Does anyone else feel weird?
All these strange news articles and reports are leading to something big, but I don't know what.
We seem to be in the weird calm before a storm.
I'm uneasy Sup Forums...
Does anyone else feel weird?
All these strange news articles and reports are leading to something big, but I don't know what.
We seem to be in the weird calm before a storm.
I'm uneasy Sup Forums...
false flag "terrorist" nuke in germany soon
B worried,
As the goyim know, they get shut off.
When drumpf got elected our time line changed.
Thats why shit feels...weird
i don't care anymore. I don't like anyone. I don't have hope for anyone. There is no joy for anyone
There is the slow erosion of degeneracy as the mud bloods fight over the rubble and desert. Trees will die, oceans will die, grass will die, people will die, babies will die.
Over the next month you are going to see some historical shit. We live in very interesting times, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Somebody get this hothead out here.
Most movements have been milked dry, race war in Europe still holds some fun potential. I can't wait for muslims and europeans to die :).
Nah, everything will be fine.
Is that dog going to rape that girl?
naw you're just a ctr poster you did this same tactic during election week and anytime trump said anything you didnt like
so i say this to you
an hero faggot no one will miss you
whats with white people and bestiality, i swear you are a bunch of closet furries, please be normal and don't say weird shit.
this pls
Hey, let's a hope a race war starts and America will implode. Nothing of value will be lost here
Fuck off faggot
Woof. You love it.
>ahmed mustafastan is white
Well it seemed like what they were aiming for was to steal Wisconsin, Michigan, or PA to make Trump's ev margin slim enough that dems could put pressure on a few electors to get Hillary made president anyway, but the recount effort seems to have failed. Getting 38 electors to switch from Trump to Hillary is a lot harder than getting 10-15 to switch.
I don't think the Hamilton play and its universal msm praise was a coincidence. Dem strategists have set up contingency after contingency for years preparing to force Hillary in one way or the other.
The Hamilton play set up the idea in the collective unconscious of the populace that electors could switch their votes and that would be ok. And the few that have announced their decision to change their votes even call themselves the Hamilton electors. And if the electoral vote count had been close they would definitely have stolen it from Trump or whoever the Republican candidate was.
So Trump didn't just have to win, he had to win super big league, to beat all the election and vote fraud and illegal immigrants voting, and also to have a wide enough ev margin that the Hamilton play couldn't steal it from him.
It really has to be God's will that Trump won the way he did. If God's hand wasn't in this, then the Dems would have succeeded in stealing the election. They are still trying though and who knows what the final card up their sleeve is.
My first thought on OP was also "Ah a fun bestiality thread again!".
I´ve also studied beastiology so I´m quite knowledgable in this erotic aspect of life and I say that OP wanted to start a beastility thread but wanted to be too obvious. Being aussie and all.
We've entered the Messianic end-times and the world as we know it will not exist in several years.
Call me a pessimistic jaded faggot all you want, but the inevitable outcome is always the same.
Will ayy lmao use their advanced technology to make my waifu real?
Could you not?
No touch doggo
>make Trump's ev margin slim enough that dems could put pressure on a few electors to get Hillary made president anyway
Lord, no.
Google "Hamilton Electors".
Even Jill Stein knew all along her millions might, at best, put a mainstream Republican in charge.
>b-but, muh ctr!
No, dumbass. Everybody's scrambling to keep Trump out, even though they know they can't put Hillary in.
Being white and being into beastility is tied together.
If you never were interested even a tiny teeny bit about beastility then you´re simply not white.
I´d trace my lineage in such a case, pretty sure it got shitskin DNA into it, not too long ago.
Just to correct the record and clarifiy:
"Good" beastility is with other predator races like canines and felines (the big ones, like mountain lions).
The bad beastility is the shitskin version, shagging goats and such.
There really should be two seperate words for this....
He does have a point, just look at the furry % on whites vs other races.
We're going to restart from zero until we get this right m'kay? :)
I have felt it for a while now. almost as if everything is on the precipice.
