgusting though
>tfw I'll be an otherkin transsomething in eight years
Goddammit I don't want this
>implying I stopped masturbating to traps
>not playing for both sides
Heh idiot.
He's a faggot. Loli is gods gift to man
>Started browsing Sup Forums when I was 12
>Fucked off from there a few years later
>Didn't even post until I was 18
>21 now
I've been on this site for 9 years
What the fuck am I doing with my life
Whoa, why didn't you post?
stopped finding Sup Forums funny in 2009, still fapping to degenerate shit, just find trump more entertaining
Because people used to say "lurk moar" instead of spoon feeding fucking children like what most people here are doing now
I still fap to all kinds of degenerate shit.
It's not my fault.
It is God's plan.
He made a boner so much stronger than a man.
Did do a complete 180 from being a liberal dreamboy to gas the bikes race car now.
You will when the time is right my otherkin transfriend.
Yeah what, I was like 16 when I came to Sup Forums (24 now) and I started shitposting instantly.
I was roughly the same. Lurked from 14-15 (2006), came back around 2008, didn't post until 2011. Honestly, posting on Sup Forums was pretty fucking intimidating at that time so it was better to just lurk.
Sup Forums is a starting place for most because it is the most well known board. I lurked in Sup Forums for a year or so but that place is so fucked up you either get sucked into it or leave. I left and now only post in Sup Forums /his/ or Sup Forums.
It used to be fucked up you mean.
Experiencing the under/overworld. We are the New Jews.
Just listen to his speeches, the rest will happen on its own.
There used to be cp posted on a regular basis.
Somehow everything became a bit more tamed, for some reason.
Imageboard renaissance when.
It is still fucked up. I go there maybe once a month just to see what it's like and I always get a reminder why I left it in the first place
Was that ever actually a thing? I thought it was just an inside joke.
First time I saw Sup Forums at a mates place when he told me to browse Sup Forums and the first thing loaded was a gif of someone's dick being cut open.
Stayed the fuck away from this whole site until last year with migrant crisis and Trump.