Americans have just made one of America’s richest and most privileged people President of the United States.
Donald Trump is now surrounding himself with people even wealthier and more privileged than himself.
The poor and disenfranchised of America have just voted in the very people they ought to be kicking into the sea.
The people they ought to be supporting, the poor and disenfranchised like themselves, they are vilifying and bullying having been told that they are the enemy by racists, racists and bullys.
Russia wants a divided USA and that’s exactly what you are about to give them.
You’ve all been played.
Work to educate yourselves and ignore the simple,easy path of blame and vilification and bring to book the real enemy - Wall Street and their friends in very high places.
America - Russia's bitch
Lmao this newfag bait.
Let's list everyone who "intervened" to help Hillary...
EXcept THIS SUPER SECRET REPORT ( not so secret since it made it to the media) says that , russia just gave email to wikileaks, they didn t hack shit
Why are you posting Fake News?
This is what america deserves.
Better apply for serbian citizenship, CIA. There won't be much left if you try to come home.
List of organizations that colluded with the russian government:
>Russia intervened to promote Trump
And how many countries donated to the Clinton Foundation?
>Serbkike first to reply in less than a minute
Damn dude, do you just browse the catalog hitting refresh every minute?
One of these days you're just going to have to grow the fuck up and stop thinking everything is a conspiracy. Part of being a mature adult is making peace with government and your parents instead of being a rebellious little shit into your 20s. Get a job, faggots
>More whataboutism from the republishills
And you faggots still deny allegiance to Putin.
That's the CIA's fucking job.
fuck off paki
No, shit for brains.
I just don't want to die in one of Clinton's wars again.
clinton's treasonous actions are irrelevant because Russia may have helped bring them to light
>ignore the simple,easy path of blame and vilification
>blame and vilify who *I* want you to
Fucking newfag, Sup Forums has had a boner for Russia for ages now
Daily reminder that this is fake news with no proof, from the people who brought us Al Qaida, endless regime changes and """""""""""""""Saddam WMDs"""""""""""""""" from people who want war with Russia.
>The poor and disenfranchised of America have just voted in the very people they ought to be kicking into the sea.
Yes because chasing the fucking jobs out of the country has worked so well so far amirite?
Huh? Why am i CIA now? For defending Trump?
You're (supposedly) in australia, you lying retard.
Nope. Just for about a year or two. Since the campaign. This is new shit, you ugly cunt.
No, beacause the only people who post from Serbia, Croatia, Venezuela and Colombia are CIA. You all speak perfect american English and shill for the right. You're faggots.
>Look at this fag implying everyone on Sup Forums is a single 20 yo living in mom's basement.
That is the main demographic.
you are in denial user
Newfag detected. DO you even remember the Ukraine conflict?
Nu-Sup Forums is pro-Russian because they let themselves be victims of the Russian propaganda campaign during the election. You got played chump.
>he wasn't here for Crimea
Yeah, I was actually.
>I work for Australian intelligence (ASIO). Word on the street is that Trump won't be President because of Russian interference.
>Expect a happening soon. The pizzagate fake news caused a stir and they need something big to stop the publics attention. Could be something big. Freind of FBIanon here.
>No, beacause the only people who post from Serbia, Croatia, Venezuela and Colombia are CIA
Uhh ok.
>You all speak perfect american English
Yeah, maybe because i started learning english since i was 6 you dumb uneducated white trash amerishart faggot.
>implying I'm pro Russia
>Supporting Trump makes you pro Russia
I suppose not wanting to die makes me pro Russia too. Hey Putin if you're reading this send me my shill bucks, I'm poor.
Fuck Clinton, fuck every idiot that supported her and fuck the jihadist loving cunts that fund her.
Denial of what turkroach? Muh russia conspiracy theory?
The goyim are onto us! I hope they won't realize that all the balkan threads popping up are in fact used for secret communication between CIA agents!
>no sources
so we have to make fake news to stay relevant now? Look up FOX Christmas Party
We bros now. :)
off yourself
Thanks for correcting the record!
The CIA said it themselves. I bet you distrust anyone but Breitbart. Soviet cuck.
Anyone who rooted for Hillary cannot make this argument
>Supporting Trump makes you pro Russia
Of course it does, you dumb faggot. This isn't even worth a debate.
Yeah and fuck you. I hope emus rape and eat your family.
>almost three million more votes than Trump
Wow, Russia did a shitty job. Not surprising.
>CIA (says)
My computer hacker specialists believe that possibly Hillary helped Trump win :^)
That report is only for upper-echelon human entities, not for the likes of you. Run along, small one, you have better things to do with your meager amount of alloted time in this continuum. *phases out*
>DO you even remember the Ukraine conflict?
Do you? People who gobble up Western propaganda like it's going out of style seem to have this belief that Russia just marched into Ukraine with thousands of troops and occupied it for no reason. Did you watch the news during the Maidan? Did you watch raw footage on the ground during the protests? Do you understand why fighting between police / protesters is completely different in different countries? Do you know how far away Donetsk is from Kiev and do you understand why someone in Donetsk might feel threatened seeing nazi (anti-Russian) flags in Kiev?
>I just don't want to die
People are misinformed about Russia's power.
They are not equals to the US.
The US is the only super power. At least for our lifetimes.
>Of course it does, you dumb faggot
Then what does supporting Hillary make you?
A lesbian I suppose.....or John McCain.
Anyway, the main thing is I'm very glad Trump won and you geeks will be put out to grass.
