Show me your war face
>Tfw we would win race war
Show me your war face
>Tfw we would win race war
>your war face
>>tfw we would win race war
You're getting too happy over nothing. Right now europe is getting fucked by jamal and muhammed and practically no one is rebeling, all whities are good goys who don't want war and bloodshed.
Sounds like your problem m8, where I live, just about everyone is openly racist.
Time to fuck their shit up.
>that flag
>getting white again
Man I don't wanna crush your dreams, but you're more fucked than most of Europe (excluding Sweden, Germany and France).
There's almost 250,000,000 white people in the US. That's more than the entire populations of Germany, UK, and France put together.
But theyre only 60% and the average white person is 45 years old.
10000 Volt electrodes to cure faggots
Nice try m8, it's 72% by recent reports. The next highest is blacks at 12.61%. Canada is only 75% yourself and your population is smaller than California's.
Nah, like 30-40% White people
that's visually really clever.
not shalom for the white pride
They will back