Have any memes come out of this yet?
Been gone for two days
Other urls found in this thread:
none whatsoever
white lives matter?
counter terrorists win
What happend? Link please
*teleports behind u*
pshh nothin personal kid
shut up Mohammed, get your fix watching ISIS videos
hey thats a good question, I remember there being a thread with 700 replies or so but my computer died. post memes pls.
now watch me whip
i cant stop making memes of this kid is 2 in the morning help me
>no one played this game but i think its good
>white kid gets bullied
>thinks he's gonna get jumped
>white kid brings knives
>dual wields those fuckers
>cops called
>white kid watched too much anime, ignores cop's instructions
>Be American, get shot
Last I heard he was still alive but in critical condition at the hospital.
also made this
>6million hrs in paint
Don't American cops carry tasers or sticks? Anything would be a good alternative rather than just shoot the poor kid
Hope the kid is alright kek
This one is pretty good desu
the cop was right, things could have turned dangerous quickly
pic related
>Top 10 Anime Final Battles
>Italian flag
What did he mean by this?
>that one took me 5mins and the other ones ive made took hours
>all of them suck but this one
>memes are hard
>No one took the knife attack serious and crowded, laughing at him
>No one panic'd till the cops shot him
Yes, very dangerous.
also made this one
>this meme is getting crazy
>> 1337
he probably likes some sort of inferior sport involving 11 closet homosexuals per side, rooting for one of the most boring teams in existence.
let him be known by his true name
Ezio Spergatorre, baptized by Sup Forums
he looks like an NPC
long live ezio 'pastaloni' spergatorre
Holy fuck underrated. My sides are in literal orbit
This is what I imagine 3/4 of you turds looking like.
nice pic
I don't know if all police forces carry tasers, but they should. I understand in certain situations tasers are useless, but they can save lives. Poor kid is so scrawny though I wouldn't be surprised if a taser killed him.
They used to but liberals don't like the idea of cops beating the shit outta people, especially with a stick.
Why they kill him? With a tasser or a shot to the knee would have been more than enough. The little fagget would have throw away the knives out of scare.
He's really fast.
But why is he holding the knives in this weird position?
He watched too much anime
hot oc
>a shot to the knee
>with a crowd of teenagers nearby
Oh yeah, they should have called in Han Solo and his buddy John Wayne so they could have just shot the knife out of the kid's hands. Where would America be without you, Spain?
i see you're still mad about 1970, 1982, 2006 and 2012, Bastian...
He got his privilege checked
This meme was never funny.
Even german police officers are told to shoot on the largest body part if anybody is in danger, so i wouldn't blame the police in this case.
If a black kid had been bullied to this point and flipped out and got shot. The media and BLM would be all over it like flies on shit
Anyone have a link to the original video? Preferably in the resolution that it was shot in.
>This meme was never funny.
user, pl-
Oh, australian flag.
What a shitty excuse. The police actually shot the guy and he didn't gave a fuck about the crowd. Also a shot to the legs at that distance is no problem for a supposed trained cop. Even you don't need to shot him, with 5 cops or even 3 you can reduce that skinny worthless faggot. Your police are just a bunch of cowards who likes to shot people too much.
>h..he's fast
>shot in the leg
what is anatomy for 500 alex
there are arteries in the arms and legs in case you don't know, those are very valid killshots my man
Nobody is in danger, the little faggot is just waving the blades like an autist.
>paco never used a gun
pobre matao lel
[ t r i g g e r e d ]
noice, saved
i've been waiting for this one
I bet you are the one who never used a gun. I served 3 years in the army and 4 in the military police, I actually had to shot my gun (based star ruby) to drug dealers in Ceuta. But that means shit, the spanish police would have deal with this in a very different way and the kid would still be alive.
stupid white space
>based PA
>nevre foget
>can shoot him the leg
>can shoot in the air to scare him
nah bruh,shoot him the neck
Who is this faggot, and why is he dead?
Although is there a fucking video ?
i don't give a flying fuck about soccer . yes SOCCER.
That's the forbidden stance.
What kind of kicks are those?
white autism shoes straight from /r9k/
there is at least on video
the guy is dead too ?
>off by one for quads
kek hates you
what is this pose?
Look like Don Roach
t. Ahmed
It's that stupid drake picture mixed with zyzz.
Under fucking rated !
Those cartoons with encounters with other people are funny.
Where did the emu touch you?