Then Pepe made national news across the world. That was when I knew our shitposting was striking a nerve. Then we found out about spirit cooking and comet ping pong. At first I thought (moreover hoped) that this was all baseless conjecture. Now it's all over the news. The Msm is using this as the poster child for their fake news narrative, which seemed at first to be a last desperate attempt at relevancy by a distrusted medium in it's death throes. But they have made no attempt to directly disprove anything Pizzagate discovered. Their coverage of the topic is entirely based on slander. In my mind that solidified it's legitimacy.
Add to this the bill that was just passed giving those in power the ability to "counter propaganda" these perceived sources of "fake news" and you begin to see something far more sinister.
They tried to use a recount to steal the presidency from Trump, that only served to find him more votes, now they are pushing the russia haxxors meme as hard as they can. I truly believe they will try something far more serious to steal the presidency. At this point I put nothing behind our traitorous pedophilic elites. I fully believe we are living in the end times. I only hope something big happens soon before I choose to take my own life. This world is not one i wish to live in or be a part of at present. The sooner we can begin to actually fight back against it, the better.
Stay safe Anons, may kek guide us in these dark times
>made me laugh
The recount is not over yet.
The electoral vote hasn't happened yet.
You're not out of the fire.
Well my posts were neither bait not intentfully wrong.
It is really just the conclusion I´ve came to for myself.
And yeah I really "studied" beastiality because I got curious about it, why people do it, who these people are and what sort of etc.
Re-rolling for this
Oh you guys. Stop being so edgy. If you really didn't care at all you would've killed yourselves already, yet here you are posting on pol.
>whats with white people and bestiality
our women have too much power, so we let our dogs lick our balls because they wont (cant) say no.
many such cases. sad
I gotchu senpai
Thanks aquafresh. You did good.
The jews believe in the tolmud and the tolmud demands dead goys. maybe we're next?
Furrie race war starting with a nuke confirmed.
I don't understand the reaction the pizzagate shit is getting from the media.
Usually when a conspiracy theory comes up, it is simply ignored and thus loses its validity from simply running out of evidence or not reaching the people it needs to.
By not only publicly denying it, but denying it without evidence, I don't know what the intent of those involved is. Are they trying to spread focus onto it? Is it true and they're doing their best to have a backup plan in case shit gets leaked?
But it seems like ever since the election the quality of Sup Forums has just declined.
>I'm uneasy Sup Forums...
See a doctor
>implying you wouldnt
>I work for Australian intelligence (ASIO). Word on the street is that Trump won't be President because of Russian interference.
See multiple CIA says Russia manipulated the electron threads.
>Expect a happening soon. The pizzagate fake news caused a stir and they need something big to stop the publics attention. Could be something big. Freind of FBIanon here.
>not wanting delicious kitty-cunny
Shit taste desu
Kek already said there would be a dirty bomb in Paris on the 17th
>See multiple CIA says Russia manipulated the electron threads.
and their proof? or are we just going on words
>micro penis detected
keep drugging yourself with gudron from cigs .
90% of the cigs out there are shit, now vaping is of course not clean or something but it is probably better than most cigs, it also depends on the liq you put in the e-cig , that's why i said most.
cigars are obviously the best choice but they are pretty expensive.(assuming you want the real shit)
>not wanting to give your feline waifu biggest orgasms
The point is the CIA is helping manipulate things against Trump. Whether they are lying or not is secondary.
Substances are for degenerates
was literally just ranting to my partner about how strange the media is lately. stories that dont go anywhere or have any meaning. things going unreported. odd.
War with Russia is kind of inevitable at this point. the MSM and a majority of the government are kind of begging for it, for some sick, fucked up reason.
If Pizzagate is truly exposed however - then global economic collapse and an major identity crisis for many wageslaves throughout the world.
Yeah I known exactly what you mean. They were putting a ton of effort into denying it even before the false flag.
And then this shit comes out yesterday.
What the fuck
the same pattern repeating so often i feel like im going insane that nobody seems to notice it.
its like one of those terribly directed "psychological" no budget films where some guy is going insane in a hotel room.
- unfortunately its my life.
Massive orchestrated terrorist attacks all over Europe. Marshall law imminent. Screencap it.
I know exactly what you mean. The evidence is all so simple. It all lines up
But no one will listen. And its driving me nuts.
