>scam $7M from desperate liberals
>completely get away with it
How did she do it? Why?
Scam $7M from desperate liberals
Some people just want to see the world burn
>That's right, I'm female AND a Hillary supporter, I can't be ever wrong you just didn't try hard enough
On the plus side Stein has got voter ID forced in to US elections. Oops. Haha.
No refunds.That gives me an idea. I've got to get me a donation campaign.
She's jewish you know.
The thing about the Left - and those on the losing side, anyway, it's not strictly the left - is that they're desperate. This was a catastrophic defeat for them. They want to feel like they're 'doing something' (i.e. virtue-signalling).
Hence, throwing Daddy's money at the problem.
>voter ID
I didn't hear about this
Elaborate or at least a source?
The crazy plany lady only wants money for herself
((Jill $tein))
Due to the inconsistencies found during the recount in Michigan, they are introducing a voter ID law in Michigan now
Trumpcucks spent their money on spiffy red hats so that Trump could haul Goldman Sachs into positions of power :^)
>asking why
Thanks man, appreciate it
At least they receveid the hats.
Hats are SO MUCH better than draining the swamp! Yay :^)
Muh concern trolling.
Best thing about the left is that they never realise they get ripped off. It's the same with all those crybabies donating their life savings to Bernie.
>Reading all those posts on r/sandersforpresident about how they donated their rent money
It's in her blood
Exactly. No wonder they have a hard time living if they have to rely on social welfare to stay alive, it's a counterproductive way of living life.