Armored Skeptic BTFOs BlackPidgeonSpeaks on Porn
Armored Skeptic BTFOs BlackPidgeonSpeaks on Porn
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These response channels using cartoons are getting gay.
Armored Skeptic
Is a cucked faggot who only appeals to 12year olds with his little cartoon.
Why would anyone give a shit about him?
They tackle it from a wrong side. Porn isn't bad because it makes women shave their bushes, it's bad because it's immoral.
>But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Matthew 5:28
There is no argument for watching porn other than 'muh dick'. Prove me wrong.
yes he did. so?
there is no argument for breathing other then "muh air". Prove me wrong.
>virging talking about porn
Oh gee!
>b-but im an atheist! Christian morality doesnt matter to me!
>smuggo youtube skeptics
filth, bilge, cunt run-off
What's a good argument against porn other than "muh holy book"
>le degenerate athiest man
reddit pls go
its jewish subversion to destroy western civilization
I said an argument. Prove the Jews are destroying western civilization.
listen to the audio on this video
His entire comment section seems to be filled with anime posters trying to justify their addiction to porn.
People seem to have a very hard time coming around to the idea that porn very bad on your pysche.
Enjoy your virtual women while I take your shekels
>having biological functions is a sin
This is why religion is retarded
He fucks that Youtube chick tho, I'll give him that.
Some faggot with elementary tier animation smugly attempting to defend his degeneracy and addiction to jewish subversion
This guy was the biggest faggot I've heard talking so far this week.
Murder is also a biological function, fuckwit. What separates man from animal is temperance
who of them leaves youtube after the breakup
bets are on
The negative feedback on BPS video comes from porn addicts who are trying to rationalize their behaviour
porn promotes early sex and promiscuity
promiscuity destroyes civilisation by corrupting women, who become
1. whores riding the cock carousel, who will later likely divorce their husbands and ruin families and fathers
2. crazy man-hating dykes feminazis
3. carreer chasing penis envious man-wannabes, who will not give birth to children up until their hit the wall and it's already too late
Yeah i jack off to anime girls 3 + times a day. It feels good I lose no money to it.
Le science gentleman!
If you're in highschool, i'm willing to put down money you have less than three friends, and you are bullied regularly. If you're an adult I'm willing to be you're a virgin.
If you're the thin kind of loser, why don't you start wearing some panties for me sweetie? You'll never be a man, and you'll attract nothing but failure and ass-kickings in life, but i'm willing to help you become a queen of sissies. I think it would really help your psyche to surrender the aspects of you that have failed and made you a bitter, shitty person. Let it go. Take a shower and carefully shave off your body hair, slip on a cute pair of panties and hose, lube your fingers up, and slide them inside your hole while watching some of the cuckold shitposts on this board.
Im an adult. Virginity is a virtue so thats no insult.
Y-You'd really dress me up and make me a cute g-girl?
I kind of already wear girls clothing sometimes. Im thin >__
In case people here are unaware: Slovenians have a stereotype here on Balkan that depicts all of them as flamboyant sissy gays.
wtf Semyon?
This post only proves that you are worse fuck up than him.
mfw nobody will ever talk dirty like this to me.
Be my friend please Canada. I-I wont call you a Leaf.
>Murder is a biological function
What kinda mental gymnastics are you performing there pal, your body doesn't just naturally going around shivving anyone you see without a second thought. Whereas you can have wet dreams and make yourself jizz, they're hardly fucking comparable, but nah Masturbation = Murder.
You rekt that dumb faggot lol. And nofap is supposed to open your mind and make you smart, these people are just armchair crusaders telling people not to jack off on a chinese basket weaving anime forum
Having a wet dream isn't comparable to masturbation, though.
And murder is only a biological function insofar if a person decides to act out their hatred against someone else. By engaging in masturbation, you're acting out in lust.
Don't mind the fact that he presented a neurological science study made on porn.
>But muh moderation
People are not addicted to it for no reason. Its addictive, encouraging addictive behaviours are fucking retarded.
It's hard to take these 2 seriously since the day both shilled for that candid app
Adultery = cheating in marriage.
The scripture is about if you're married, and you look on a woman to lust after her - then you by logic commit the sin of adultery.
i really cant stand any of these nerds who make these shitty youtube videos debating each other online
then they try to convince their subscribers that they are some how these brilliant lost souls on the cyberspace
seriously fuckoff you low test nerds, nobody gives a fuck about the degredation of society
So fucking around is not adultery as long as you aren't married? Kill yourself faggot.
Having an emotionally unstable girlfriend who is good looking is neither hard to obtain or worth it. I am stuck in a relationship I don't want to be in and get threatened with suicide attempts whenever I try to break it all up.
I can see from the outset that neither of them are likely to be having fun in their relationship given how she is self admittedly crazy. I mean shit the bitch has an obsession pulling out her own hair.
Listen, polak. I don't need more reasons to hate your kind.
Adultery = cheating on your wife.
Fornication = sex before marriage.
1 Corinthians 6:18 "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."
Who the fuck cares? Armored skeptic is a huge faggot. Sage.
Porn's immorality is self evident
Not that I agree with BLS on this, but Skeptic so far has used ad homs, and false equivalency, and personal anecdotes to try and counter. Also, the humble brag about his gf is a little cringey.
The real REDPILL on porn
sources on the claim that June is crazy? They look like they're having fun.
Ever heard her in a live stream, she is an emotional mess. Also she is a condition called trichotillomania. Look it up.