Question for all the religious people here: Do you actually go to church?
I see a lot of Christians here but I doubt they go to church. That shit boring as fuck.
Question for all the religious people here: Do you actually go to church?
I see a lot of Christians here but I doubt they go to church. That shit boring as fuck.
Yes, every Sunday.
>going to a building to feel in the presence of an omnipresent being
>For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
>Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Luke 17:21
How do you get through it? Think about hockey or something?
I listen to the sermon. I don't know what churches you are going to but all the ones I've been to the whole serves is an hour to an hour and a half at the very most.
What type of church have you gone to? Perhaps you would enjoy a different style more.
My parents raised me Catholic and I haven't been back since I moved out of the house
In general I'm just not afraid of dieing and don't really believe in the afterlife. I don't go to church because I'm not trying to impress some god.
>An hour to an hour and a half.
That's interesting. When I grew up in Ireland, Mass was little over half an hour. We used to avoid going to a Church where it would be almost an hour.
In Germany, on the other hand, Mass seems to take forever.
Watch it on TV.
I suggest Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, and Kenneth Copeland above all.
Copeland's prayers saved my life one time.
Yeah when I used to go to church it would take an hour sometimes more. I would have loved for it to have been half an hour.
In the deeply religious south I've heard of church being 2 even sometimes 3 hours. I couldn't imagine that! You would have to deeply deeply belive in god to spend 3 hours of your sunday in church.
wtf i love islam now
Are there serious religious europeons anymore? I imagine all of you as atheists
Christianity isn't about impressing God, you can't impress God that's what the Israelites tried to do in the old testament and they always fell short of the glory of God because of the fallibility of man. Christianity is about having faith in God.
Perhaps the type of service they have at Catholic churches isn't for you. They are what is known as "High Church" which basically means heavily structured and traditional. Lutheran and Anglican are similar but Protestant. Maybe you should try a "Low Church" (modern Music, less structure) and see if you enjoy that more. Baptists and Non-Denominations churches are Low Church and they are usually pretty conservative (which I'm assuming you are conservative if you post on Sup Forums). Presbyterian and Methodist are in between high and low church.
Unfortunately I'm atheist now and don't see myself going back. Church is just to boring for me to sit through and I'm not even sure if god is real.
>no mention of male genital mutilation
I wonder (((who))) came up with that pic
>implying i go to church to hear the priest talk about refugees again
Yeah fuck this
Its the reason i left church and stopped paying church tax
I still pray but at home alone
Those cucks arent true christians anymore
Pic related cuck cardinal #1 Woelki the faggot
The church are traitors to the people
Good points, one of the reasons I left the Catholic church (besides all the pedo shit) was b/c it was too liberal for me
Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Muslims don't know what they are doing. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. Islam is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America and Europe more like the Middle East.
Okay if politics is a big concern I can give you a bit of a breakdown of American denominations.
>Episcopalian Church: Basically as crazy left wing as you can get. Avoid them at all costs.
>Anglican Church in North America: The Conservative breakaway from the Episcopalian Church, much smaller and not super conservative but anything is more conservative compared to the Episcopalian Church
>Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA): Very left wing, almost as bad as the Episcopalian Church. Avoid at all costs.
>Lutheran Church Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS): Moderate. A lot of the time it comes down to the specific Church but they are generally in between.
>Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS): Very conservative. Pretty much the most conservative "High Church" denomination.
>Presbyterian Church (USA): Left wing, not as bad as ELCA or Episcopalians but still avoid them.
>Presbyterian Church in America (PCA): Conservative. They are pretty small however, only about 400k members.
>United Methodist Church: The vast majority of Methodists are apart of the UNC other than a few small black Methodist churches. Both Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush go to UNC churches so they vary quite a bit from church to church.
>The only liberal Baptists churches I know of are the black baptists churches, the regular ones are pretty much all varying degrees of conservative. Some baptists churches will be independent and others will be apart of
Conventions but it doesn't really matter a great deal.
>Pretty much the same as Baptists just with more confusing names. They tend to be very conservative.
One last note. There are this other denomination called Pentecostals. They tend to be very conservative however I would stay away from them they are pretty weird, basically their whole shtick is about speaking in tongues.
Church is for people with no purpose in life. They go to get validated.
I used to go to church until my church got a woman pastor that decided gays were okay and muslims should come "worship" with us.
I would become eastern orthodox but I am not russian/slav and I know I wouldn't fit in given how community oriented those churches are.
So now I guess I am non-denominational.
There are plenty of conservative protestant denominations.
Russian orthodox here. I go to church but usually only for holidays and not every Sunday. On big holidays church can last for hours and hours if you get there during the start, and it starts early in the morning hours a couple hours past midnight usually. Seriously, everyone complaining about church is a pussy
>Are there serious religious europeons anymore?
yes, mass is usually just old women and african immigrants though, but if you go to one of those bible groups you will find young (white) people
also these surfacey american bullshit churches keep growing apparently. Especially in the poorer parts of eastern yuro
My service is like 45 minutes, but I stay after for the coffee liturgy. Only thing is it's the only church I've been to that doesn't cut something when they add something, so if their is a children's play or something it came go over an hour .
We sing and stuff, only the annocements seem to drag on sometimes,
Not where I live. There are barely any churches that aren't catholic around here.