What can we do to prevent the systematic racism, xenophobia, and bigotry against Australians on Sup Forums? We are a nationality of peace.
What can we do to prevent the systematic racism, xenophobia, and bigotry against Australians on Sup Forums...
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you sound like a lefty
just deal with it pussy
I, too, am deeply concerned by the highly provocative and entirely false narrative promoted on racist websites like this one about Australian posters.
We are a high quality people and our posts are thoughtful, considered and, accordingly, of the utmost quality. Anyone that says otherwise simply doesn't have a proper sense of humor and 'can't handle banter'. If people could just understand this, things would improve between our people and theirs.
Ban Australians and put them on a giant safe space island.
fuck up nigger
yeah the boys
Deal with it cunts
Typical self-hating Aussie.
every nation gets bullied on pol
fuck off
someone gut that black cock-posting limey
nice ID
Some nations deserve to be bullied, I'll admit that. Romania, obviously, has a bit of criticism coming. But Australia? We are a beautiful people with a rich, fascinating culture.
It is a terrible thing to witness anti-antipodeanism in 2016.
Harden the fuck up you soft cunt.
Bury your emotions behind your God-given mad bantz, mate. Racism isn't worth shit when you're winning the race.
Can't handle the banter? Are you sure you're Australian?
In this climate of innate mistrust of others and global trend towards international isolationism I also fear Australian intentions are being misrepresented here. We have a long history of acceptance and inclusion towards other views and cultures. Within this framework I believe it is important to remind all of our diplomatic neighbors to kindly fuck as we truly are full.
stop posting
>be australian
>walk outside
>beaten to death by angry tradies on ice
That guy has two black eyes, a probably broken nose and dozens of stiches in his forehead. Did he get 'one punched' by an Astartes assault terminator?
dumb australians still don't understand gravity.
if you KO someone they wont just float away, their head will slam against the floor.
this is why so many poor, young, misunderstood aussies end up killing someone with one punch and throw away the next 3 years of their life in jail.
If I KO you, you'd float away.
But it's a technique I've been mastering for years.
>$80,000 Chrysler yeah ok
yea nah ill bash ya cunt
Everything here is more expensive than anywhere else. Base model bmw's start at $40k
When you win a war against Emus people will stop hating on you.
This is meta-shitposting. Well played, good to see we're still leading the way on this board.
Let the butthurt spread like your vegemite on toast.