Karma is a bitch. USA is now banana republic, with presidents installed through world sole superpower (Russia) conspiracy.
Shitposters never die.
A shill for the rich.
Why don't they release anything?
Congress knew about it since September and Democrats claimed it was an important issue, yet took no action. They didn't even bother to inform the public anonymously or leak details through a whistle blower site.
> russia russia russia russia russia
Shut the fuck up.
All this shilling is way too obvious.
Because its literally fucking nothing. The only thing they have going was muh wee-key-leaks and the fact that anyone who writes articles against the leftist MSM is now russian
Just written to the BBC to complain about that article. They have been making a fuss about fake news all week and then they print this. Not one fact in it. It is regurgitated from the NYT, which was regurgitated from the Press Office of the WH, which was regurgitated from a Senator after eating the shit from a CIA press office adviser. There was less arse sucking in the centipede films.
What's the fucking point? Trump won because Hillary was a dogshit candidate. Thats it. Why do the Democrats want to temp Trump to fuck their shit up even more?
And lose the Supreme Court? Go kill yourself you faggot OP
>10 years of never publishing false information
>Please believe the CIA instead. Remember, they told us about Saddam's WMD's
>And don't trust those fake news cites. CNN never publishes fake news. Ignore the time they fell for the "Sam Hyde is the shooter" meme.
I hope the intelligence agencies and the Mainsteam Media undertsand the results of their decades long strategy of lying to the American Public. Now, the public doesn't know who to trust, and it's honestly not the public's fault.
this is MSM's retaliation for pizzagate
They arent tired of losing yet.
>le russian boogeyman meme
can't wait until trump is sworn in and we can get back to normal fucking geopolitics for once
maybe this style of reporting should be called centipepe news
He is not going to be president. They will kill him before that happens.
Fuckin retarded. Anyone with a triple digit IQ knows these guys just enjoy delicious, young pizza
There's such a thing as a lie of omission, friend. You can tell the truth while intentionally misleading the public. If I say a women killed her husband and chopped him into pieces, that sounds awful. If I say it was after she broke free from her bonds after being kept in a rape dungeon for 13 years, changes the story a bit, doesn't it?
>'... '
it's quite obvious pizzagate is making some in power shit their pants, more reason to keep pushing it
i've had libtards play this game on me irl where i win and they change the rules.
the democrat libtards are literally saying "if we trick people into thinking russia helped trump, then we have to win by default!"
this after they slandered you as buddy buddy with vlad all year long.
despicable that people value money and power and winning above all else. it's very apparent in our evolution and common behaviour.
I would advise to let it go for a while. Get it out of the news cycle and spend time making memes to shove in everyone's face on the 20th Jan.
Plus it is the festive season so it is a time to be greedy, eat and rink to excess and forget about the real world for a few weeks. It will be there in the New year when the hangovers have gone.
Such is the magic of Putin's call.
>You all speak perfect american English
thanks mane
The chain reaction of Trump being assassinated would be the undoing of the United States.
Democrat leadership, the MSM elites, and SJW protestors would be fair game in revenge killings. You'd literally see rightwing death squads roaming the streets.
I have to confess Australia interfered with the US elections. I personally made memes and posted them. I also cross posted information in support of Trump.
>Wall Street and their friends in very high places.
No, the real enemy is russia!
>Obama in UN: "Russia is regional power".
Only if he dies by a gun. He is 70 they can make him die peacefully in his sleep. Then any conspiracy will be called fake news. The narrative is already in play. If they want him dead, he is dead and no one will every know who did it.
Shut the fuck up you sell out. You are a tool of the globalists that want to start WW3 and destroy the west.
->the democratic party intervened to promote trump
->the MSM intervened to promote trump
->they claim Russia intervened to promote Trump
ergo, they got the tip from their bank accounts, all of them were in collusion with Russia
Or maybe Trump won because people in the US wanted something different and the city people just did not take into account the out of townees vote.
Their "support" to him was beneficial only to them. First it vilified a potentially dangerous president (reagan 2) of the US making sure he's never actually elected, through simple association, and second, it goes along with their propaganda of "traditionalist russia fighting the neo-liberal tyranny in the west".
They didn't expect he'd win. And I'm quite certain they don't like how things turned out.
A simple advice to westernfags dealing with russia in any way - just don't take their words at face value because you'll be deceived. KGB strategy dictates you manipulate by mixing lies and truth for your own purpose, not for the benefit of truth.
What was I paid. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely want the plague that you are to be destroyed, but I didn't get paid shit. Quite the opposite.
I can't even think of a punishment harsh enough for being a BBC journalist.
Fuck America and Americans. They deserve to be put into their place by Russia. Let Trump crash the economy and profit off it, it will be funny to see his supporters get rekt and the country become irrelevant.
You have absolutely no idea of what Russian government started doing once Trump got elected, have you?
You're adorable, little Eastern European non-state.
what did you loose/fined? What is the opposite of paid?
K...keep me posted.
Reddit is freaking out about it, pretty hilarious
Zhirinovski or whatever the name of that retard was popped a champagne bottle?
You are but a tool that will be destroyed if the globalists ever win. You are nothing to them.
My planet. My species. Almost all the megafauna native to my planet. Ultimately, my life.
>Dissolved: 1991
Us economy does not rely on who the president is. It makes no difference who and what the government do. The economy works for big business and very, very rich people moving funds around the world. Plus most of the stock trades and money trades are algorithm computer trades so even less human interactions than people think.