Russia vs United States

Lets settle this Sup Forums, which one is better ?

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Russia since it has better anti degeneracy laws whereas, the JEWSA enables degeneracy.

Best economy in the world fajit

p sure that's the EU

Russia in a far worse economic crisis than America currently

How is this even a contest? Russia is a third world country outside of Moscow. Russia's economy is third world level, based solely on raw resources. They have no science, no production, no innovation. Russia's military is pathetic.

USA is more degenerate with all the faggotry and SJWness, but Trump and Mike "Act like a bitch and I pull the switch" Pence will correct this. Nonetheless, I don't want to live in a third world dictatorship like Russia.

what did Kek mean by this

>never been in third world and seen maybe 1% of russia
>generalizes about a country that's 1.5 times bigger than his entire "continent"
Keep ruining Europe and this time we will genocide you for real Hans.


Fuck this

I like my degeneracy and still think the Jews need to get nuked.

Let's be friends with Russia. Between our two countries who would ever step out of line again.

>comparing 1 country to a group of countries

Whewww lad

>They have no science

The EU sucks you dumb shill.
USA is better, no other country can compete with the US.

Both countries so big an powerfull that you cant compare them. There's too big diffirence in another parts of each country.
For example Commiefornia is literally IRL /reddit/ numales, while Rocky Mountains states are bretty much redpilled and have a lot of military.

Same about Russia - there's parts with 90% islamic population in Dagestan and Chechnya, and at the same time Siberia with permafrost and military factories.

A lot of shit and a lot of beauty in both countries.

But we know for sure that spaghetti niggers are worse than both USA and Russia.

The USA is the better place to live in a lot of ways. You have more personal freedoms and you definitley make much more money in the USA (though cost of living is higher at the same time). Russia is definitely no paradise. With the US government being in a not-so-covert alliance with al-Qaeda in Syria though, Russia definitely looks like the good guy right now by comparison.

Both are kike proxies.

This, you are right about, my Russian friend.

thanks for that pic, i've been lookiing for that vid for a while now i finally found it thanks to reverse image search

Currently life is a game of Civ 5. We have Russia and China surrounded, Europe's shooting for a cultural victory, and Islam won't stop spamming prophets

Ask any Russian where he would like to live.



Depends, if you only care about the economy, geopolitical influence, military power, etc. U.S.A. by a mile.

If you care about the cultural and moral health of a nation, Russia has us beat.

Those two things are why the U.S. is in an irreversible downward spiral. Hopefully the Russians can get their shit together before the U.S. actually falls apart.

the US vs Germany would be thing, huh?


Russia has one of this highest abortion rates in the world, in some regions over 80% of pregnancies are aborted

They are the only country in the world where per capita AIDS infection rate is increasing instead of decreasing due to rampant drug abuse and shitty state run medical system

Crime rate is almost as bad as Africa or Latin America

Entire country is literally run by former KGB and mafia

Their orthodox patriarch Kirill is literally a former KGB agent

Moscow = Muslim capitol of Europe

Russia has more Muslims than France, Germany, UK, Sweden combined

Regional govts are all run by corrupt mafia

Most of the top 20 richest oligarchs are Jews or Muslims

Thousands of Russian women emigrate to become whores in places like Israel

Russian military infected with fucked up culture that involves assraping new conscripts and blackmailing them into sex slavery

Putin and his cronies from KGB and St. Petersburg mafia steal hundreds of billions of dollars from state run corporations like Gazprom every year which they offshore and invest in Western real estate and stock market (especially in London)


t. Americuck

pretty much this

Yeah soviet science which was adopted from getman science, as was ours. The difference is the USA is still capable of pushing into space, where as Russia is stuck making the same flight to the ISS, which in reality does nothing. It was a good experiment at the time but it doesnt have much more use.

also this


the difference is, Russia condemns this, while USA promotes it

USA is sodom and gommorah

Russia is a better place to be white in this day and age.

Hopefully we can turn things around in the USA. If not, we might as well fold this entire country. If we leave it to the niggers and minorities, everything we have ever fought for was for nothing.


In 99% of all standards America is better
In that 1% Russia is better because if you decide to say fuck it and go innawoods you an do so and live the rest of your life out there
If you do that in 'Murrica the moment the government finds out about you you get jailed and fines for tax evasion

In 99% of all standards America is better
In that 1% Russia is better because if you decide to say fuck it and go innawoods you an do so and live the rest of your life out there
If you do that in 'Murrica the moment the government finds out about you you get jailed and fines for tax evasion
>Anti-degeneracy laws
Nice meme, made me kek


>outside of Moscow
Moscow is a third world shithole as well
There is literally not a single city in Russia that isn't third world

LMAO tfw when an American criticises another country's jewry, your federal reserve and political oligarchy is literally the ideal Jew arch type of power throughout the world for Israel and you continue to support Israel through funds, supplies and military aid.

On the other hand, you have Russia where Jews have been prosecuted for centuries, most recently about 20 years ago under the USSR and Stalin's era.

Tell me, which one is more heavily influenced by Judaism burger

Why not just fucking nuke this Britain this time?

Russia has never come out of economic crisis trouhg its history, it seems. I could critisize my country more here, but am afraid of going to jail for that by the new Russian laws.

I spend about a week bitching on pol about this and other things. Non stop. Nobody gives a fuck, comrade.

Those laws are there to remove problem. An user bitching about something isn't a probliem, he's a data point.

>Implying Russia isn't a giant undeveloped shithole

Both are shit but have different kind of texture.

Thank you based ruski for that

russia is the ultimate degeneracy
>high opioid usage
>high hiv/aids prevalence
>high alcoholism
>low living standard
>low life expectancy
>high abortion rate

why has australiaposting gone to shit so much