Antarctica thread continuation

Other urls found in this thread:,99.7192794,500m/data=!3m1!1e3

those werent seed cans you idiot, they were gas canisters they used to help you hallucinate.

Fuck your archons and other pseudo-occult childish shit.


There will be three basic shills then the one who argues back.
Read pic related.
Don't reply to shills.

You should stop asking questions. There are things beyond your comprehension.

Image related is a good definition of the true archons the outback aussie was referring to.



Ancient pre-iceage nazi decorated pyramids?

Antartica looks like a pretty comfy place to live, if it weren't for all the ice


All the liberals should move there and solve climatechange



it does not exist. there is no such place


Sorry New Zealand, you'll never be like your retarded brother known as Australia. Please don't shitpost.

Required watching for Antarctica threads

how did that astronaut get altitude sickness there recently?

Whats alexander skarsgÄrd doing there?


summoning Aussie user

I'm here.

Antartica does not exist there is only an ice ring around the earth

fake and gay. it would be a suicide mission, so far away from home at the brink of losing the war.

Can someone explain to me what the fuck this thread is? I see no coherency in any of these posts.

Is this what someone really believes? Really?

Thanks for always showing up alien-friend bro.

Did you see this?

Is that what the Archons look like?


>the annunaki
those are reptillians
>the archon.
no such group.
>All names for them.
most of those groups are all different
>The communication link is very strong when I'm stoned.
doubtful considering smoking weed calcifies your 3rd eye. youre being psyoped by somebody, and it sure as fuck isnt ET.


what facts or knowledge in the article differs from your knowledge?

I believe in God and I do not want to disappoint him by believing in false information. However, reading Mein Kampf myself and the Bible I got the feeling of energy and righteousness. Don't know what details to believe in, only that God will protect me

It's a fairy tale thread. Long time ago people used to believe in trolls and goblins, now they believe in nazis under the antarctica


Tall whites, Antarcticans, Annunaki, Thule, Archon, Nephilim, Watchers. All the same names for them, they are advanced humans and working with God.

They have a base underground Antarctica and they are good. They are nordic in appearance.

>he does not agree with me
>i don't bother to argue, i'm just going to post a pic of hitler instead
>now that will show him
this is why everyone thinks you're an idiot.

But I want to know what their fairy tale is.

What the fuck is this shit lol

did you find this intel in one of your fathers perry rhodan books?

>tails side has 1656 written on it, latin text and is a different metal
well maybe the answer is that they're two different coins

It's has a bit of truth about operation high jump, but most of it is hilariously bad fiction. Ignore it.

are literally reptillians
no such group
catch all term used by the (((bible))) could just as easily describe multiple groups

its gotten a lot less coherent as the night has gone on; gist of it is that the south pole in antartica more or less doesn't exist as such, but is instead an opening into the hollow earth

doesn't really seem like the thread has been a ton of New Swabia antarctica-nazi shit

throw in atlantis/lemuria shit and ayylmaos and you've got this

imo this will get you up to speed, pretty dense and tinfoily tho

and for the last time hail eris+hail discordia

This. I've been asleep what are you fucks up to?

3 this one is still learning

Could you post a reading list for those who want to see in these times where disinformation is rampant?

Ancient Aryan Ayyys live under Antarctica and have recently destroyed the Illuminati Cabal's spaceships trying to leave the Earth for the outer solar system.

Pic related the triangle ships are based as fuck nazis. And the tear drop ships are kikes.

anyone got the coords for google earth to find all this cool shit?

the universe is tryin to tell me the seekrets of the snow but the shills are stealing the head beams.

This thread belongs on /x/

This is a very interesting coin, it certainly looks like the stereotypical alien

I did some astral projecting a few years ago, and during one of my journies I discovered old gods frozen in ice, and the premise was they would be awakening soon.
This is probably it.

fuck off you spastic cunt, the alphabet soup agencies are not allowed to shill on this thread

Enoch was a prophet contacted by them. He gave commandments to his sons. Those commandments are the true commandments of God.

The Book of Enoch 2. From chapter 47 onwards.