I didn't believe the pizza gate stuff but if you follow the MSM the next step is so obvious:
>those above us accused of CP (Pizzagate)
>pizza gate denial
>Russians have been able to hack us (but no evidence)
>Russians used to plant child porn on peoples computers
Whos computer will it be found on?
>The evidence is all so simple. It all lines up
what evidence? you mean inforgraphics posted on Sup Forums?
are you ok? do you have braindamage?
No, ignoring all that shit. I'm talking about their reactions to it.
I think pizza gate is a complete hit and miss but there's something else they're covering up. Why are they reacting so strangely?
Weaponise your autism for us Hans
>t. Deutschecuck posting pony pussy not even 10 posts ago
>An entire board of mentally unstable aspie NEETs feel like the world is on edge
really makes you think
And I'm one of them. Just try having a little self awareness
>Get raided for kiddie porn
>Oh shit, I've gotta think up an excuse quick!
>T-the Russians did it!
All I see is a website insisting most electors in the country will just ignore the entire election and pick whoever they'd like.
Yeah. When the whole pizzagate scandal gets exposed its going to change politics and the world forever. It's gonna be YUGEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
most articles are made brainwashing in mind
they accuse thruth as the fake news, when in reality they try to hinge on in the little power they still have
never take anything msm says as nothing more than attempt to stray your mind away from seeing the world for what it truly is
tell others to do the same if possible
> Obama issues executive order to legalize child porn on his last day of office
They're gonna take him down then try to take down Chocolate prez he will be wounded and martial law will begin.
Death Camps and Loyalty tests will be forced. Survivalists will be hunted like animals by the tip of the military industrial spear.
Liars//Cheaters//Lucky//Brainwashed will be saved as the mass death beings.
That is not an appropriate way to touch a baby shegook RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
please let it be in Berlin
We had this fucking meme last year when it was new years you stupid fuck
piss off republitard
Guess that explains coal burners.
I think it's the death of the old "World Shadow Government". The WSG works in secret, but the internet and cameras make it almost impossible for any secrets to be kept anymore. Soon, there will no secrets anywhere.
If they kill the internet we all go back to the stone ages, but any government that keeps the internet surges ahead and eventually wins. They're fucked and they know it.
What you're feeling is their last "Hail Satan" pass to regain some control. Probably another massive false flag like 9/11. It will backfire terribly because people like ME will but THIS SIGN (see pic) in our front yards an hour after it happens.
My bet is on a (real) nuclear bomb, in Chicago, in early January. Screenshot me bitches.
Yep. Feels like a calm before the storm.
i broke through last night. Never been happier.
>in germany
nothing of value will be lost
>responds to streetbutt
I laughed.
>We seem to be in the weird calm before a storm.
We are.
Crisis that only happens one in a century is coming, prepare yourself.
We are often given dogs at a young age.
I hope it'll wait until 2018.
By then i'll be in Japon and probably far from any death camps for europeans.
what if they is ghosts n shit
Europe will have death camps again for Muslims/Arabs/Berbers/Refugees
Lots of killing, torture (and I don't mean tickle torture) and experimenting without anaesthesia probably in the name of medicine, so I'all be off to Japan folks!
PS: No worries Japanese, I'm Dutch and white
>made it through the Hamilton conspiracy
>got to God did this
>fucking dropped
God didn't do this idiot. The people did. Fucking Christ fag.
Things feel weird, not only because Trump got elected, but also because he's putting people into positions of power they shouldn't be in.
He said from the start he wanted to shut down the EPA, and what better way to do that than to put a big time fossil fuel lobbyist in charge. To make a quote..."That's like putting an arsonist in charge of putting out fires.".
The only thing that can potentially stop Trump now, is if the Electoral College decides they're going to withhold or switch their votes to someone else. He meets all the criteria for them to do so.
If they decide to switch their votes, hopefully it won't be to Clinton.
Well at first...
>We seem to be in the weird calm before a storm.
It can be unsettling.
Don't kys dude. Just imagine that if you're willing to kys you might as well live each day with abandon. I did that for a while myself and life became pure grit and passion. It completely changed my perspective. Be wild. Live long and prosper, MAGA brother. It's our time now.