For example from chapter 50, verse 14 of Enoch Book 2:
>"Cursed is he who speaks peace with his tongue, while in his heart there is no peace but a sword. "

Here's an interesting structure,99.7192794,500m/data=!3m1!1e3

has anyone searched for ground penetrating radar (gpr) images of antarctica?
i've seen shit. that pyramid, i know they ran the gpr on it. we know something about what's under that first layer of rock.

anyones autism still charged up or is this all me?

Alright guys keep me posted!

look, i'm always open for a good conspiracy theory, but if it's defenders are bullet proof like paper, there's no need to further discuss it. what you are doing is encouraging circle jerking.

This is the location of the Aryan Ayyyytarctican base.

>you never did take a picture of your work station
>you never let me know if your pizza luch was yummy or not
How was your first day at work hun?

Your pic is Reddit in a nutshell, r/politics especially.

seeanswer pls

You're both wrong.
We're actually living inside a hollow earth. The sky is made of glass, and inside is just a tiny celestial diorama and lightbulb.

for more info, see videos by this guy:

For real though, it's bullshit. He's getting suprisingly good at special effects and video editing though.

You faggots are talking about ayylmaos, but I'm the spastic cunt.

Sure thing. Enjoy your retarded thread.

why is it every month you retards find new /x/ shit to spam the board with

It's not ayyy lmaos it's humans.

What happens if you climb over the ice?

god i love this thread
never change
ayyyy lmao

You niggers need to read anything by rand and rose flem ath.

An Charles hapgood.

It's long been theorised that Antarctica was in a different location. The crust of the Earth slipped.

It's atlantis.

There are germans living there, actual germans not russian, mongol rape babies like goetze

ayys are real and theyve been interacting with earth since forever. but these morons are confusing human UFO vs (((human))) UFO engagements as being ayys, when they arent. the ayy blockade isnt close enough to earth for any of you pick up signs of activity from them.


This. It's human factions and human spaceships.

Hell, even Russia had a spherical spaceship with anti-gravity they used to observe and laugh as the Cabal got blown to smithereens by the Whites.

oh google

cabal has been getting BTFO hard for months now 2bh

Yo yo yo guys the triangle UFO just flew overhead again.

warming up


Heard jet engine with an additional whine noise when I was sitting outside just before having a smoke.

Looked up, like 5km up going along at like 300km/h forwards for ages into the night. I looked at it from behind with my binoculars saw this. Straight up drawn from memory like 10 minutes ago this happened.


what did the Russians find in Lake Vostok?

the elite cabal are scared,
they are afraid, they do not want to be culled by the great Don

Bitches better be

Why is there an Antarctica thread?

send em my way will ya? tell em to make some noise becacuse the trees are blockin the view

they're welcome to land on the water, would look cool.

just listen for the sound of a jet then look to the skies, that's always been the case the 4x i seen the triangle

wait so is Antarctica real?

Are you in NSW?

even the manmade ones dont make jet engine sounds 2bh pham ur larp game need work

it was a ruse
the lake was supposedly sealed, so any bacteria/organisms they tested were supposed to be seperated from the rest of the world by being locked in a ice lake.

but there was a hole and the organisms had been evolving with the rest of the world.

if i recall, the organisms were not good at recharging from passive power sources. not like bugs.

ever hear jets but don't see them?

also have you noticed recently the jets flying over when throttling back, making odd noises that sound sort of echo-y in noise? i can't really describe it

Oh yeah the 3rd time I seen the triangle it had a propeller plane sound. I ignored the sound, because I thought "just piece of shit normal plane". Then it flew past my FOV where I was sitting outside, like 50m or so away, but then 100m up into the night sky if you get my meaning, and it was the triangle aircraft making the propeller sound lmao.

very odd indeed

i bet they store some global warming machine there

I think it might be camoflage. Where I live planes fly over ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

And so people in their houses won't give a fuck about a normal sounding prop plane or jet that's flying high up.

The first encounter though was VERY noisy, it flew under 50m and so the sound of a jet that close to my house as it flew over my house. Made me RUN like fuck out my house to see what the fuck it was. Then I saw pic

this is getting hot

none of them make sound. not even the manmade ones. only thing youd hear would be low mechanical grinding which would be inaudible unless they were circling you at close range.